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Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) computer-based distance learning in agriculture Presentation to 22 nd APAN 18 July 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) computer-based distance learning in agriculture Presentation to 22 nd APAN 18 July 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) computer-based distance learning in agriculture Presentation to 22 nd APAN 18 July 2006

2 The Demand: Requests from Member States for capacity building: Advice Assistance Appropriate guidelines, methodologies and tools The Problem: Inability to address demand with face-to-face training Insufficient human resources High cost

3 Strategy developed by SDR/GIL in 2000: Develop distance learning to meet immediate and future needs of Member States. Build on existing resources and expertise, both internal and external to FAO. Collaborate with other agencies and institutions facing the same challenges in capacity building. Build an extensive network of experts and institutions for subject coverage, quality translations, and effective distribution of distance learning materials.

4 Asynchronous Self-paced Learning Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) Use of Distance Learning in FAO

5 Distance Learning in Agricultural Information Management In 2001, FAO initiated a partnership- based e-learning programme called the Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK). Active collaboration with >30 international, regional and specialized organizations. From 2004, coordinated through a Steering Group of FAO, APC, AUF, Cirad, CTA, IICA, and UNESCO.

6 Main Objectives: Build capacity at national and local levels to manage and share information more effectively. Increase awareness, understanding and skills of individuals responsible for information management in agricultural agencies, institutions and networks. Supplement existing face-to-face training and capacity building activities in agricultural information management.

7 Main Outputs: Modules - a series of computer-based distance learning curricula and resources for agricultural information management. Online Community - a "virtual" community on the Internet for contributors and learners, allowing them to exchange information, and to collaborate with other professionals.

8 The Approach: Instructional design methods for self-paced e-learning Curricula designed, developed and reviewed by experts Strong emphasis on Quality Control Distributed on CD and IMARK web site Indirect user support: CD-based tutorial, FAQ, e-mail contact

9 The latest instructional methods in e-learning are used. Each curriculum is delivered with a technical glossary and search function, and provides access to non-proprietary software and tools. Illustrative Case Studies Simulations and Demonstrations Interactive Tests and Exercises Personalized Curricula Learner Tracking

10 Content development and adaptation: English – more than 100 lessons French – key partnership with Cirad and AUF Spanish – key partnership with IICA and CIAT Arabic – key partnership with Biblioteca Alexandrina Chinese – key partnership with MoA China

11 Management of Electronic Documents deals with the collection, archiving, management and dissemination of electronic documents and associated images released in October 2003 (En) CD copies distributed = >16,500  English: 9,000  French: 6,500  Spanish: 1,000

12 covers the workflows, processes, technologies and skills involved in the creation, management and distribution of digital libraries developed in partnership with UNESCO released March 2005 (En) CD copies distributed = >10,000 Digitization and Digital Libraries

13 Modules released in 2006: Investing in Information for Development Building Electronic Communities and Networks

14 IMARK website Launched in Nov 2005 4,000 registered learners Learners with bandwidth and connectivity problems can order a CD online.

15 Blended Learning – the best of both worlds… Face-to-face (F2F) training for > 500 people using IMARK-based curricula in 2004-05 Many become trainers themselves IMARK lessons adapted for F2F training IMARK modules provided before F2F workshops IMARK online community for trainees to work together

16 Online courses based on IMARK: Building Electronic Communities and Networks Regional organizations in East/Central Africa (ASARECA) and Caribbean (CARDI) - Feb-Mar 2006 FAO staff developing/enhancing Thematic Knowledge Networks - May-Jun 2006 Investing in Information for Development RLC’s FODEPAL platform for 50 managers from national institutions in Latin America – Sep-Oct 2006

17 Presentation to 22 nd APAN 18 July 2006 Michael Riggs Information Management Specialist FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

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