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International Inspiration. Indonesia: Linking Bali with Bala… Surabaya Jakarta South Sulawesi West Java.

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Presentation on theme: "International Inspiration. Indonesia: Linking Bali with Bala… Surabaya Jakarta South Sulawesi West Java."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Inspiration

2 Indonesia: Linking Bali with Bala… Surabaya Jakarta South Sulawesi West Java

3 Indonesian-Welsh School Links 40 schools in total involved in International Inspiration Indonesia, broken down as follows: 10 x Indonesian secondaries 10 x Indonesian primaries 10 x Welsh secondaries 10 x Welsh primaries

4 Indonesian-Welsh School Links Partnerships to focus on prescribed themes/areas, linked to II Indonesia country plan 1)Indonesian primaries: Using PE and sport to improve transition of pupils from primary to secondary school 2)Indonesian secondaries: As above, plus a theme from a prescribed menu

5 Indonesian-Welsh School Links 3) Welsh secondary = 1 theme from a prescribed menu of 3 (to be agreed with partner Indonesian secondary) plus support for primary global awareness theme and transition 4) Welsh primary = Using PE and Sport to enhance their global awareness

6 Indonesian-Welsh School Links Secondary schools in each country responsible for managing overall link and ensuring plan on track. Requires liaison with primary in their cluster. Funding to flow from BC Indonesia and BC Wales to secondary schools only

7 Objectives of visit to Indonesia 1) To establish your school linking partnership and develop an effective way of working 2) To share information with your partner school on: - Strengths in each school - Priorities for development in PE and sport and whole school - Outcomes each school wants to achieve from the programme

8 Objectives of visit to Indonesia 3) To produce a joint draft development plan by the end of the visit, through focussed discussion and agreement on key priorities for development 4) To establish an effective communication strategy to maintain the momentum of your partnership

9 Itinerary of visit to Indonesia Fri 15 Oct: Depart Birmingham International Airport Sat 16: Arrive Jakarta, Indonesia Sun 17: Rest and welcome briefing Mon 18: Onwards travel to East Java/West Java/1 st day in school

10 Itinerary of visit to Indonesia Tues 19 th : Full day in Secondary school Weds 20 th : Full day in Primary school Thurs 21 st : Half day in secondary/primary school, Welsh schools travel back to Jakarta Fri 22 nd : Debrief meeting and programme launch, depart for UK on midnight flight

11 Roles and Responsibilities for Initial Overseas Visit British Council Wales will: Arrange return economy flights Act as a liaison point for UK schools British Council and your link school will: Arrange airport transfers/onward travel in Indonesia Provide a visa support letter Arrange local transport to your link school Arrange hotel accommodation Arrange a programme for your stay As the UK school you will be expected to: - Complete the online travel application form (details to be advised) Arrange your own travel to and from the UK airport Ensure that you have adequate insurance before you travel Contact your local GP/Travel nurse for definitive medical advice Ensure that you have a valid passport and $30US to obtain a visa upon arrival

12 Roles and Responsibilities for Initial UK Visit Youth Sport Trust will: Issue a hosting grant to UK schools Act as a liaison point for UK schools British Council will: Arrange return economy flights Arrange visas for overseas teachers As the UK school you will be expected to: Arrange airport transfers Provide transport throughout the visit Arrange Accommodation Provide meals Arrange a programme for the week

13 School Links Time Line YSL training in Indonesia 15-22 October: Welsh schools to visit to Indonesia 22 nd Oct: Official launch of II Indonesia Feb 2011: Return visit to UK (one representative per Indonesian school) Partnership development plan and case study theme agreed by both schools and submitted to British Council Country Manager once both initial visits have taken place

14 Case study – Why? Give a clear focus to the work Showcase the impact of the work Act as good practice models Use as an effective advocacy tool

15 Year 1 – 2010/11 Building the Link Reciprocal Links Understanding each other Developing Baselines Exchanging School information Keeping in-touch Culminates in a school partnership plan

16 Year 2 – 2011/12 Building the Policy Foundation Targeted Action in PE & School Sport (positioning/profile & training) Leadership training for young people Innovation in your case study area Culminating in drafted case studies

17 Year 3 – 2012/13 Embedding your Specialism Continued Action in PE & School Sport Continued training of Young Leaders Continued & Additional Innovation Broadening reach into other schools/community Culminating in publication of case studies leading to policy development

18 School link model Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 UK School Overseas school Establish Link: Reciprocal visit Agree partnership plan UK School Overseas school Implement partnership plan UK School Overseas school Deliver partnership plan: Primary & Community links Submit case study Primary Community

19 Contact Details: Simon Ford – Project Delivery Officer Tel: 029 2092 4358 Email: John Humfress – Development Co-ordinator Tel: 07824 436462 Email: Bryony Inge- International Inspiration Project Manager Tel: 0207 389 4101 Email

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