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How to Deal with Latino Data: A Guide for Montgomery County Service Providers A Community Based Strategy For Reducing Health Disparities Latino Health.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Deal with Latino Data: A Guide for Montgomery County Service Providers A Community Based Strategy For Reducing Health Disparities Latino Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Deal with Latino Data: A Guide for Montgomery County Service Providers A Community Based Strategy For Reducing Health Disparities Latino Health Initiative Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services, Maryland Presented by: Graciela Jaschek, MPH; Eduardo Pezo, MPH, JD/MA Candidate (WCL)

2 Latino Health Initiative Background History  In July 2000, Latino community leaders formed the Latino Health Initiative (LHI) with support of the County Executive and County Council  In August 2000, the Latino Health Steering Committee (LHSC) was formed to advocate for Latino health

3 Latino Health Steering Committee (LHSC)  The LHSC is composed of 16 volunteer professionals and community leaders that work at the national, state and local levels  LHSC members work as a team to provide expert guidance and technical assistance to the LHI and to advocate on behalf of Latino communities

4 Latino Health Initiative Goals  Address health disparities by developing and implementing a plan of action  Engage in an ongoing community based participatory process to determine the major health priorities in the community that need to be addressed

5 Results of a Community Based Participatory Process  In February 2002, the Blueprint for Latino Health 2002-2006 was released  The Blueprint is for policy and decision makers to develop responsive medical care and public health systems that address the basic needs of the community  An updated Blueprint for Latino Health will be released in February 2008

6 Latino Data Workgroup  In 2002, the LDW was created to improve the collection, analysis, and reporting of health data for Latinos (Blueprint Priority Area A)  Composed of 9 volunteer professionals who work in Federal government, academia, and the private sector

7 Latino Data Issues  Lack of data (ex: MD Vital Statistics)  Under-representation of latinos (ex: surveys done by phone, in English)  Under-reporting of data (ex: combining sub- populations, foreign-born/US-born)  Lack of completeness  Lack of accuracy

8 How to Deal with Latino Data  In December 2006, the How to Deal with Latino Data Guide is released

9 How to Deal with Latino Data: Purpose  The Guide is meant to be used by professionals  The Guide is meant to help entities improve data collection, analysis, and reporting efforts

10 How to Deal with Latino Data: Demographics Latinos in the United States:  Largest and fastest growing minority  In 2004, there were 41 million Latinos  Latinos will grow from 14% to 24% of the total population by 2050*  64% Mexican, 15% Caribbean, 13% Central and South America** * 2005 American Community Survey ** 2006 American Community Survey

11 How to Deal with Latino Data: Demographics Latinos in Montgomery County  Fastest growing minority population*  In 2005 Latinos were 14% of the total county population*  67% Central and South America, 12% Caribbean, 10% Mexico** * 2005 American Community Survey Data ** 2006 American Community Survey

12 How to Deal with Latino Data: Demographics ctd. The MC Latino population is similar to other Latino populations in the U.S.  The Latino population in MC is young (28.5)  Latino households are large (3.83)  Most Latino households are families (83%)  Most Latinos speak a language other than English at home (90%)  Latinos face many economic challenges * 2005 American Community Survey

13 How to Deal with Latino Data: Community Assets  Richness in diversity  Latinos seek the American dream too  Many skilled professionals  Strong social and community networks  Untapped potential for community leadership  Well developed Spanish media

14 How to Deal with Latino Data: Cultural Considerations Cultural factors:  Strong core values  Strong family ties  Importance of the personal rather than the institutional  Face to face communication preference  Fatalistic attitude about disease

15 How to Deal with Latino Data: Linguistic Considerations Linguistic factors:  Spanish is one language  Not everyone who speaks Spanish can be a translator or interpreter  Translations (written text)  Interpreters (oral communications)

16 How to Deal with Latino Data: Collecting Data from Latinos  Go to the experts: Latinos themselves  Trust from the community is key  Research methods: there are several options  Considerations for survey design, administration, and analysis  Tips for developing and administering forms and surveys  Tips for analyzing and reporting collected data

17 How to Deal with Latino Data: Take-Home Messages  Learn as much as possible about your local Latino community and their contributions  Take the risk to learn new information  Train those collecting information about Latino cultural and language nuances  Do not rely on stereotypes  Ensure data gathering is conducted with methodological rigor, integrity, and patience

18 Lessons Learned  The community knows the solution  Community generated information is credible  Data are vital to any community  Cultural and linguistic issues need to be considered for collection, analysis and dissemination of data

19 Latino Health Initiative Contact Information LHI Offices 240-777-3221 Website

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