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ISCITA-IDI Cooperation The way ahead Else Karin Kristensen Deputy Director General Pritom Phookun Programme Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "ISCITA-IDI Cooperation The way ahead Else Karin Kristensen Deputy Director General Pritom Phookun Programme Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISCITA-IDI Cooperation The way ahead Else Karin Kristensen Deputy Director General Pritom Phookun Programme Manager

2 Issues IDIs Mission Follow up on the 13 th meeting 2004 Follow up on the 13 th meeting 2004 Cooperation with INTOSAI Committees & WGs Results of IDIs global survey IT Audit Champions programme in ARABOSAI The Way Forward Other IDI activities: E-learning initiatives c

3 IDIs Mission is to help developing nations to improve their audit capacity and effectively address emerging audit issues through training, information sharing and the provision of technical assistance to regions of INTOSAI

4 IDIs Mission Key terms: developing nations & capacity IDI & SAIs of developed nations Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Information exchange

5 Follow up of 13 th meeting Committee decisions 1. SAIs Oman & India to review ISCITAs IT audit courseware for consistency by 09/2004 & give to IDI for converting into training program using IDI methodology (ref: para 22 of minutes) Comments Would be very useful as ref. material for IT Audit Champions program in ARABOSAI this year The September 2004 version (for levels 1& 2 IT audit) is currently available on ISCITAs site

6 Follow up of 13 th meeting Committee decisions 2. Committee requested enhanced cooperation with IDI in capacity building (ref: para 30 of minutes) Comments IDI distributed CDs of IDI- ASOSAI courseware on Introduction to IT Audit IDIs IT Audit Champions program in ARABOSAI, 2005-06. ISCITAs cooperation a critical factor for success

7 Cooperation with INTOSAI Committees & Working Groups Combining expert knowledge & experience of INTOSAI Committees & Working Groups with Course Design & Delivery capabilities of IDI- Certified Training Specialists Enables effective dissemination of audit best practice guidelines & other publications prepared by INTOSAI Committees & Working Groups

8 Past Cooperation Projects Working Group on Environmental Auditing Course delivered in ASOSAI & AFROSAI-E Coordinated audit of waste mgt. in progress in AFROSAI-E Likely to be delivered in more regions (ARABOSAI, SPASAI) Public Debt Committee Champions Program in OLACEFS Technical delivery in ASOSAI

9 Cooperation with WGEA 1. Proposal at 1st WGEA Steering Committee meeting London, April 2002 2. 2-day Meeting of WGEA Chair & IDI, Oslo, July 2002 3. 2-day Experts Meeting to determine EA Course Curriculum, Oslo, Nov 02 4. Project Announcement at 2nd WGEA Steering Committee meeting, Cost Rica, January 2003 5. 1-week EA Seminar for Training Specialists, Oslo, June 2003

10 Cooperation with WGEA 6. 3-Week Course Design Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Sept 2003 7. Delivery of 1st Pilot Course for ASOSAI, Antalya, Nov 2003 8. Delivery of 2nd Pilot Course for AFROSAI-E, Kenya, Feb 2004 9. Successful pilot coordinated EA in AFROSAI with participants of 2nd pilot course now at audit reporting stage

11 Specialists for EA Program Training Specialists AFROSAI-E:2, ASOSAI:5, EUROSAI:2, SPASAI:1 Subject Matter Experts Canada (Chair), Brazil, China, Poland, South Africa

12 Public Debt Champions program in OLACEFS Partnership between IDI, INTOSAI Public Debt Committee, OLACEFS & World Bank 5-week seminar delivered by Experts, Mexico, 2003 Unique pilot audit, Venezuela, February 2004 Design & delivery of 2 two-week workshops: Colombia, October/November 2003 Dominican Republic, April 2004

13 Results of IDIs Global Survey IT auditing seen as No.1 priority by responding SAIs Regional priorities

14 Comments on IDI Survey IT auditing No.1 priority in all regions, except EUROSAI 89% of responding SAIs wanted capacity building in IT auditing ISCITA has offered a number of best practice guides, tools, curriculum & training modules on the subject contact with a network of experts in IT Auditing IDI has core competence in training & capacity building So ….

15 IT Audit Champions Program in ARABOSAI IDI contacted by ARABOSAI for this programme Objectives & other benefits To develop pool of auditors who can manage & perform IT audits Who can also train other auditors in this high-demand subject Go beyond technical training to sustainable capacity building Disseminate significant products of ISCITA Enable consistency of audit methods based on best practices Facilitate more collaboration among INTOSAI members ###

16 Selection of Champions Future Champions to be selected from selected SAIs: Comparatively high on use of IT within SAI Auditee environment is amenable to application of learning Has demonstrated commitment to go beyond the program to continued capacity building ###

17 Activities in the ARABOSAI Program 1. Curriculum meeting of IT audit experts An IDI Training specialist will also present 2. 5-day Design & Development meeting to produce seminar materials for the Champions Involve SMEs from ISCITA & ARABOSAI, IDI Training Specialists & IDI representatives 3. IT Audit Seminar & Instructional Techniques Module Phase 1: Delivered by IT audit experts based on output of activity#2 Phase 2: Delivered by IDI Trainers - Focus on course design & instructional techniques Champions: Auditors with some experience & interest in IT &/or IT Audit

18 Activities in the ARABOSAI Program 4. Pilot IT Audit Objective-1: Hands on practice for the Champions Objective-2: Enable practical inputs in the final IT Audit courseware 5. 2-week course development meeting of Champions 6. Regional IT Audit Workshop Commitment & role of participating SAIs before AND after the program are crucial for ultimate success

19 The Way Ahead IDIs Strategic Goal 3 & ISCITA How could ISCITA assist - Some suggestions: Help formulate technical goals of the Champions program & provide strategic directions in this regard Provide best practice guides, IT audit tools, discussion papers, IT audit reports, case studies, etc Provide Subject Matter Experts at various stages Supervise technical aspects of the program, including at the planning, implementation & reporting stages of pilot audit Keep IDI updated on research projects & products ###

20 E-learning initiatives 1. Pilot e-learning project in OLACEFS Objective: Explore on-line distance learning Equivalent to 2-week PA course spread over 8 weeks 60 trainees, 4-6 on-line tutors Full pilot expected from end Sept. to Nov. 2005

21 E-learning initiatives 2. Global E-lab project Objective: Explore other e-learning solutions Participants: 20 IDI Trainers from different regions Activity: Explore different e-learning authoring tools Products: self-paced e-learning modules on various topics 20 Trainers skilled in developing such e-learning modules Time: 2 weeks from end November to December 2005

22 Any

23 Results of IDIs Global Survey


25 Chart 4: ARABOSAI Priorities Priority

26 Results of IDIs Global Survey Chart 5: ASOSAI Priorities Priority

27 Results of IDIs Global Survey Chart 6: CAROSAI Priorities Priority

28 Results of IDIs Global Survey Chart 7: EUROSAI Priorities Priority

29 Results of IDIs Global Survey Chart 8: OLACEFS Priorities Priority

30 Results of IDIs Global Survey Chart 9: SPASAI Priorities Priority

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