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AS MFL- Ashby school 2009/10. We offer AS and A2… French German Spanish We have more students at AS and A2 than any other School in Leics!!!

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Presentation on theme: "AS MFL- Ashby school 2009/10. We offer AS and A2… French German Spanish We have more students at AS and A2 than any other School in Leics!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 AS MFL- Ashby school 2009/10

2 We offer AS and A2… French German Spanish We have more students at AS and A2 than any other School in Leics!!!

3 Why study a language at AS level??? There are more A and B grades at AS level nationally than any other subject! 94% of world does not speak English as their first language Jobs from receptionists to top level management need language skills You can travel more and meet more people You could earn more one day! UCAS have over 700 courses involving languages – (popular courses are languages combined with other skills e.g. French and law, Spanish and Management, German and business)

4 Course structure and Delivery 6 x1 hour lessons per week plus 5/6 hours homework You will be taught via; Text books, work sheets, internet, ICT programmes, satellite TV, computer suite, personal headsets for listening You will need; Access to a bilingual dictionary A Grammar book/ verb table (Collins)

5 Assessment Method 100% Examination at AS 2 sections FN1/ GN1/SN1 (Oral 15 mins – 60 marks) FN2/GN2/SN2 Listening, Reading and Writing (2.5 hours – 98 marks)

6 Topic areas covered a)LEISURE and LIFESTYLES; travel, tourism, sport, hobbies, healthy living, diet, exercise, drugs/ aids/ smoking b)The Individual and Society; relationships, responsabilities, gender issues, youth culture, education, training and careers

7 FN/GN/SN1– Oral Examination April/ May 2008 20% of Full A level (40% of AS) Topic-based conversation based on 2 topic cards (A and B) – 8 minutes Students prepare the cards for 15 minutes before the examination begins General conversation

8 FN/GN/SN2 – Listening, Reading and Writing 2.5 hours 30% full A level (60% of AS) Listening - brief conversations, reports, interviews with comprehension and grammar questions Reading – articles, extracts from magazines, newspapers, advertisements with comprehension and grammar questions Translation from French into English Writing – one essay from a choice of four

9 Opportunities! Successful French, German and Spanish exchanges Satellite TV and study area available anytime in MFL Sixthform study area (rm130) Video-conferencing opportunities being developed with France Email contact with France, Spain Cinema, theatre trips Day trips e.g Lille, German Xmas market Support with UCAS applications Open University language courses

10 Extra language opportunities We offer some extra courses in Mandarin, Japanese, French, German and Spanish Some of these courses operate a selection process and are dependent on other AS/A2 choices. See leaflet for more details.

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