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Is Everybody Drinking? Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Department of Student Health Each family will receive an audience response “clicker.”

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Presentation on theme: "Is Everybody Drinking? Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Department of Student Health Each family will receive an audience response “clicker.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is Everybody Drinking? Gordie Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Department of Student Health Each family will receive an audience response “clicker.” Please pass to the end of your row following the session.

2 Student Health Services Handbook for Parents pages 36-41 General Medicine Gynecology Learning Needs & Disability (LNEC) Counseling & Psychological (CAPS) Pharmacy Lab Health Promotion

3 Questions about Student Health? Visit the Resource Fair Tomorrow 12:30pm-2:30pm Representatives from: General Medicine Counseling and Psychological Services Learning Needs & Disability Services Billing and Medical Records Aetna – Student Health’s insurance provider Hand in the REQUIRED Pre-Entrance Health Form! (Reminder: August 31 st deadline - $100 penalty)

4 Have you used clickers before? 1.What’s a clicker? 2.Yes, but only a couple of times. 3.For your information, I am a clicker guru.

5 Virginia Law (Handbook for Parents pg. 75)  Underage alcohol consumption/possession/purchase  Purchasing, giving, providing, or assisting in providing alcohol to person under 21  Using A fake ID ALL Class 1 misdemeanors Mandatory minimum $500 fine (max. of $2,500) or 50 hours of community service Mandatory driver’s license suspension - 6 month minimum, 1 year max. Possible jail sentence: up to 1 year

6 U.Va. student Leslie Baltz (1976-1997)

7 Is this what college is really like?

8 When do you think your son/daughter most recently used alcohol? 1.In the past 30 days 2.In past 12 months 3.Never

9 What % of U.Va. 1 st year students typically don’t drink? (no alcohol in past 30 days) 1.5% 2.16% 3.23% 4.37%

10 U.Va. First-Year Student Alcohol Use *2012 National College Health Assessment

11 On a typical Saturday night, 3 out of 4 U.Va. first-years have between 0 - 4 drinks 74% This includes 40% who don’t drink at all. * 2010 Health Promotion Survey of U.Va. Undergraduate Students.

12 Of 100 U.Va. undergraduate students on a Saturday night… 31 31 drinking no alcohol. 33 33 drinking moderately - 1 to 3 drinks over the course of the evening. 19 4 or 5 drinks) 19 drinking a bit more (4 or 5 drinks). 17 17 drinking heavily- 6 or more *2010 Health Promotion Survey 2/3 are at low risk for problems


14 What % of first-year students DO NOT smoke cigarettes? 1.61% 2.70% 3.88% 4.95%

15 U.Va. Undergraduate Student Cigarette Use * 2012 National College Health Assessment Most students have never used cigarettes


17 What % of U.Va. students DO NOT use marijuana? 1.65% 2.75% 3.85% 4.95%

18 U.Va. Undergraduate Student Marijuana Use Most students have never used marijuana *2012 National College Health Assessment


20 U.Va. undergraduate student abuse of prescription stimulant drugs (i.e., Ritalin, Adderall, etc. that were not prescribed to them or used for purposes other than intended) UVA Health Behaviors Survey (2004-2009), Health Promotion Survey, 2010 and National College Health Assessment, 2012 percent

21 ADHD Medication Tips for Students  If you have a prescription, think about: Who to tell you have ADHD meds How to handle requests to give/sell your meds  If you think you need meds to study Schedule an evaluation for attention difficulties at Student Health’s Learning Needs Evaluation Center


23 What are the majority doing?

24 The brain develops at different rates

25 Compared to older adults, the brains of young adults (under the age of 25) respond differently to alcohol Source: H Scott Swartzwelder, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University. Research supported by NIAAA and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs




29 Less sensitive to sedative effects

30 Problem drinking and biology Family history = 4X greater risk Informed choice

31 Alcohol abuse that occurs while the brain is still developing, even into the early 20s, may have “profound and long-lasting consequences.” Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse





36 AADAPTDAPT Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Team Student Athlete Mentors (SAM) U.Va. Peer Education Peer Health Educators Hoos Sober listserv of alcohol-free events Subject line: subscribe hoos-sober ADAPT

37 Used more than 3,900 times in 2011-2012

38 Hoos in Recovery An association of over 120  undergraduate  graduate students  staff  faculty, and  alumni in recovery from alcoholism or addiction who provide a non-judgmental, non-critical, anonymous forum for discussion. September 5 Noon Newcomb Board Room

39 Your continued role  Students trust you  Initiate conversations  Clear expectations  Avoid scare tactics  Reinforce U.Va. norms  Repeat the message


41 THANK YOU! Please pass your clickers to the end of the row.

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