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© 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. The Business of Thinking ® ThinkAbout Your Customer.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. The Business of Thinking ® ThinkAbout Your Customer."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. The Business of Thinking ® ThinkAbout Your Customer

2 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Sections of ThinkAbout Your Customer 1.Identifying Your Customer 2.Knowing Your Product/Service 3.Matching Products and Services to Customers 4.The Buying Decision

3 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. The Business of Thinking ® Series ThinkAbout Your Customer Participant Workbook

4 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 1: Identifying Your Customer Whole Brain ® Thinking Review Easy and Challenging Customers The Customer and You! Clues, Everyone Gives Those Action Plan

5 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives At the end of this segment, you will be able to: Understand how thinking preferences affect communication with your customers Identify customers’ thinking preferences in relation to your own preferences and the situation Adapt your thinking preferences to your customers' as needed

6 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC The Organizing Principle and Architecture The basis of our mental preferences: four interconnected, specialized processing modes that function together situationally and iteratively. The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC.

7 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Our Four Different Selves A B D C Analyzes Quantifies Is logical Is critical Is realistic Likes numbers Knows about money Knows how things work Infers Imagines Speculates Takes risks Is Impetuous Breaks rules Likes surprises Is curious / Plays Takes preventive action Establishes procedures Gets things done Is reliable Organizes Is neat Timely Plans Is sensitive to others Likes to teach Touches a lot Is supportive Is expressive Is emotional Talks a lot Feels The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC.

8 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Analyzes Quantifies Is logical Is critical Is realistic Likes numbers Knows about money Knows how things work At Work: Finance, Engineer, Chemist, Technician Decision Making: Gathers Facts, Argues Rationally Problem Solving: Forms Theories, Solves Logically, Measures Precisely Communicating: Brief, Clear, Precise Info; Facts/No fluff Listening: Appreciates Technical Accuracy and To-The-Point Materials A Quadrant: The Rational Self

9 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Takes preventive action Establishes procedures Gets things done Is reliable Organizes Is neat Timely Plans At Work: Manager, Administrator, Project Management, Travel Agent Decision Making: Stands Firm, Conservative, Procedural Problem Solving: Approaches Problems Practically Communicating: Thorough, Step-by- Step Listening: Appreciates Detailed Explanation and Assurance B Quadrant: The Safekeeping Self

10 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC At Work: Social Worker, Teacher, Trainer, HR Professional, Sales Person Decision Making: Involves Others, Interpersonal, Intuitive, Emotional Problem Solving: Considers Others, Intuitive, Picks Up on Nonverbal and Interpersonal Clues Communicating: Open, Informal, Expressive Listening: Appreciates Empathy, Personal Touch, Eye Contact Is sensitive to others Likes to teach Touches a lot Is supportive Is expressive Is emotional Talks a lot Feels C Quadrant: The Feeling Self

11 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC At Work: Self Employed, Entrepreneur, Artist, Designer, Advertising, Marketing, Sales Decision Making: Imaginative, Risk Taking, Forward Looking Problem Solving: Inventive, Intuitive, Sees the Big Picture Communicating: Overview, Conceptual, Imaginative Listening: Appreciates Visuals, Metaphorical Examples Infers Imagines Speculates Takes risks Is Impetuous Breaks rules Likes surprises Is curious / Plays D Quadrant: The Experimental Self

12 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Easy and Challenging Customers

13 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC 1.Select 3 cards that would best describe your ‘Easy Customer.’ 2.Select 3 cards that would best describe your ‘Challenging Customer.’ 3.Lay them out in separate rows, face up. 4. Compare the two rows. The Customer and You!

14 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC The Customer and You!  Analytical  Challenging  Critical  Definitive  Direct  Factual  Intellectual  Logical  Mathematical  Objective  Problem Solver  Quantitative  Rational  Realistic  Rigorous  Technical  Administrative  Articulate  Controlled  Detailed  Disciplined  Dominant  Industrious  Organized  Persistent  Planner  Practical  Procedural  Punctual  Safekeeping  Sequential  Structured  Adventurous  Artistic  Conceptual  Creative  Curious  Exploratory  Flexible  Holistic  Imaginative  Integrating  Intuitive (ideas)  Open Minded  Risk Taker  Simultaneous  Spontaneous  Synthesizer  Cooperative  Emotional  Empathic  Enthusiastic  Expressive  Friendly  Harmonizing  Helpful  Interpersonal  Intuitive (feelings)  Musical  Passionate  Receptive  Responsive  Spiritual  Trusting

15 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. The Customer and You!  Analytical  Challenging  Critical  Definitive  Direct  Factual  Intellectual  Logical  Mathematical  Objective  Problem Solver  Quantitative  Rational  Realistic  Rigorous  Technical  Administrative  Articulate  Controlled  Detailed  Disciplined  Dominant  Industrious  Organized  Persistent  Planner  Practical  Procedural  Punctual  Safekeeping  Sequential  Structured  Adventurous  Artistic  Conceptual  Creative  Curious  Exploratory  Flexible  Holistic  Imaginative  Integrating  Intuitive (ideas)  Open Minded  Risk Taker  Simultaneous  Spontaneous  Synthesizer  Cooperative  Emotional  Empathic  Enthusiastic  Expressive  Friendly  Harmonizing  Helpful  Interpersonal  Intuitive (feelings)  Musical  Passionate  Receptive  Responsive  Spiritual  Trusting

16 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Clues – Everyone Gives Those Customer Statements Patterns of Speech Body Language Office Environment and Personal Work Space Customer Statements Patterns of Speech Body Language Office Environment and Personal Work Space

17 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Situational “Stretch” “Life is like a ten speed bicycle – we all have gears that we never use.” - Charles Schultz The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC.

18 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC What the customer is thinking, and what they want is often different than… what the salesperson is thinking and what they want.

19 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Your thinking preferences may be quite different than those of your customers. Your customers give clues as to their thinking preferences. It may be necessary to adapt your interactions with your customer to better match the customer’s thinking preferences. Key Thoughts

20 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives  Outcomes At the end of this segment, you will be able to: Understand how thinking preferences affect communication with your customers Identify customers’ thinking preferences in relation to your own preferences and the situation Adapt your thinking preferences to your customers' as needed

21 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Looking back at the customers you identified throughout the various exercises in this section, commit to improving your customer interactions with one of them. Challenging Customer: Write down a few areas where you may have ‘common ground’ with this customer. Write down the areas that you feel might be the most different from your own thinking preferences. This may be the focus of your ‘stretch’ to better interact with this customer. New Customer: Write down a few ideas on how to do a better job with gathering clues about a customer who is new to you. Action Plan

22 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 1: Identifying Your Customers End of Section 1 Next: Knowing Your Product/ Service

23 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 2: Knowing Your Product/ Service Product Speak to Us The Product’s Perspective Applying Whole Brain Technology ® to the Product Action Plan

24 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to: Understand how various products/services resonate differently with people of different thinking preferences Apply Whole Brain ® Thinking to the positioning of your offering(s) Identify ways to better position your offering(s) in a Whole Brain ® way

25 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Products Speak to Us ©

26 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Products Speak to Us

27 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Products Speak to Us ©

28 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. The Product’s Perspective Friendly Econom -ical Trendy Reliable Safe

29 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Applying Whole Brain Technology ® to the Product The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC.

30 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Applying Whole Brain Technology ® to the Product 1.Internal Design Team 2.End User – The Consumer ©

31 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Applying Whole Brain Technology ® to the Product “ABC’”Pharmaceutical Company U.S. headquarters Employs 43,000 Markets in 146 countries “Color Your Client”

32 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC “Color Your Client” “The typical pharmaceutical representative has an unusual selling situation where he or she does not sell to the end user; they sell to a recommender, that is, the doctor.” Michael Morgan CEO, Herrmann International Asia “ABC” Pharmaceutical Company

33 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Color Your Product/Service Brainstorm some descriptive words that you believe come to your customers’ minds when thinking of your product or service.

34 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Consider Whole Brain Technology ® in the design and development of products/services. Be aware of how your customers’ thinking preferences affects their perception of your products/services. Position your product/service in a Whole Brain ® way to reach a broader audience. Key Thoughts

35 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives  Outcomes At the end of this section, you will be able to: Understand how various products/services resonate differently with people of different thinking preferences Apply Whole Brain ® Thinking to the positioning of your offering(s) Identify ways to better position your offering(s) in a Whole Brain ® way

36 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Action Plan For this action plan, commit to get input from other departments or people to help you ‘color your product/service’ better. Who are you going to talk to, to ensure that your product/service ‘speaks’ to customers of all thinking preferences?

37 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 2: Knowing Your Product/ Service End of Section 2 Next: Matching Products and Services to Customers

38 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 3: Matching Products and Services to Customers Techniques to Position a Product Whole Brain ® Guide to Product/Service Appeal Stretching to Position Whole Brain ® Sales Walk- Around Action Plan

39 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to: Recognize Whole Brain ® Thinking in product/service positioning Identify how some characteristics of your product/service appeal naturally to your customers Prepare a description of your offering's features, benefits and characteristics in light of all four quadrants

40 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Pitching the Product

41 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Positioning the Product/Service

42 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Positioning for All Quadrants

43 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Futuristic motions Considering the “what if”… Playful ‘Surprises’ as items are replaced Imaginative Replacement costs “… because we don’t have shareholders” Concept is logical Clever Wording: “We take care of the heat, so you don’t get burned.” Policy is procedural Insurance is a preventive action Organized home shown Their process gets things done Familiar, friendly voice, Julia Roberts, known to many Company is supportive of customer Leaves you with a good feeling Sensitive to customer’s needs Positioning for All Quadrants

44 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Whole Brain ® Guide to Product Appeal Research to support assumptions Technical specifications How the product or service functions Data to support conclusions Results from similar organizations Bottom-line results … Safety features Customer references Customer service Technical support Step-by-step instructions and procedures Project timeline … Innovative aspects Creative aspects Numerous ways product can be used Openness of seller to new uses Breakthrough aspects of product or service … Intuitive features Ease of use Customer support Values and ethics of selling organization Story-behind-the-story of how product/service was developed …

45 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Stretching to Position Features Benefits Characteristics

46 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Whole Brain ® Sales Walk-Around Provide PROOF  Data/Knowledge  Research  Features/Benefits  Finance/Budget Be Factual Produce a PLAN  Requirements  Process  Schedule  Contingency Be Reliable Pay attention to PEOPLE  Customer Service  Education  Communication  Consensus Be Relatable

47 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A positioning message that resonates with all thinking preferences will have the widest appeal. The Whole Brain ® Guide to Product/ Service Appeal can help you craft a clear and whole-brained message. To be prepared for customers of all thinking preferences, frame your offering’s features, benefits and characteristics with the Whole Brain ® Model in mind. Key Thoughts

48 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives  Outcomes At the end of this section, you will be able to: Recognize Whole Brain ® Thinking in product/service positioning Identify how some characteristics of your product/service appeal naturally to your customers Prepare a description of your offering's features, benefits and characteristics in light of all four quadrants

49 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Action Plan Consider the way you have been positioning the features, benefits and characteristics of your products to date. Have you been staying in only your own preferred thinking style? Take a few more of the features, benefits or characteristics that you defined in the last exercise and create a Whole Brain ® ‘positioning walk-around’ for them. What ‘blind spots’ will you be more mindful of in the future?

50 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 3: Matching Products and Services to Customers End of Section 3 Next: The Buying Decision

51 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 4: The Buying Decision Types of Buyers We Want What We Want How Customers Make Buying Decisions Planning Your Future Customer Interactions How to Present Information Action Plan

52 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to: Understand how your thinking preferences affect how you make buying decisions Identify the way others’ thinking preferences affect the way they make buying decisions Apply Whole Brain ® tools to enhance your future customer interactions

53 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Types of Buyers The Financial Buyer Main concern is the cost of a product or service May select a lesser quality product simply due to a lower purchase price Often found in purchasing/ procurement departments The Specification Buyer Main concerns are quality and meeting particular requirements Evaluates different options and then provides a recommendation Price is often not as big a concern but it can be a factor The User Buyer Main concern is how a product or service will affect the way the end- user does their job Deals with consequences of an inadequate product or service Most focused on functionality in the ‘real world’ The Executive Buyer Main concern is how a product or service will help advance the organization’s strategic goals Considers profits, strategic growth and long-term vision Typically the final decision-maker/ approver

54 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Car Buying What were the factors that went into this purchase? Why did you ultimately purchase the car you did? When you consider your salesperson, how would you describe his/her efforts? Was there anything that you remember from a past car purchase that was helpful this time?

55 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. We Want What We Want: Buying a Car Wants to see data and statistics on performance Looks at energy efficiency Looks at cost of vehicle, trade-in value Comparison shops against other vehicles Considers ease of maintenance Wants to know how it works Likes power and precision handling Looks at the aesthetic qualities: sportiness, color, form, ‘cutting edge’ qualities Wants it to fit the dream, personal image, long-range plans Is more willing to experiment and take some risks Is often a first-model buyer, early innovator Interested in safety features and durability Looks at the practicality of size, number of doors, storage space, stain resistant materials; features such as interior trunk/fuel unlock Looks at maintenance requirements Has done research and knows what they want Considers the ‘feel’ and comfort of the; user friendliness of controls Wants to ‘love’ the car Impacted by friendliness of sales and service organization ‘Feels’ it’s the right choice Will buy based on a friend’s recommendations

56 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC

57 What the Typical Buyer is Dealing with Today Higher expectations placed on them … … tighter resources … increased scrutiny on their spending “Every purchase decision is expected to have a clear business benefit.” gets-to-the-root-of-selling-and-buying-decisions/

58 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC What the Typical Buyer is Dealing with Today Workloads are escalating … … email inboxes are overflowing … including from people constantly trying to sell them something “Customers want fast and highly efficient transactions.” gets-to-the-root-of-selling-and-buying-decisions/

59 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC What Customers Want Flexible approaches … … solutions that simplify … … and address complex challenges “Customers want partners… who will add value by solving their problems.” gets-to-the-root-of-selling-and-buying-decisions/

60 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC “Too many times we really don’t understand what our customers value. We impose what we think they should value instead.” - David Brock, Partners in Excellence Getting Inside the Buyer’s Head

61 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC “For sales professionals, this means they can apply a method that allows them to provide less information to potential clients and get better results.” Less Is More

62 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. How Customers Make Buying Decisions Do I have all the facts? Does it meet my needs? Have I seen all the hidden possibilities? How will I affect others?

63 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. How to Present Information Brief, precise, clear and technically accurate information Data and fact-based visual aids Well-articulated ideas presented in a logical format No assumptions Facts, not fluff Clear goals and objectives Answers to ‘What’ questions Big-picture overview Conceptual framework Metaphors and visuals Minimal details Flexibility to move away from planned agenda Something new, fun, and imaginative Alignment with the long-term strategy Answers to ‘Why’ questions Concise, step-by-step approach Consistency Punctuality Detailed action plan References Adherence to rules and procedures Something in writing, in advance Contingency plans No digressions Answers to ‘How’ questions Empathy and consideration for others Eye-to-eye contact Personal touch and informality Open, informal discussion Expressive body language and voice Introductions and conversation Information on the effect on others Actively listen No hidden agendas Answers to ‘Who’ questions

64 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. Planning Your Next Customer Interaction Planning Tools: Clues – Everyone Gives Them Whole Brain ® Guide to Product/Service Appeal Whole Brain ® Sales Walk-Around Types of Buyers How Customers Make Buying Decisions How to Present Information to Your Customers

65 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Be mindful of all of the factors affecting your customer’s buying decision Using Whole Brain ® Thinking helps you tailor your approach and message to different types of buyers. Planning ahead for a customer interaction prepares you to stretch into any quadrant, as needed. Key Thoughts

66 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Learning Objectives  Outcomes At the end of this section, you will be able to: Understand how your thinking preferences affect how you make buying decisions Identify the way others’ thinking preferences affect the way they make buying decisions Apply Whole Brain ® tools to enhance your future customer interactions

67 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Action Plan Identify aspects of your proposing and presenting technique that you will focus on improving, for future customer interactions.

68 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. Section 4: The Buying Decision End of Section 4 Next: ThinkAbout Your Customer Wrap-Up

69 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A B D C The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC. ThinkAbout Your Customer What We’ve Covered Who Benefits Why Whole Brain ® Thinking How We Did It

70 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC A – What We’ve Covered Whole Brain ® Model Clues – Everybody Gives Those Situational “Stretch” Products Speak to Us Applying Whole Brain Technology ® to the Product Techniques to Position a Product/Service Whole Brain ® Guide to Product/Service Appeal Types of Buyers How Customers Make Buying Decisions How to Present Information

71 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC B – How We Did It Easy and Challenging Customers The Customer and You! The Product’s Perspective Color Your Product/Service Positioning for All Quadrants Stretching to Position We Want What We Want – Buying a Car Planning for Your Future Customer Interactions

72 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC C – Who Benefits Better Customer Relationships More Successful Outcomes with: Co-workers Managers Clients/Customers Vendors Stakeholders

73 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC D – Why Whole Brain ® Thinking Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results

74 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Questions?

75 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. The Business of Thinking ® ThinkAbout Your Customer

76 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. The Business of Thinking ® Series Start Thinking ThinkAbout Teams ThinkAbout Communicating ThinkAbout Creative Thinking ThinkAbout Decision Making ThinkAbout Problem Solving ThinkAbout Your Customer

77 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC The four-color, four-quadrant graphic and Whole Brain ® are registered trademarks of Herrmann Global, LLC.

78 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Connect with us: Better Thinking. Better Performance. Better Results. 828.625.9153 l

79 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Appendix Additional Facilitator Resources

80 © 2014 Herrmann Global, LLC Break it up! The brain needs time to process. Taking a break during class/learning helps retain the information just learned.

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