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California’s Brokers of Expertise An initiative of the State of California.

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Presentation on theme: "California’s Brokers of Expertise An initiative of the State of California."— Presentation transcript:

1 California’s Brokers of Expertise An initiative of the State of California

2 Brokers of Expertise is built on a set of underlying beliefs targeted at closing the achievement gap in California

3 If Educators could… find appropriate ideas and resources more easily, they could be more effective. participate in more positive peer-cultures, their jobs would be easier. "see" excellence, it would be easier for them to replicate it. publish their work, there would be more low cost, high quality materials available to everyone.

4 If Educators could… get involved earlier in their career with excellence, they could become better teachers faster. have access to an online library of officially sanctioned, high quality, research-based, standards-aligned materials, they could make use of those materials for improved teaching and learning. search for resources via an easy to use standards browser, they could find relevant resources for their work much more quickly.

5 If Organizations could… facilitate collaboration more effectively… make their resources easily available… share and build on resources already developed… align resources to professional development and curricular scope/sequence…...they would improve overall teaching and learning.

6 ContentCommunities Brokers of Expertise is partnering with content providers to bring relevant resources into an engaging platform where they can be shared and discussed within communities of practice across California. DAIT/SAIT Teams Grade Level Workgroups

7 Current Content Partners (As of June 25, 2009) American Association for the Advancement of Science Arizona State University (Ask a Biologist) Butte County Office of Education Council for Economic Education Exploratorium International Reading Association National Center for Family Literacy National Council of Teachers of English National Council of Teachers of Mathematics National Endowment for the Humanities

8 Content Partners (Continued) National Geographic Society San Diego County Office of Education Smithsonian National Museum of American History The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts University of Arizona (Phoenix Mars Mission) University of California (UCCP, Calisphere, UCTV) University of Washington Verizon Foundation (Thinkfinity)

9 Content Partners (In development) Alameda COE (Algebra) CDE (Taking Center Stage, and others) Microsoft (Career Forward) Santa Cruz COE (Administrator Resources) Santa Maria-Bonita School District (ELD) Texas Instruments (Algebra) WestEd (Doing What Works)

10 A Video Tour of the Beta Site 5 - Minute Version 10 - Minute Version

11 Online Examples Discussion Standards Browser Resource

12 Next Steps… Identify and begin working with targeted groups (e.g. AVID, BTSA) Implementation of common content repository for collaboration with other statewide and regional efforts Development of Professional Development models for BoE Begin work with Pre-Service Institutions Continued development of the platform, content, partnerships, and user base

13 California’s Brokers of Expertise An initiative of the State of California

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