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Duran,Isabella Periodo 7 12/4/14. Organs ➢ An organ is a collection of tissues put together to serve a function.

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Presentation on theme: "Duran,Isabella Periodo 7 12/4/14. Organs ➢ An organ is a collection of tissues put together to serve a function."— Presentation transcript:

1 Duran,Isabella Periodo 7 12/4/14

2 Organs ➢ An organ is a collection of tissues put together to serve a function.

3 Organ trafficking discusses that organ trafficking is the trading of the inner human organs. including: -(Heart, liver, kidneys, etc.) ➢ Many people are stolen for their kidneys ➢ It is a worldwide problem ➢ People are desperate for money which is why they steal

4 People need to know about: ➢ Patients need kidneys but the people that are being kidnapped get them stollen. ➢ Many people are dying from getting their kidneys removed

5 Important Dates ➢ The most recent event was in October 20,2013.October 20,2013 ➢ It is Important because it is still happening till this day. ➢ It needs to stop because it’s going to get out of hand.

6 Donors This is the donor's point of view: ➢ They give up their organs for money ➢ Its for a good cause in their heads ➢ They could also be forced, drugged, kidnapped etc. I don’t have money and i need money

7 People who take the organs These are the people who know what they are doing is wrong. ➢ Take advantage of people that are desperate for an organ ➢ Brainwash, kidnap etc.

8 Recipient These people are the people that get taken for granted ➢ People pay twice the amount of an original organ. ➢ recipients don't always react well when another organ is in there body ➢ it s a 50% chance that the will survive I really need this kidney should i pay that much or not?

9 Supporting evidence

10 Amount of kidneys stollen ➢ Up to 7,000 kidneys are taken from people illegally every year, according to a report by Global Financial Integrity. ➢ An organ is sold once an hour, the World Health Organisation has told, people fear that illegal trade is on the rise once again.

11 Money information ➢ profits between $514 million to $1 billion a year is made. ➢ Wealthy patients are paying up to £128,500 for a kidney

12 Reports Eastern Europe also has a huge market for illegal organ donation and last month the Salvation Army revealed it had rescued a woman brought to the UK to have her organs harvested.

13 Deaths every year ➢ Here in the United States, nearly 4,000 people a year die waiting for a kidney. ➢ For more than 20 years. ➢⅖ people die getting kidneys removed

14 How they brainwash you Pariyar used to visit a construction place. A approached him with a mean offer, if he let doctors cut out a "hunk of meat" from his body, he would be given about $30,000. What he wasn't told: the piece of "meat" was actually his kidney. "The foreman told me that the meat will grow back," Pariyar said. Nawaraj Pariyar "Then I thought, 'If the meat will regrow again, and I get about $30,000, why not?'" "What if I die?" Pariyar remembers asking the foreman. The foreman assured Pariyar that nothing would happen. He was given good food and clothes, and was even taken to see a movie.

15 Symptoms research that has been done says that people who go overseas for transplants have higher risk of injury and of organ failure and even of death

16 Work cited ➢ ➢ the the ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

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