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Published byGiles Shields Modified over 9 years ago
7 PARTNERS, 6 COUNTRIES Italy, Venice (coordinator) Scotland, Inverness Germany, Frankfurt Germany, Lubeck Spain, Fuentesauco Poland, Wieliczka Romania, Craiova
During the 2 years of the project all partner schools video taped a number of lessons taught, both in the native language and in English, in order to compare CLIL methodologies with other teaching strategies. In order to achieve this comparison we have developed a data base in which we have analysed all the lessons according to five criteria: 1. Class Interactions – 9 lessons 2. Class management – 5 lessons 3. Students’ attention – 10 lessons 4. Teaching techniques – 13 lessons 5. Evaluation – 2 lessons
Besides these criteria we have also taken into account other factors which contribute to the success or failure of a lesson, namely: skills involved, students’ age and motivation, length of the class, class atmosphere, teacher’s role, students’ English level and grouping. Thus we have come to the following conclusion based on all of the above: ________X_______________X_________________________X__________________X______ Italy Poland Frankfurt Lubeck Romania Spain Traditional Balance Modern Modern Low motivation Average motivation Average motivation High motivation Low relaxation Average relaxation Highly relaxed Average relaxation Scotland is a special case as all lessons are taught in English so there is not the possibility for a CLIL comparison.
CLASS INTERACTIONS Teacher’s role Scotland: facilitator Lubeck: organizer, tutor Frankfurt: organizer, resource Spain: organizer
CLASS MANAGEMENT Teacher’s role Romania: organiser Poland: organizer Lubeck: organiser
STUDENTS’ ATTENTION Teacher’s role Romania: organizer, tutor Italy: controller Scotland: prompter Spain: controller
TEACHING TECHNIQUES Teacher’s role Romania: controller Italy: controller Scotland: organiser Frankfurt: assessor, organiser, resource Spain: organiser
EVALUATION Teacher’s role Scotland: tutor and assessor Frankfurt: assessor
1. Class interactions From the point of view of class interactions, it is interesting to watch the lessons from Lubeck, Germany. The pupils are so highly internally motivated and their English level is so good that the teacher acts only as organizer and tutor. The pupils are average relaxed, their level of English is high and they work in groups, presenting posters or develop a role-play. Although class interactions are not the main focus, the lessons develop smoothly, the pupils being very disciplined but not very spontaneous. Scotland, the pupils are highly motivated and average relaxed. The teacher acts as facilitator. They work in groups, debating upon a theme. Classroom interactions are very good, the pupils being spontaneous and not noisy. Frankfurt, the pupils are average motivated but highly relaxed, the teacher acts as organizer and resource. Their English level is high and they mainly work in groups or act role-plays. The class interactions (both S-S and T-S)are more present than in the Lubeck lessons, the pupils are more spontaneous but noisy. Spain, the pupils are low motivated and low relaxed (but for the good pupils). The teacher acts as organizer. The pupils’ English level is average and they mainly work in groups. There is good teacher-student interaction but no student-student interaction.
3. Students’ attention From the point of view of students’ attention, some of the lessons from Romania, Scotland, Spain and Italy are relevant, being the case of a lack of attention in fact. In the lessons from Romania, the pupils are low motivated and low relaxed (but for the good pupils). The teacher acts as organizer and tutor. The pupils’ English level is average and they mainly work individually and in groups. The involved pupils are attentive while the rest of the class just seems to be so. Scotland, (native language) the pupils seem low motivated, average relaxed and work in pairs. The teacher acts as prompter, giving suggestions. Being native speakers there is no need to talk about their English level!!! They just seem attentive. Spain, (native language) the pupils are low motivated and average relaxed. They also just seem attentive, but for the good ones. The teacher acts as controller and uses lockstep Italy, (native language) the pupils are low motivated and low relaxed. They work individually or in lockstep and just like the others above they just seem to be attentive. The teacher acts as controller.
2. Class management From the point of view of class management, the lesson which we would recommend to watch is the one from Wieliczka, Poland. The pupils are of average motivation, average relaxed and their English level is also average. They work individually and in groups. The teacher acts as organizer and succeeds in holding the class in action, pupils being quiet. The lesson from Craiova, Romania is based on a role play, the pupils are average motivated and average relaxed with an average English level. They work individually. The teacher acts as organiser. The lesson from Lubeck, Germany is based on pupils’ presenting information, being highly motivated and relaxed with a high English level.
4. Teaching techniques From the point of view of the teaching techniques, one can find a wide variety of these in the lessons from Frankfurt and not too many in the lessons from Italy and Romania. The lesson from Italy taught in English is a good one while Spain has an innovative approach. Frankfurt, the pupils are average motivated and highly relaxed. Their English level is quite high. They work individually, in pairs, in groups and in lockstep. The teacher acts as assessor, organizer and resource. The lessons are efficient due to the wide range of teaching techniques and also due to certain patterns used by the teacher. Scotland, the pupils are average even high motivated and relaxed. They work individually or in groups. The teacher acts as organiser. Italy and Romania, (native language) the pupils are low motivated and low or seemingly relaxed. The lessons are taught in a traditional way. They work in lockstep and the teacher acts as controller, but Maths is being taught, so this may explain why. In the economy lesson from Romania, role-play is used but the rest is the same.
5. Evaluation From the point of view of evaluation, there is one lesson which is more relevant, a lesson from Frankfurt. The pupils are highly motivated and highly relaxed, their English level is high. They work in groups, presenting posters as evaluation of the previous lessons. The teacher acts as assessor. There is another lesson worth seeing from the evaluation point of view, the one taught by a Scottish teacher to a class in Lubeck. The pupils are highly motivated and relaxed with a high English level. The teacher acts as organiser and facilitator.
Lubeck, Germany (4 lessons) – speaking Frankfurt, Germany (2 lessons) – writing - writing and speaking Frankfurt, Germany (1 lesson) – Role play Scotland (1 lesson) – Informal debate Salamanca, Spain (1 lesson) - speaking 9 lessons
2. Rainforest Subject: Geography Language: English Skill: Speaking Ss’ age: 14-15 - role-play (journalists+a group of experts in rainforests) - questions and answers - clear T’s instructions - good S-S interaction, no spontaneity - formal language, confident Ss - no realia; preparation before this production exercise - content evaluation - movie: “Planet Earth” - average relaxation, high motivation 1. The British Empire Subject: History Language: English Skill: Speaking Ss’ age: 16-17 - oral Ss’ poster presentations in groups - no T-S interaction - lack of realia, just pictures/posters - no S-S interaction, no interaction with the class - good content based on the posters - innovative learning about the topic through individual/group research - high English level - average relaxation - high motivation Lubeck
3. Creationism vs. Theory of Evolution Subject: Religion Language: English Skill: Speaking Ss’ age: 17-18 - formal debate/role-play - clear roles/instructions given by the Ss conducting the debate - no T-S interaction - speaking, confident Ss - good S-S interaction - Ss’ interest high; average relaxation - high English level, high motivation 4. Multicultural class Subject: Communication Language: English + others Skill: speaking Ss’ age: 18-19 - high English level - high motivation - high relaxation - S-S interaction - realia - posters - Spanish, Polish, German, Russian, French, English - T as organiser
Frankfurt 1.Declaration of independence Subject: History Language: English Skill: writing Ss’ age: 14-15 - relaxation - jigsaw/group work/S-S interaction but more in German - T helps when he is called, he doesn’t get involved otherwise - average motivated Ss - noisy pupils - T-S interaction and S-S interaction in English in groups
Frankfurt 2. The Boston Tea Party Subject: History Language:English Skill: writing, speaking Ss’ age: 14-15 - brainstorming/ picture description/reading/pair work - T helps the pairs, he gives explanations - realia: dictionaries, pictures - T-S interaction - T-S evaluation - not a lot of loud speaking - average motivation 3. King Arthur Subject: History Language: English Skill: Role play Ss’ age: 12-13 - role play - high English level - costumes - preparation sequence - high motivation
Spain 1.The environment Subject: Sciences Language: English Skill: Speaking Ss’ age: 15-16 - 4 Ss’ presentation - no realia - no T-S interaction - no S-S interaction - medium English level - Low motivation Scotland 1.Debate Subject: Debating Language: English Skill: Speaking Ss’ age: 17-18 - Informal debate - Clear indications - Good S-S, T-S interaction - Speaking, confident pupils - Ss’ interest, average relaxation - Native speakers of English
2.CLASS MANAGEMENT Wieliczka, Poland (3 lessons) – integrated skills Craiova, Romania (1 lesson) – speaking Lubeck, Germany (1 lesson) – speaking 5 lessons Poland 1.The world of vertebrates Subject: Biology Language: English Skill: integrated skills Ss’ age: 14-15 - Power Point presentation of the content by the T then by the Ss - no S-S interaction/ poster presentation - visual support; good realia – video projector, posters - involvement of the class - group-work - Ss’ lack of confidence - medium English level + some very good Ss - low relaxation; few relaxed pupils - the ones good at English - Average motivation
2. Facts about Germany Subject: Geography Language: English Skill: Ss’ age: Integrated skills - T-S interaction - S-S interaction - average motivation - average relaxation - realia - lockstep/groups - T as organizer and facilitator - good English level - T involves Ss in teaching 3. Greek Gods and Godesses Subject: Polish Language: English Skill: Integrated skills Ss’ age: - T-S interaction - average motivation - average relaxation - realia - lockstep - no S-S interaction - good English level Poland
Romania 1.Romanian literature Subject: Romanian Language: English Skill: speaking Ss’ age: 17-18 - groups - T-S interaction - average motivation - average relaxation - good English level - no realia - T as organiser Lubeck 1. Biology Language: English Skill: integrated skills Ss’ age: 13-14 - bilingual class - high English level - high motivation - high relaxation - pairs - S-S interaction - T-S interaction - T as facilitator and organiser
3. STUDENTS’ ATTENTION Skills: Speaking, Listening Craiova, Romania (2 lessons) – speaking Craiova, Romania (1 lesson) – practice Scotland (1 lesson) – speaking Salamanca, Spain (2 lessons) – introducing new information Salamanca, Spain (1 lesson) – speaking, listening Venice, Italy (3 lessons) - practice 10 lessons
1.Business ideas Subject: Economy Language: English Skill: Speaking Ss’ age: 16-17 - group work presentations - clear T’s instructions, worksheets for the rest of the class - no S-S interaction - poor involvement of the class - no realia - medium English level + some very good Ss - relaxation only with the Ss good at English - Low motivation Romania 2. Role-play Subject: Economy Language: Romanian Skill: speaking Ss’ age: 15-16 - low relaxation - role-play - T-S interaction - oral presentation - S-S interaction - peer learning - T helps Ss all the time - lack of attention, only the motivated Ss pay attention - low motivation
Romania 3. Maths Subject: Maths Language: Romanian Skill: practice Ss’ age: 15-16 - traditional class, T exposition - no S-S interaction, Ss go to the blackboard - good Ss’ attention because of age probably (15-16 years old) - group work - low motivation
Scotland 1. 3 Cell Model Subject:Geography Language: English Skill: speaking Ss’ age: 15-16 - oral presentation in pairs - relaxation - T-S interaction - T explains - no classroom interaction - low motivation
Spain 1. The environment Sciences Spain English - 4 Ss’ presentation - no realia - no T-S interaction - no S-S interaction - medium English level - low motivation 2. The climate Subject: Geography Language: Spanish Skill: introducing new information Ss’ age: 17-18 - low motivation - lack of pupils’ speaking - no S-S interaction - traditional exposition of the T - low attention - low English level - lockstep
Spain 3. Spelling Subject: English Language: English Skill: Speaking, Listening Ss’ age: 10-11 - no S-S interaction, only T-S - low attention - low level of English - lockstep - low motivation
Italy 1.Computer graphic basics Subject: ICT Language: English Skill: practice Ss’ age: 17-18 - traditional exposition - low motivation - realia: video projector - no T-S interaction/ Ss work on the computer - Ss’ interaction more in Italian - low/medium English level - low relaxation because of the English level, otherwise relaxed 2. Maths (2 lessons) Subject: Maths Language: Italian Skill: practice Ss’ age: 17-18 - traditional class, T ‘s exposition - oral test (T-S interaction -------S goes to the blackboard) - seemingly attentive and not relaxed - informal checking understanding - checking homework - T dictates - formal oral testing (T-S interaction ------S goes to the blackboard) - lack of attention, only the motivated Ss pay attention - peer learning moments - low motivation
4. TEACHING TECHNIQUES Skills: Integrated skills, practice and speaking Frankfurt, Germany (4 lessons) – integrated skills Venice, Italy (2 lessons) – practice Craiova, Romania (1 lesson) – practice Craiova, Romania (1 lesson) – speaking Poland (1 lesson) – listening Scotland (2 lessons) – speaking Spain ( 1 lesson) – speaking Italy (1 lesson) – integrated skills 13 lessons
Frankfurt 1. The working class vs. Capitalism 2. Railroad system in the USA 19 th century 3. Pro/Against Railroad Informal debate Subject: History Language: English Skills; integrated skills Ss’ age: 17-18 - relaxation - all Ss involved - picture description - good T-S interaction - realia: posters, video projector, map, dictionaries - noisy pupils – class management less authoritarian - high English level, speaking in German as well - brainstorming/worksheets/imagination stimulated/individual work/group work - average motivation - the T succeeds in motivating Ss temporarily, T helps Ss when needed - poster creation in groups - Ss’ attention – questionable - posters presentation in front of the class - reading/presentation of the read text - T extracts information from the Ss - informal debate - error correction
Frankfurt 4. Constitution of the USA Subject: History Language:English Skills: integrated skills Ss’ age: 17-18 - picture description - T-S interaction - high motivation - relaxed, attentive Ss - realia: pictures, video projector, worksheets - brainstorming, group work – reach a group solution - good S-S interaction - T explains and gives instructions - Ss create posters and present them
Italy 1.Maths (2 lessons) Traditional Subject: Maths Language: Italian Skills: practice Ss’ age: 17-18 - traditional class, T exposition - oral test (T-S interaction -------S goes to the blackboard) - seemingly attentive and not relaxed - informal checking understanding - checking homework - T dictates - formal oral testing (T-S interaction ------S goes to the blackboard) - lack of attention, only the motivated Ss pay attention - peer learning moments - low motivation
Scotland 1. Co-op Learning Subject: Biology Language:English Skills: speaking Ss’ age: 16-17 - Groups - Posters - Realia - High motivation - High relaxation - Clear instructions - T-S interaction - S-S interaction 2. Gaelic lesson Subject: Gaelic Language: Gaelic Skills: speaking Ss; age: 13-14 - Small group - Realia - Average motivation - Average relaxation
Romania 1.Maths Traditional Subject: Maths Language: Romanian Skills: practice Ss’ age: 15-16 - traditional class, T exposition - no S-S interaction, Ss go to the blackboard - good Ss’ attention because of age probably (15-16 years old) - group work - low motivation 2. Economy Role Play Subject: economy Language: Romanian Skills: speaking Ss’ age: 15-16 - low relaxation, low motivation - role-play - T-S interaction, S-S interaction - oral presentation - peer learning - T helps Ss all the time - lack of attention, only the motivated Ss pay attention
Poland 1. Solar System and Gravitational Forces Subject: Physics Language: English Skill: Listening Ss’ age: 15-16 - Realia - Lockstep - Average attention - Average motivation - Average relaxation - No S-S interaction. Good English level - Traditional and modern teaching techniques Spain 1.Advertisment Subject: IT Language: English Skill: speaking Ss’ age: 17-18
5. EVALUATION Frankfurt (1 lesson) – speaking Scotland ( 1 lesson) – integrated skills Frankfurt 1. Constitution of the USA Subject: History Language:English Skills: speaking Ss’ age: 17-18 - picture description - T-S interaction - high motivation - relaxed, attentive Ss - realia: pictures, video projector, worksheets - brainstorming, group work – reach a group solution - good S-S interaction - T explains and gives instructions - Ss create posters and present them
Scotland 1.Ocean currents Subject: Geography Language: English Skill: integrated skills Ss’ age: 17-18 - realia - clear aims - work sheets - T-S interaction - high motivation - average relaxation - high English level
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