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Accommodated Testing The Quest for Equity AHEAD Conference 2015 St. Paul, Minnesota.

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1 Accommodated Testing The Quest for Equity AHEAD Conference 2015 St. Paul, Minnesota

2 Collaboration NCTA and AHEAD collaboration began in 2011: – NCTA survey: 69% Testing office respondents do some accommodated classroom testing – Webinar; NCTA Conference Keynotes; AHEAD concurrent sessions; meetings – Plans to develop “best practices” Today’s conversation: – Jean Ashmore, Past-President AHEAD – Moderator – Kristen Vickery, A Arundel Community College, NCTA – Tim O’Connor, University of Wisconsin, NCTA – Carol Funckes, University of Arizona, AHEAD

3 Session Overview Address philosophic perspectives Explore realities of accommodated testing Discuss practices across institutions Consider test construction & faculty buy-in to reduce need for accommodation Foster collaboration between testing and disability resource offices

4 Philosophic Perspectives on Accommodated Testing AHEAD – Student process (burden; equity) – Faculty involvement – Effective accommodations – Accessible test design NCTA – Creating user friendly processes – “Ménage à trois” of sorts – testing center, disability office, faculty member – Student experience with dignity – Test security & construct validity

5 Why & What of Accommodated Testing? Student assessment is a program element that must be accessible Accessibility must be considered in all forms of assessment: – In-class & on-line tests – Tests that are written, oral, or use scantron forms Accessibility requirement apply regardless of who administers the assessment and where

6 Department of Justice – on testing “When considering requests for modifications, accommodations, or auxiliary aids or services, the entity must give considerable weight to documentation of past modifications, accommodations, or auxiliary aids and services received in similar testing situations…” Past history counts! Be very cautious if suggesting alternatives to previously used/successful testing accommodations

7 University of Arizona Administers ~15,000 classroom exams/year Goal: minimize differential treatment – Online request system – Active outreach to faculty Explore test design/options for access Prearrange accommodations – Physical set-up of testing space – Follow-up with students Consider unintended messages – “Test Administration Service” – Student integrity and test monitoring

8 University of Wisconsin Delivery Models Used Collaboration between testing office and disability services office Faculty buy-in Use of web-based scheduling system Important features: student-initiated, policies and procedures publicized and adhered to, cooperation of all involved Testing office currently proctors about 1000 tests per year

9 Ann Arundel Community College Testing Service administers ~ 54,000 tests per year – includes placement, certification Provides accommodated testing – 645 exams in SY 2014 Goal: Ensure integrity & security of exams Strategic directions for Testing Service – Online system for accommodated testing – Inclusion of faculty in development of electronic TAF – Technology supports to increase accessibility – Best practices training

10 Rice University Small private university Long standing student Honor Code Most exams not strictly “proctored” Accommodations worked out between student and faculty Disability Service clarifies, problem solves Disability Service has lab with technology that can be used for accommodated testing

11 Reducing Need for Accommodated Testing Keep equity perspective in mind at all times when testing being addressed Accessible testing design – Working with faculty – Examples Technology tools for faculty use – Training and supporting faculty – Examples

12 Promoting Collaboration between Testing and Disability Offices Determine Fit – Philosophy & goals Develop Protocols re: – Sharing student information – Roles and responsibilities of each office – Accessible technology – Faculty communication: procedures / purpose – Budget Develop & Maintain Relationships: – Regular contact: respect & collegiality

13 Questions

14 Contact Information Jean Ashmore Carol Funckes Tim O’Connor Kristen Vickery

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