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From Research to Reality: How to Start an Elementary World Language Program in Your District Mandy Madderom Gina Pagel Waunakee Community School District.

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Presentation on theme: "From Research to Reality: How to Start an Elementary World Language Program in Your District Mandy Madderom Gina Pagel Waunakee Community School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Research to Reality: How to Start an Elementary World Language Program in Your District Mandy Madderom Gina Pagel Waunakee Community School District

2 Waunakee Example  FLES model: Students learn grade-level concepts while developing proficiency in a second language  Content based, Social Studies (1 st – 3 rd gr.)  Content related, all subjects (4 th – 6 th gr.)

3 Waunakee Example  Started in 1 st and 2 nd grade in 2006-2007  Expanded to 3 rd in 2007, 4 th grade in 2008, etc. until full implementation through 6 th grade in 2010  Meet 3x/week, for 30 minute class periods in 1 st – 3 rd grade  Meet 2x/week, for 30 minute class periods in 4 th grade  Meet 2x/week, for 40 minute class periods in 5 th & 6 th grades

4 Program Planning Checklist 1. Hold district-wide planning meetings 2. Complete mission statement, program philosophy 3. Select program model and goals 4. Select language 5. Develop budget 6. Develop curriculum 7. Plan articulation with 6-12 program 8. Plan for evaluation of program 9. Design public relations activities 10. Disseminate program information Source: Language and Children: Making the Match by Helena Curtain and Carol Ann Pesola

5 Waunakee Example  District conducted a study of the entire world language program in 2000-01.  Conclusions An area of concern: a high percentage of students enrolled in the MS world language program (Spanish) take Level 1 Spanish again at the high schoolAn area of concern: a high percentage of students enrolled in the MS world language program (Spanish) take Level 1 Spanish again at the high school  Initial study of an elementary world language program began in Fall of 2001.

6 The Process  Formed an Ad Hoc Committee Fall of 2004: classroom teachers classroom teachers world language teachers world language teachers principals principals parents parents world language consultants world language consultants school board members school board members

7 The Process  Gathered information research research contacted other successful elementary programs contacted other successful elementary programs developed rationale for elementary world language program developed rationale for elementary world language program  Visited sites Menasha Menasha Madison (Leopold Elementary) Madison (Leopold Elementary) Kettle Moraine Kettle Moraine

8 The Process  Sent out parent survey to all elementary families in Winter of 2005  Developed a proposal to present to the full school board in Fall of 2005 including a budget including a budget potential schedule potential schedule space usage space usage

9 Parent Survey  Questions we asked: Do you think a language other than English should be taught at the elementary level? Do you think a language other than English should be taught at the elementary level? What do you see as the benefits of early lang. learning? What do you see as the benefits of early lang. learning? Should the district offer the same language at all elementary schools? Should the district offer the same language at all elementary schools? What language should be offered? What language should be offered? Should the study of a language be required? Should the study of a language be required? Is a language other than English spoken at home? Is a language other than English spoken at home? Have you traveled or lived in another country where your native language was not spoken? Have you traveled or lived in another country where your native language was not spoken? Have you studied a world language? Have you studied a world language?

10 The Proposal  Made a recommendation to implement an elementary world language program in Waunakee  Recommendation includes a FLES program, integrating social studies and/or science into the language instruction, so nothing is “added to” a student’s already busy schedule

11 The Proposal  Spanish was chosen as the language for all three elementary schools; parent survey strongly suggested Spanish  French would be introduced at the 6 th grade level in a semester long course  Required curriculum for all elementary students  Elementary World Language teacher should have a strong elementary teaching background and fluency in the language

12 The Proposal  District will explore K-12 scope and sequence so students are able to attain a high level of fluency  An inter-disciplinary approach will be implemented (science or social studies)  Program will be annually assessed

13 How to Gain Support  Parent survey  Establish a well-rounded committee (advocates of the program, but also skeptics)  Research! ERIC Digest ( ERIC Digest ( Center for Applied Linguistics ( Center for Applied Linguistics ( Ñandutí ( Ñandutí (

14 How to Gain Support  Informational sessions were held for parents and grade level teachers  Invite community leaders and school board members frequently to visit and observe classes  Speak at Lions Club, Rotary Club, PTO meetings…

15 How to Gain Support  Include grade level teachers in curricular planning Teacher investment in an Elementary World Language is crucial Teacher investment in an Elementary World Language is crucial Grade level teachers are share holders in a group project Grade level teachers are share holders in a group project Seek their input Seek their input Make your program a help not a hindrance Make your program a help not a hindrance Share curriculum with grade level teachers before you start teaching Share curriculum with grade level teachers before you start teaching

16 The First Days of School  Start slowly: Plan lessons that are inviting to your students and colleagues.  Explain how the class will run. A new immersion experience could be overwhelming.  Teach language learning strategies (listen for words that sound like English words, use visual cues, use gestures and facial expressions to aid comprehension).

17 The First Days of School  Establish a routine An initial routine prepares students to “switch” languages Routine also allows teachers to prepare for the upcoming class

18 The First Days of School  Expect a little tension; change is difficult  Allow students time to accept the new challenge It takes time to build confidence It takes time to build confidence  Explain your content to grade level teachers Consider a weekly e-mail Consider a weekly e-mail

19 The First Days of School  Expect visitors! Your program is new and exciting! Your program is new and exciting!

20 Assess  Assess your program after the first month, first semester, first year…  Make changes as needed for students, staff, school, community

21 Questions?  Mandy Madderom  Gina Pagel

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