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Roanoke Elementary Bilingual Instruction 2008-2009.

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1 Roanoke Elementary Bilingual Instruction 2008-2009

2 Program Overview The Bilingual Program is a full-time instructional program in which Spanish and English are used for instruction. Students study the same curriculum as the fully-English Kindergarten classrooms.

3 Philosophy The Bilingual Education Two-Way Model enables learners to become competent in understanding, listening, speaking, reading, and writing the English and Spanish languages by developing literacy and academic skills. This program emphasizes the mastery of English and Spanish language skills, as well as science, mathematics, and social studies as integral components that enhance equitable student participation in school. Dual language programs offer intensive instruction in English and Spanish by teachers who are trained in recognizing and working with language differences. These programs use the academic and cultural experiences of the student as a platform to provide appropriate instruction in both languages.

4 Goals To increase student academic achievement. To assist students in becoming bilingual and biliterate. To assist school and community members in developing cross-cultural relationships. To establish a home school partnership.

5 Identification Spanish-speakers are identified bilingual students who are fluent in Spanish. English-speakers qualify by scoring fluent on the English oral test.

6 School Visits Carrollton-Farmers Branch Irving

7 Two-Way Bilingual Program Dual language education integrates language minority and language majority students for academic instruction in two languages. One of the languages is the native language and one is a second language.

8 Daily Class Schedule Week 1 Aguilera/English Homeroom Lunch count Calendar Morning meeting Language arts/ social studies Webber/Spanish Homeroom Lunch count Calendar Morning meeting Math/Science Aguilera/English Calendar afternoon meeting Language arts/ social studies Webber/Spanish Calendar afternoon meeting Math/science

9 Daily Class Schedule Week 2 Aguilera/English Homeroom Lunch count Calendar Morning meeting Math/Science Webber/Spanish Homeroom Lunch count Calendar Morning meeting Language arts/Social Studies Aguilera/English Calendar afternoon meeting Math/Science Webber/Spanish Calendar afternoon meeting Language arts/Social Studies

10 What To Expect… Homework in native language (L1); homework can be sent home in L2 for those desiring a challenge. Guided Readers in both English and Spanish.

11 Writer’s Workshop Teachers will conduct mini-lessons for Writer’s Workshop in the language they are working in. Students will do their process writing in the language of their choice, although the students will be encouraged to write in the language in which they are best able to express themselves.

12 Independent Reading & Writing In the language of the student’s choice.

13 Read Aloud Shared Writing & Reading Will be conducted in the instructional language. Phonics instruction will take place in both English and Spanish.

14 Translations Teacher will not translate (use Spanish) during English instruction time and vice-versa. Teachers may use peers, TPR (Total Physical Response) strategies, and visuals to make their point understood. Monolingual Delivery - instruction is to be given in only one language at a time.

15 End-of-Year Expected Outcomes Kindergarten grade-level TEKS English and Spanish reading levels – equally high Students will take both English and Spanish tests in order to measure growth over the course of the year.

16 Benefits Communication skills Exposure to different cultures Higher-order thinking Competitive in a global economy Develop a second language early on

17 Communication with Families Report Cards Progress Reports Monitoring development in both languages

18 Exiting the program Parental Request Teacher Request – after conferencing, collaborative meetings among staff, continuous monitoring

19 Testing Schedule Testing dates and times – Thursday, 8/14, 8:30-12:30 – Friday, 8/15, 8:30-12:30 Parents will receive a phone call regarding testing results and placement.

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