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Healthwatch CWL Christine Vigars Chair, Healthwatch CWL.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthwatch CWL Christine Vigars Chair, Healthwatch CWL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthwatch CWL Christine Vigars Chair, Healthwatch CWL

2 Out of Hospital services (page 16) Ease of access to GP most important factor Low levels of awareness of alternatives such as Parsons Green Walk-in Centre 50% did not know of the location or purpose of an Urgent Care Centre (UCC) Primary reason for accessing a GP was opening times 26% of people know of NHS 111 Next: Shaping a healthier future, Whole Systems Integrated Care, Charing Cross

3 Mental health (page 24) 67% of respondents knew what their care plan was But, of those that knew: 64% said they felt involved in creating their care plan 51% said they created it jointly with staff 50% had involved friends, family, advocates Next: Action plan from Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, quarterly monitoring meetings, mental wellbeing for children and young people.

4 Home care (page 23) Spoke with over 200 users as LINks Action plans with five providers 52 recommendations for the re-design of home care Co-drafted service specification and tender questions As users, we presented on dignity in home care to over 50 potential providers Next: carry our home care assessments in all three boroughs this summer, work with Councils on contract monitoring arrangements, encourage people to complain.

5 Hospital discharge (page 33) Discharge planning not happening within 48 hours Insufficient mobilisation on wards Discharge days/times change making planning difficult Poor access to medication Patient transport delays Poor linkages to outpatients and primary care Particular issues for patients with mental health needs, learning disabilities and those whom are older and/or homeless Next: Healthwatch England Special Inquiry, working on ‘whole systems’ integrated care and with the Health and Wellbeing Boards.

6 Dementia (page 31) GP diagnosis Frequency of care reviews Staff training on dementia Support for carers Respite Information on how to access services Hospital care Next: Presenting to Health and Wellbeing Boards, Tri-borough Dementia Strategy, Dementia Action Alliances, assessments of dementia services.

7 Questions on what you have heard so far?


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