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From Institutions to Independence - through Employment. 24 th Jan 2011 Mark Hodges Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "From Institutions to Independence - through Employment. 24 th Jan 2011 Mark Hodges Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Institutions to Independence - through Employment. 24 th Jan 2011 Mark Hodges Development Manager

2 Pluss What is Learning Disability? Learning Disabilities are a variety of disorders that affect the acquisition, retention, understanding or use of information Cognitive impairment caused at birth or in an individuals formative years (under the age of 5) Previously known as mental handicap or retardation Learning Disability is not a mental illness People with Learning Disability are intelligent and have abilities to learn despite difficulties in processing information (may find it difficult or take longer to learn) People with Learning Disability may require additional support and / or assistance in order to maximise their potential

3 Pluss Guiding principles? In addition to earlier presentations mention of Equality, Diversity Management & the Social model of disability… NORMALISATION… the “utilisation of means which are as culturally normative as possible in order to establish and/or maintain personal behaviours and characteristics which are as culturally normative as possible.’ (Wolfensberger, 1972) Redefined as ‘SOCIAL ROLE VALORISATION’ to include reference to strategies used in the creation, support and defence of valued social roles for people at risk of devaluation (Wolfensberger, 1998).

4 Pluss The five accomplishments (O’Brien 1981): 1. COMMUNITY PRESENCE – ensuring that service users are present in the community by supporting their actual presence in the same community as other ordinary citizens (e.g. ordinary employers workplaces). 2. CHOICE – ensuring that service users are supported in making choices about their lives by encouraging people to understand their situation, the options they face, and to act in their own interests on important issues (e.g. what type of a job to do). 3. COMPETENCE – developing the competence of service users by developing skills and attributes that are functional and meaningful in the community and which significantly decrease a person’s dependency or develop personal characteristics that other people value (e.g. doing a job) 4. RESPECT – enhancing the respect afforded to service users by developing a positive reputation for people who use the service, and ensuring that the activities, locations, and forms of dress and use of language etc to promote the perception of people with disabilities as valued citizens (e.g. workers). 5. COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION – participate in the life of the community by supporting people’s natural relationships and when necessary, widening each individual’s network of personal relationships (e.g. getting a job).

5 Pluss Other guiding principles… Citizenship Self Determinism One person at a time Use of Natural Supports Personalisation The presumption of employability

6 Pluss History of Learning Disability Employment provision in UK? Similar timeline as with Toms previous presentation Pre industrial revolution -“idiots” (but included in society) Hospitals / large institutions (Starcross - 1500 people!) Segregation / Treatment / Medical model Closure programme of institutions (70s onwards) Development of Community Care (70 / 80s onwards) Development of Social Model (ATCs etc) Systematic Training & “try another way” in US (70s +) Development of Supported Employment in UK (80s +) 2011 Supported Employment continues to evolve ….

7 Pluss Different terms & models… Assessment & rehabilitation Vocational training Sheltered Workshops Work experience Wage subsidies Sheltered businesses Work Crews Enclaves Welfare To Work Intermediate labour Market Self Employment Social Firms Social Enterprise Customised Employment Supported Employment …

8 Pluss What is Supported Employment? Paid employment, in community jobs, with individuals, with ongoing support for long term success, with clear opportunity for ongoing integration & interaction with people who do not have disabilities in the workplace. (Diploma in Supported Employment 1998) A method of providing support to people with disabilities or other disadvantaged groups to secure and maintain paid employment in the open labour market. (European Union of Supported Employment 2005)

9 Pluss Features of Supported Employment Job Seeker Vocational Profiling / Discovery Employer profiling / Work Place Analysis / Task Analysis Marketing (identify, anticipate & meet customers needs) Training (in situ through the “Place – Train” model) Identification & use of Natural Supports Fading / withdrawal Ongoing support

10 7 phase Sequence 1.Natural Ways 2.Natural means 3.Natural People 4.Facilitate /Train 5.Support/substitute /Assist 6.Reconsider Natural Means 7.Reconsider Natural ways If not successful Successful acquisition

11 7 Phase Sequence Essential tool for organising and planning Holistic approach to the job, the tasks, culture, learning and problem solving Balances naturalness and individual need Ensures natural drives training decisions Designed to be flexible with emphasis on enquiry and negotiation 1-4 Bias to natural 5-7 back up for Individual need Marc Gold & Associates

12 Having a job offers much more than just an income. It offers independence, dignity and self esteem. Employment should be available to everyone. Pluss Why Work?

13 Work is important – its not just about earning money. Work helps people to make new relationships and take part in communities. Many people with Learning disability want to work, and can work in real jobs, with real pay. But, not enough people with learning disability get real paid jobs. Pluss What is work ?

14 Everyone can work IF they get the right support. Services should support anyone with a learning disability who wants to work. Nobody should be left out. People should get support whatever their disabilities, health care needs or behaviours that are challenging. Pluss Everyone should have a chance to work

15 The average employment rate is about 75% Nationally about 48% of people with a disability or long term health condition are in paid work Nationally and locally only about 7% (or less) of people with a learning disability are known to be in paid work The Valuing Employment Now plan is to close the gap! Pluss Some statistics…

16  Grow the assumption of employability & raise expectations  Joint working to create individual paths to employment  Better work preparation at school, college and adult learning  The role of personal budgets & social care  Increasing high quality job coaching  Clear up confusion about Benefits system  Promote self employment Pluss Valuing Employment Now delivery plan:

17 8. The need for employers to see the good business case 9. Transport to get to work 10. Addressing the barriers with where people live 11. Employment for the most excluded adults with learning disabilities 12. People with learning disabilities and their families leading the way 13. Batter data and performance management Pluss Valuing Employment Now Delivery Plan

18 - 3 year national cross government project -12 sites across England - 2 involving Pluss at Torbay and Somerset - Aims to identify what needs to happen to ensure that young people with severe learning disabilities leave education and then go on to achieve paid employment and lead full lives - Emphasis on Transitioning - Emphasis on Partnership working between agencies - Final report to follow in March 2011 Pluss Getting A Life project…

19 - Campaign with a focus on Public Sector employers to lead through good practice to recruit & retain a diverse workforce including people with learning disabilities (and to reap the good business arguments that result!) - Employer driven… - Attract ! - Select ! - Employ ! - Various public sector organisations have participated including local councils, hospitals, and others (Anne O’Bryan, Employers Forum on Disability and others including Pluss) Pluss Valued In Public

20 Presumption of employment for everybody Valuing Employment Now / National & Local Strategy Harsh economic climate / financial austerity measures Importance of wise commissioning & good quality delivery Risks to good practice Transitioning The continued evolution of Social Enterprise, Self Employment & Supported Employment New initiatives e.g. Project SEARCH – link to Anne O’Bryan and afternoon visit to Derriford Hospital Pluss Summary…

21 Plymouth Project SEARCH

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