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Enhancing Student and Staff Mobility

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1 Enhancing Student and Staff Mobility
Andrea Nollent Sheffield Hallam University

2 Mobility Project: Aims
All students will have the opportunity to undertake a study or work placement abroad 100% increase in inward and outward student mobility over 3 year project All staff encouraged and supported to participate in teaching, research or other work in partner institutions abroad 100% increase in the number of staff participating in exchange activity over 3 year project

3 Project Rationale- Why?
Competitiveness of university- securing student numbers and attracting students from diverse backgrounds 2007 Mobility Project survey of 1800 first year undergraduate students found that 45% of students would like to be mobile Enhanced employability of students who have experienced mobility Skills development and contribution to the national economy

4 Why? (continued) Partnership development - facilitating collaboration in research and teaching thus enhancing competitiveness Widening participation - encouraging students from non-traditional backgrounds to become mobile Enhancing the home learning environment for non-mobile students through working with incoming exchange students and returning home students

5 Why? (continued) Enhancing the learning experience of international students using returning home students guides and informing policy Development of Virtual Mobility integrated into the curriculum for all students Development of mobility with overseas charities and NGO's

6 How? Institutional approval and support essential
Strategy - project planning methodology and discipline required to drive project Staff engagement - critical to deliver curriculum change and to engage students

7 Finding the right partners
Ask students! (Mobility Project questionnaire of 1800 first year undergraduate students) Popular destinations: US/Canada Europe also popular where delivery is in English Growing demand for work placement Wide range of study period preferences from 1 year to 1 month Use established partners from across disciplines

8 Support and Infrastructure
Curriculum design/redesign to accommodate mobility Financial incentives (Erasmus/University travel scholarships/loans/sponsorship from employers) Dedicated administrative student support from pre-departure to return and beyond

9 Seizing opportunities
Mobility opportunities become integrated into course design Opportunities are incorporated into all Open Day activities Staff, returning students (and where possible employers) promote opportunities

10 "… there were lots of difficulties, but in hind sight you look back and think, "I did it!" and nothing will really faze me again." Student returning from exchange programme in France 2007

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