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Lesson 2. Review of Lesson 1 א בּ ב ג ד ה ו.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 2. Review of Lesson 1 א בּ ב ג ד ה ו."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 2

2 Review of Lesson 1

3 א

4 בּ

5 ב

6 ג

7 ד

8 ה

9 ו

10 ז

11 ח

12 ט

13 י

14 כּ

15 כ

16 ל

17 מ

18 נ

19 ס

20 ע

21 פּ

22 פ

23 צ

24 ק

25 ר

26 שׁ

27 שֹ

28 ת

29 ךכ Final Forms

30 מ ם

31 נ ן

32 פ ף

33 צ ץ

34 Vowels

35 בּ Qamets a as in father long vowel

36 בּ Tsere e as in they long vowel

37 בּ Holem o as in role long vowel

38 בּ Patach a as in father short vowel

39 בּ Seghol e as in better short vowel

40 בּ Hireq i as in bitter short vowel

41 בּ Qamets Hatuf o as in bottle short vowel

42 בּ Qibbuts u as in ruler short vowel

43 בּ Hateph Patach a as in amuse reduced vowel

44 בּ Hateph Seghol e as in metallic reduced vowel

45 בּ Hateph Qamets o as in commit reduced vowel

46 בּ Sheva a as in maroon OR silent

47 בּוֹ Holem vav o as in role unchangeable long vowel

48 בּוּ Shureq u as in ruler unchangeable long vowel

49 Summary Chart

50 Vowel Letters Written with י (Yod)

51 Vowel Letters Written with ה (He)

52 Shewa Reduced Short Long Unchangeable Long בְּ בֳּ בָּ בֻּ בֹּ בּוֹ בּוּ בֶּ בֵּ בִּ בֵּי בִּי בֲּ בַּבָּ בֱּ a e/i u/o Hebrew Vowel Wheel

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