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Analysis of Additivity in OLAP Systems

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1 Analysis of Additivity in OLAP Systems
John Horner and Il-Yeol Song College of Information Science & Technology Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Peter P. Chen Department of Computer Science Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803

2 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Systems
Historical, integrated, relatively static data Magnitudes larger than transactional systems Used for strategic decision making Query outputs nearly always aggregated sets of base data Effective summarizability is of paramount concern

3 Structure Facts are measures of interest
Dimensions are attributes used to identify, select, group, and aggregate measures of interest. Attributes that are used to aggregate measures are labeled classification attributes, and are typically conceptualized as hierarchies

4 Operations Roll-up increases the level of aggregation along one or more classification hierarchies Drill-down decreases the level of aggregation along one or more classification hierarchies Slice-Dice selects and projects the data Pivoting reorients the multi-dimensional data view to allow exchanging facts for dimensions symmetrically Merging performs a union of separate roll-up operations

5 Additivity The ability to use the aggregate summation operator to accurately summarize data is known as Additivity A measure is Additive along a dimension if the sum operator can be used to meaningfully aggregate values along all hierarchies in that dimension Fully-additive measures are additive across all dimensions Semi-additive measures are only additive across certain dimensions Non-additive measures are not additive across any dimension

6 Additivity Example Customer 100001 100002 100003 100004 TOTAL 1/1/2000 500 700 9890 600 ADDITIVE 2/1/2000 800 450 10050 200 3/1/2000 980 900 8700 4/1/2000 400 360 7800 750 NON-ADDITIVE Date

7 Classification Classification Examples 1.0 Non-Additive 1.1 Fractions
1.1.1 Ratios GMROI, Profitability ratios 1.1.2 Percentages Profit margin percent, return percentage 1.2 Measurements of intensity Temperature, Blood pressure 1.3 Average/Maximum/Minimum 1.3.1 Averages Grade point average, Temperature 1.3.2 Maximums Temperature, Hourly hospital admissions, Electricity usage, Blood pressure 1.3.3 Minimums 1.4 Measurements of direction Wind direction, Cartographic bearings, Geometric angles 1.5 Identification attributes 1.5.1 Codes Zip code, ISBN, ISSN, Area Code, Phone Number, Barcode 1.5.1 Sequence numbers Surrogate key, Order number, Transaction number, Invoice number 2.0 Semi-Additive 2.1 Dirty Data Missing data, Duplicate data, Incorrect data 2.2 Changing data Area codes, Department names, customer address 2.3 Temporally non-additive Account balances, Quantity on hand, Quantity sold 2.4 Categorically non-additive Basket counts, Quantity on hand, Quantity sold

8 Non-Additive Measures
Ratios and Percentages Measures of Intensity Average / Maximum / Minimum Measures of Direction

9 Semi-Additive Facts Dirty Data Changing Data Temporally Non-Additive
Categorically Non-Additive Not Mutually Exclusive e.g. Measures can be both temporally and categorically non-additive

10 Customers as Stored in Database
Causes of Dirty Data CustomerID 000001 999999 Actual Customers Customers as Stored in Database 012454 201454 745654 Arbitrary Missing Data Value Customer who pre-dates system Summing measures associated with dirty data can result in inaccurate summaries if not all instances are counted, if instances are counted multiple times, or if instances are counted in the wrong group

11 Rolling-up Dirty Data Transactions Classification Hierarchy Anomaly will disappear when rolled up to the country level Anomaly will disappear when rolled up to the zip code level Anomaly will disappear when rolled up to the State level As measures are rolled up further along hierarchies, certain inaccurate values will be merged into the appropriate groups

12 Hierarchy Completeness
All instances belong to one higher level instance, which consists of those instances only Complete hierarchy (top), country consists of only the provinces listed Incomplete hierarchy (bottom), not all customers in the city are stored in the data warehouse; or not all customers in data warehouse have a city listed Country C1 Complete Province Pro1 Pro2 Pro3 City City Incomplete Customer Cust1 Cust2 Custn Custx

13 Example of Additivity Problems Associated with Incomplete Hierarchies
CustID City SalesAmt 1 Washington 100 2 New York 200 999 Unknown 4 150 5 6 Total 950 Summary City Sales Washington 400 New York 350 Total 750 Unknown 200 If Sales are rolled up to the city, but not all customers have a city stored in the database, then the summary will not accurately portray the sales grouped by city.

14 Changing Data It is important to track merges, splits, and overlapping hierarchies, especially those that affect classification hierarchies, as the characteristics of the data and environment change

15 Changing Data Example Year City Area Code Population 1990 Philadelphia
215 200 2000 610 150 484 100 Area code 215 split into 3 area codes. Looking at population trend in 215 area code would show a decrease, when in fact population in area originally covered by 215 area code has doubled.

16 Temporally Non-Additive
Measures that cannot be meaningfully added across different time periods are temporally non-additive Examples Account balances Quantity on hand

17 Temporally Non-Additive Example
Date 100001 100002 100003 100004 TOTAL 1/1/2000 500 700 9890 600 2/1/2000 800 450 10050 200 3/1/2000 980 900 8700 4/1/2000 400 360 7800 750 NON-ADDITIVE

18 Temporally Non-Additive SQL
Select sum(balance), CustomerID From AccountFact Group by CustomerID; Select sum(balance), date Group by date; Must group by time interval of snapshot

19 Categorically Non-Additive
Measures that cannot meaningfully be summed across different types of items can be considered categorically non-additive Examples Basket counts Quantity on hand

20 Categorically Non-Additive Example
Date Customer Item ID Product Name Basket Count 1/1/2000 1 10001 X Brand Soup 5 10002 Y Brand Soup 2 12510 Z Brand Television 3 4 TOTAL NON-ADDITIVE

21 Categorically Non-Additive SQL
Select sum(BasketCount) From SalesFact; Select sum(BasketCount), ProductName From SalesFact Group by ProductName; Must group by attribute in product family hierarchy

22 Others’ Suggestions The distinction between meaningful and meaningless aggregation data should be stored in an appendix Hüsemann et al (2000) Data should be normalized into a General Multidimensional Normal Form (GMNF), whereby aggregation anomalies are avoided through a conceptual modeling approach that emphasizes sorting out dimensions, dimensional hierarchies, and which measures belong where. Conceptual models should explicitly depicts hierarchies and aggregation constraints along hierarchies, and a fact glossary should be developed describing how each fact was derived from an ER model Golfarelli and Rizzi (1998) We need to rigorously classify hierarchies and detailed characteristics of hierarchies, such as completeness and multiplicity Pourabbas and Rafanelli (1999) Slowly Changing Dimensions (Kimball and Ross, 2002) Type 1: simply overwriting data Type 2: storing the new data instance in a new row, but with a common field to link the dimensions as being the same Type 3: Adding a new attribute to the dimension table to store both the new and old values

23 Our Suggestions No simple solution Online Summarizability Constraints
Can’t always eliminate potential inaccuracies Categorically Non-additive data Glossaries may be ignored Conceptual models may be overly complex This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t have glossaries and include constraints in conceptual models Online Summarizability Constraints Imagine abundance of update anomalies in transactional systems if possible violations are only stored in glossaries or conceptual models Where measures are imprecise, queries should show error bounds

24 Hierarchies Strict - each object at a lower level belongs to only one value at a higher level Non-strict - can be thought of as a many-to-many relationship between a higher level of the hierarchy and the lower level Complete - all members belong to one higher-class object, which consists of those members only Incomplete – not complete Multiple path - lower object splits into two distinct higher level objects Alternate path - multiple path hierarchy that joins again at a higher level

25 Hierarchy Strictness In strict hierarchies, lower level instances in hierarchy belong to only one higher level instance D1 D2 Department Strict P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 Person D1 D2 Department Non-Strict Pr1 Pr2 Pr3 Pr4 Pr5 Project

26 Example of Additivity Problems Associated with Non-Strict Hierarchies
Denormalized Fact Table Project Dollars 1 10000 2 15000 3 120000 4 50000 5 30000 Total 225000 Dept Project Dollars 1 10000 2 15000 3 120000 4 50000 5 30000 Total 345000

27 Alternate and Multiple Path Hierarchies
Store City County State ZipCode Country AreaCode a. Alternate Path Classification Hierarchy Date Month Quarter Year DayOfWeek Week b. Multiple Path Classification Hierarchy Inaccurate summaries can result from merging aggregates from multiple paths of a hierarchy.

28 Example of Problems Associated with Merging Multiple Path Hierarchies
Person Dept Project Hours 1 40 2 100 3 50 4 5 6 80 Multiple Path Hierarchy 140 hrs Person 320 hrs Department Project 460 hrs Should be 360 hrs Adding Hours from all the people in Department 1 with all the people who worked on Project 2 results in an inaccurate summary because Person 2 is counted twice. The summary would not be inaccurate if each project mapped directly to 1 department

29 Our Suggestions (Cont.)

30 Our Suggestions (Cont.)

31 Conclusions Recognizing whether measures are fully-, semi-, or non-additive is essential to identifying and resolving potential inaccurate summaries in OLAP systems Non-additive measures cannot be aggregated using the sum operator Semi-additive measures can sometimes be aggregated using the sum operator, but at other times cannot Therefore, semi-additive attributes pose the highest risk for unrecognized inaccurate summaries There are several reasons why data could be semi-additive Adding different types of items together Adding measures multiple times in the same summary Not including all instances when aggregating measures Including measures in the wrong groups Metadata could be used to alert analysts to potentially inaccurate queries

32 References Golfarelli, M., Maio, D., and Rizzi, S. (1998). Conceptual Design of Data Warehouses from E/R Schemes. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference, 6-9 Jan. 1998, 7, 334 – 343. Hüsemann, B., Lechtenbörger, J, and Vossen, G. (2000). Conceptual data warehouse design. Proc. International Workshop on Design and Management of Data Warehouses, 2000. Kimball, R. and Ross, M. (2002). The Data Warehouse Toolkit: Second Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Pourabbas, E. and Rafanelli, M. (1999). Characterizations of hierarchies and some operators in OLAP environments..Proceedings of the 2nd ACM international workshop on Data warehousing and OLAP. Kansas City, Missouri. 54 – 59. Shoshani, A. (1997) OLAP and statistical databases: Similarities and differences. Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART symposium on Principles of database systems. Tucson, Arizona. 185 – 196. ACM Press New York, NY.

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