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P.J. Brennan, MD Chief Medical Officer Penn Medicine April 25, 2015

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1 P.J. Brennan, MD Chief Medical Officer Penn Medicine April 25, 2015
Pay for Performance: Alternative Payment Models in CV Care – Are you ready? P.J. Brennan, MD Chief Medical Officer Penn Medicine April 25, 2015


3 Patients as Consumers of Health Care
Patients are increasingly being exposed to the cost of care through higher copays and deductibles Many people (81%) purchasing insurance in the exchanges are selecting plans (e.g. bronze, silver) with sizeable deductions Employees enrolling in private exchanges are more likely to select high-deductible plans

4 National Trends Toward Value
The shift from volume-based to value-based payments continues (e.g. value-based purchasing) Cost-sharing organizational arrangements (e.g. ACOs) and new payment models (e.g. bundles) have begun to proliferate differentially across markets Our costs are increasing (e.g. increasing length of stay, increasing skill mix, need for academic support) at the same time that national policy, payers, and patients are focused on cost reductions Patients are being “steered” towards specific providers and making their own choices on the basis of cost

5 Program Goals ↓ Unnecessary clinical variation
Value brings together quality and cost as defined around the patient. Quality relates to patient outcomes whether it be the avoidance of complications or the improvement in functional status over time So our ultimate goal is to move UPHS up the “value arc” shown here that results in both higher quality and lower cost and the intermediate goals listed on the right are some of the ways in which we will achieve this goal. Since we have proposed a set of incremental resources to work on this project, we are looking to achieve a minimum of 10x the investment annually once we have ramped up the effort. ↓ Unnecessary clinical variation ↓ Potentially avoidable conditions/costs Delivering the right care in the most appropriate setting ↓ LOS Improve patient flow & clinical care processes Improve operational/support processes Efficient supply/resource use Higher Quality Reduction in preventable conditions/ costs UPHS UPHS Lower Cost Reduction in unnecessary costs

6 Experimenting with new payment models
Accountability for Managing Care Low High Era of Reform 1990s 2010s Hospitals and physicians are increasingly being asked to take on more financial risk and accountability for “managing appropriate care” New payments models, like bundled payments, require us to better coordinate primary and specialty care to treat specific patient populations

7 Powerful Signals from Government
Setting Value-Based Payment Goals — HHS Efforts to Improve U.S. Health Care Sylvia M. Burwell | January 26, 2015DOI: /NEJMp “The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) now intends to focus its energies on augmenting reform in three important and interdependent ways: Using incentives to motivate higher-value care, by increasingly tying payment to value through alternative payment models; Changing the way care is delivered through greater teamwork and integration, more effective coordination of providers across settings, and greater attention by providers to population health; and Harnessing the power of information to improve care for patients.”

8 1. Characteristics of Payment Models

9 2. The Framework for Care Build a set of interventions that integrate the care continuum. ? Hospital Stay Outpatient Post-acute Services/ Chronic Care Management Risk Stratification Interdisciplinary Care Closing the Loops Getting Information to the Right Place Follow-up Programs & New Payment Models Risk assessment linked to interventions Real-time readmission feedback Shared clinical protocols across the continuum Patient & family education Med rec across the continuum Goals of care conversations Referrals to post- acute services Followup appointments & slots Followup phone calls MyPenn Pharmacy PCP contact info Discharge summary to next provider Loopback communication & trouble-shooting Integrated platform of wraparound programs Care connectors Bundled payment experiments

10 3. Where Does Cost Accrue in a 90-Day Hospital Bundle
Starts with Admit Anchor Admit 33% of Bundle Spending Re- Admits 17% Home Health 6% Other Part B 7% Physician Services (PCPs & Specialists) 11% Inpatient Stay thru 90+ Days Post Discharge Core BPCI Elements Starts with a hospitalization Defined at MS-DRG level CMS expects 2% savings/bundle Includes all costs for up to 90 days post discharge No change in fee for service billing SNF/IRF/ LTCH 26%

11 3. Distribution of costs in a 90 day PCI bundle
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Based on data, a large portion of 90-day bundle costs occur in the post acute setting. Spending Distribution for PCI Average Spend per Bundle: $21,922 “Manageable Post-Acute Costs” SNF, IRF, & Readmission expenses represent 21% or $4,644 of the PCI bundle cost

12 3. Using Data Science to Detect HF
Algorithm <1> Detection HF patients Value: Increase HF Service Line volume by at least 300 patients* Algorithm <2> Detect High Risk HF patient Value: Productivity multiplier for resources. Apply less resources to low risk and more resources to high risk to avoid Readmits and delay progression of illness Algorithm <3> Detect candidates for Adv Care Value: Increase volume for Advance Care and reduce risk of unsuccessful therapy Goal of this Example: Provide more detail on the value the Data Science project. Show how it is a key component of major clinical initiatives that will change how care is delivered, improve the patients outcome and the cost to deliver it. This diagram plan was created jointly by the Data Science team and the HF illness team in trying to define a HF product for patients and payers. *Assumptions based on FY14: 66% of 900 HUP HF patients where captured into the HV Service Line at HUP. Creating an opportunity to identify 300 patients on admission to connect to HVSL for Penn Medicine.

13 The Array of Continuity Services
We already have many of these services and they are successful. There are a few additional programs we envision and growth of a few programs – and we are requesting funding in support of that. We face a challenge – many of these programs and supports are managed in silos and we see an opportunity to better integrate the pre- and post acute care efforts to make the whole greater than the sum of the parts. Service Lines HCHS Targeted Programs Internal & External Programs HCHS Agencies Penn Care at Home Wissahickon Hospice CANCER SL TCM IMPaCT Disease Management Prgms Caring Way GSPP Rehab Referring Providers GSPP LTACH MSK SL Home Infusion Telehealth Hospital at Home Telewound Telemedicine HV SL Non Penn Community Health Services Non-Penn Hospice Non Penn Homecare Non Penn LTACHs WH SL NS SL PPMC SNF PCRC SNF Care Connectors/ Nurse Navigators E-Lert Life Line Healthy Planet My Penn Pharmacy My Penn Medicine Quality DataMart Clinical Data Registries Connectivity Integrated data

14 “No Regret Moves” to Drive Value
General Principals Establish benchmark goals for outcomes, service, cost Map clinical pathways that can achieve goals (Engagement) Promote coordination/integration of patient services (Continuity) Improve efficiency by lower costs and LOS across all services (Value) UPHS Strategies Manage patients populations at a lower cost (cost of care) Manage high CMI patients with “acute expression of chronic disease” Leverage the advantage of a common EHR across all our sites

15 Conclusion Pressure to reduce health care costs; patients, payors and purchasers of health care want better value Financial payments are a reward/penalty system. Historical Models have rewarded utilization. New health care payment models are being designed to reward or penalize hospitals and physicians based on value Variations in care are everywhere; eliminating those that are unnecessary is essential to better value care. Use evidence-based medicine to reduce unnecessary variation to improve quality, patient experience, and lower the cost of care


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