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Year 10 Options September 2012 A Guide to Examination Courses and how to make decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 10 Options September 2012 A Guide to Examination Courses and how to make decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 10 Options September 2012 A Guide to Examination Courses and how to make decisions

2 Why is this important? Only 2.5 years until you will be applying to University University requirements have become more specific Can have ´knock-on´ consequences for A´Level Should reflect areas of strength Needs to give you the best chance possible in each area

3 Year 10 Curriculum Compulsory Subjects English Language and Literature6 lessons Mathematics4 lessons Spanish4 lessons PE4 lessons PSHE +1 lesson Tutorial1 lesson Total20 lessons

4 A Balanced Choice Creative subjects Humanities Languages Sciences You should aim to study one subject from each of these groups:

5 EIC Option Subjects Creative/ Practical HumanitiesLanguagesSciences Art and Design Drama Music PE Business Studies Geography History Spanish French German Latin Biology * Chemistry * Physics * ICT (* must pick one)

6 (I)GCSE Grades ExtendedCore A* A B CC DD EE F G UU

7 How do I choose? Read the booklet Speak to teachers Research careers/courses Keep doors open Aim for a balanced curriculum But most important of all.......

8 Choose what you enjoy Be critical. What options will give you more choices later on? Potential career path?

9 Important Dates 16 th March – form submitted. Checkpoint Exams (23rd -25 th April). 14 th May – Yr 9 Parents’ Evening. October – YELLIS Tests.

10 Year 10 Curriculum-option blocks Option AArt, Chemistry, ICT Option BBusiness Studies, Biology Option CHistory, Music, Computing Option DFrench, German, Geography Option EPhysics, Drama 4 lessons in each blockTotal 20 lessons

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