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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 People BattlesLaws Potpourri More People.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 People BattlesLaws Potpourri More People

2 People $100 Who was the commander of American forces during the Revolutionary War?

3 People $100 George Washington

4 People $200 Who was the British general who surrendered at Yorktown?

5 People $200 Charles Cornwallis

6 People $300 Who was the American officer who led the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga?

7 People $300 Horatio Gates

8 People $400 Who was the British officer who was ordered to move his troops south from Canada along the Hudson River?

9 People $400 John Burgoyne

10 People $500 Who was the British officer that was supposed to move his troops north from Philadelphia to Albany but chased after Washington instead?

11 People $500 William Howe

12 Battles $100 What was the first battle of the war, where the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” was fired?

13 Battles $100 Lexington (and Concord)

14 Battles $200 What was the last major battle of the war, where the British were trapped on a peninsula by the American and French land forces to the north and the French Fleet at Sea?

15 Battles $200 Yorktown

16 Battles $300 What American victory allowed the French to join the war on the American side?

17 Battles $300 Battle of Saratoga

18 Battles $400 What surprise attack by the Americans led to a victory and the reenlistment of hundreds of Continental soldiers?

19 Battles $400 Battle of Trenton

20 Battles $500 What British victory resulted in the American forces retreating into Pennsylvania?

21 Battles $500 Battle of New York

22 British Laws $100 What law required that a wax seal be placed on legal documents and most paper products, and was passed to raise money to pay off debt?

23 British Laws $100 Stamp Act

24 British Laws $200 What series of laws placed an indirect tax on a number of common goods?

25 British Laws $200 Townshend Acts

26 British Laws $300 What set of laws closed the port of Boston and allowed the British government to house soldiers in private homes?

27 British Laws $300 Intolerable Acts

28 British Laws $400 What law stated that Parliament had the authority to pass any law whatsoever in order to govern the colonies?

29 British Laws $400 Declaratory Act

30 British Laws $500 What company gained a monopoly of the tea trade according to the Tea Act?

31 British Laws $500 East India Company

32 Potpourri $100 What was the name of the site where American troops spent the difficult winter of 1777-1778?

33 Potpourri $100 Valley Forge

34 Potpourri $200 What document was sent to the king to ask for restoration of peaceful relations between the colonies and Britain?

35 Potpourri $200 Olive Branch Petition

36 Potpourri $300 What pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine, called King George a tyrant and urge Americans to fight for independence?

37 Potpourri $300 Common Sense

38 Potpourri $400 What group met in response to the Intolerable Acts and began a boycott of British goods?

39 Potpourri $400 First Continental Congress

40 Potpourri $500 What group served as the interim government of the United States during the Revolutionary War?

41 Potpourri $500 Second Continental Congress

42 More People $100 What Prussian officer helped turn the Americans into a well-trained fighting force?

43 More People $100 Baron von Steuben

44 More People $200 What French aristocrat joined the Americans as part of Washington’s staff and accepted no pay for his services?

45 More People $200 Marquis de Lafayette

46 More People $300 Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

47 More People $300 Thomas Jefferson

48 More People $400 Who negotiated French entry into the war on the American side and also helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris?

49 More People $400 Ben Franklin

50 More People $500 Who made the famous ‘midnight ride’ warning of the movement of the British army?

51 More People $500 Paul Revere

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