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Group 1 Quality Meat Production Enhancement Group 2 Quality Vegetable Production Enhancement 1.

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1 Group 1 Quality Meat Production Enhancement Group 2 Quality Vegetable Production Enhancement 1




5 Punjab Agriculture & Meat Company is a new brand of Lahore Meat Company after the merger of Punjab Agri Marketing Company into Lahore Meat Company 5

6 Mission: Engage for the betterment of agro-livestock economy through developing meat & agriculture sector by facilitating and implementing research & development initiatives at its own and in collaboration with national & international organizations of public & private sector Objectives:  Engage itself to enhance quality production, processing, value addition, marketing & supply chain of meat, livestock, agriculture products & by-products for local & export markets  Engage itself to establish compliance regime & certification system at all levels of value chains of meat, livestock & agriculture  Provide trainings & technical backstopping at all stages of the integrated meat & agriculture value chains 6

7 7

8 Focus (short term)  Develop Halal meat value chain  Develop Potohar as Olive Production Zone  Develop Leyya, Bhakkar and Muzafargarh as new Citrus Zone  Develop Cholistan as Grapes valley & animal disease free zone  Develop peri-urban vegetable production zones & kitchen gardening through private entrepreneurs (long term)  Develop each District's own economy 8

9 Participatory Planning Process: 9 ObjectiveDateVenueParticipants Developing peri-urban vegetable production zones & Halal meat value chain 16 JuneUVAS LahoreAcademicians, Researchers, Private sector entrepreneurs, service providers, field activists, farmers,….. Developing new Citrus zone at Layya, Bhakkar and Muzafargarh 18 JuneUniversity of agriculture Faisalabad -do- Promoting Olive production in Pothohar & Grapes in Cholistan 23 JunePARC, Islamabad -do- Project designing under Log- frame matrix 27-29 June LMC officePAMCO/LMC staff & selective experts

10 10

11 RegionUSAEULatin America Sub Sahara Developi ng Asia Pakistan Calories/ day/capita 365433942791217626482350 Meat16%14%11%3%7%11% Milk10%9%6%2% 4% G& Cereals23%25%37%46%60% Sweeteners18%11%17%4%6%11% Oil& Fat18%21%12%9%8%10% Fruit& Vegetables 9%11%14% 12%5%

12  Main staple comes from Grains & Cereals  Wheat, Rice, Maize, Pulses etc.  G&C are in great demand due to livestock & poultry sector development  G&C prices rising – causing food inflation  Shift in food pattern towards vegetables needed 12

13 Vegetables – Inflation  Basic vegetable prices sky-rocketing  Inflation due to lack of supply  Lack of supply due to low production & in- efficient marketing  Production increase = vegetable available & affordable

14 Vegetables – Production Increase  Involvement of agro-services providers for per-urban production zones  Nurseries  Seed companies  Vegetables growing on:  Roofs of houses  Lawns of houses  Landscape

15  Identify potential entrepreneurs~ Agri service providers, exporters…  Register & organize per-urban farmers  Provision of inputs & services  Capacity building & provision–Global GAP  Green Channel Markets 15

16 Veg-gardening in front lawn, backyard, balcony, vacant public places etc.


18 18

19 P OTENTIAL ~ L IVESTOCK Million Heads  Pakistan has various breeds and classes of livestock  Almost 1:1 ratio of humans & livestock population  World's 4 th largest livestock population  Livestock growing @ 4% against human growth of 2.9%  Livestock feeding ~ 100% Halal & Agro-based Economic Survey of Pakistan 2010-11

20 Global Halal certified trade $3,000 billion p.a. Food & beverages 45% Pharmaceutical 22% Halal meat 16% Cosmetics 10% Gelatin 7 % Pakistan can become the “Halal Hub” of the world 4 th largest livestock population in the world Livestock feed resource is 100% Halal 100% Halal slaughtering practices Immediate focus should be on Processing & value addition Global compliance standards Awareness campaign about opportunities

21 China Large domestic market Religious limitations Limitations to ensure Halal animals feeding & slaughtering India Large domestic market Multi-religious society (Cow, etc.) Limitations to ensure Halal animals feeding & slaughtering South America Limitations to ensure Halal animals feeding & slaughtering Pakistan 100% Halal animals feeding & slaughtering Practicing Islamic society Animal loving people ~ Livestock rearing a way of life & livelihood

22  Unlimited domestic demand for hygienic & value added products  4 million live animals crossing the Iran and Afghanistan border  Regional (Central Asia / Gulf) demand of Halal meat  Domestic meat inflation due to short supply

23  5m male calves die within 1 month of birth  No beef breed / cross breeding  Slaughtering of early age female sheep/goats  Absence of feed-lot fattening system  Absence of compliance regime ◦ Disease free animals ◦ Halal feeding ◦ Antibiotic/chemical residues ◦ Hygienic processing ◦ Food safety standards etc.

24 Halal feeding Disease free No residual effect Hygienic, Healthy domestic & export supply State of the Art Slaughtering & Processing Processing Production Marketing

25 Enhancing quality meat production Schemes under compliance regime(Halal feeding, free from Transboundary Animal Diseases, traceability);  Save The Calf  Beef Cross Breeding  Feed lot Fattening  Sheep/Goat Nucleus Farms 25

26 Save the Calf Scheme  Those saving min 10 / max 100 calves of max 6 weeks may participate  Internationally accredited third party to certify compliance: ◦ Halal feeding ◦ Disease free farm ◦ No chemical & antibiotic residues  Incentive program: ◦ Vaccination & treatment services ◦ Rs 3,200 cash incentive after 6 months of rearing ◦ Target= 30000 calves/3 years  Execution by field force of L& DD Department

27  6m non-descript & draught cattle in Punjab  Technological advances in farming have made these animals redundant  These animals can be utilized for enhanced beef production Beef cross breeding  Exotic beef semen = 0.25million doses  Execution by L& DD Department (DLF) 27

28  Registration of Beef Fattening Farms (120 days fattening)  Min.10 & Max 200 animals per farm  Provision of tagging, vaccination, training & technical services  Target = About 150000 animals/ 3 years  Rs.1500/animal as incentive after ensuring Compliance & Certification 28

29 Establish nucleus farms Registration of existing herds around nucleus farms Distribution of female units to registered farmers Compliance of standards 29 Backward & forward linkage Technical services & training Vaccination & treatment services Web based tagging Receive trainings & technical services Return male sheep/goats to nucleus farms Compliance of standards Investor Meat Company Facilitation Small Farmer

30  Sheep/goat producing areas of Punjab  Target: 100 nucleus farms  Min.500 & max.20000 animals/unit  Incentive: vaccination, treatment, facilitation, technical services, etc.  Target: About 3million certified quality mutton animals/3 years 30

31  Lahore Meat Processing Complex ◦ Meat processing ◦ Value addition through allied products ◦ Export facilitation ◦ Domestic supply chain enhancement ◦ Compliance of standards ◦ Training in collaboration with Universities  State of the art facility to guide private sector Rs.1.5 billion required to implement Enhancing Meat Production Program (3 years)

32 CommodityProduction/Export (US$ ) Time line Vegetables160 m additional1 Year Citrus70 m additional1 Year Meat2 b extra1 Year 32

33 33 S/N.ObjectivesIssuesSolutionActions 1. Developing Halal Meat Value Chain Cholistan as animal disease free zone 2. Developing Peri- Urban Vegetable Production Zones through private entrepreneurs Developing Kitchen Gardening System through Private Entrepreneurs CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP-1


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