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Presentation on theme: "ULTRASOUND EVALUATION FOR CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME"— Presentation transcript:

Yin-Ting Chen, MD1 Michael Fredericson, MD2 Eugene Y. Roh MD2 Andrew Gallo, DO John Vasudevan, MD4 Sunghoon Lee, MD5 Michael Khadavi, MD6 1. Dept of Orthopaedic & Rehabilitation, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD. 2. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA. 3. Department of Orthopedic & Rehabilitation, Ft. Belvoir Community Hospital, Ft. Bevoir, VA. 4. Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. 5. Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Kwangju Christian General Hospital, Nam-Gu, Gwangju, Korea. 6. Carondelet Orthopaedic Surgeons and Sports Medicine, Leadwood, KS.

2 Objective Background Literature appraisal US vs EMG
Ultrasound protocol Summary

3 Objective Background Literature appraisal US vs EMG
Ultrasound protocol Summary

4 Disclosure Michael Fredericson has no conflicting interests to disclose

5 Background CTS is the most common compressive neuropathy
Accounts for 90% of all compressive neuropathies 3.8% of all general population 9.2% in women and 6% in men Electrodiagnostic examination (EDX) considered gold standard Most common referral to EDX laboratory for evaluation Ibrahim, I, W S Khan, N Goddard, and P Smitham. “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Review of the Recent Literature.” The Open Orthopaedics Journal 6 (2012): 69–76. doi: / Atroshi I, Gummesson C. “PRevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a General Population.” JAMA 282, no. 2 (July 14, 1999): 153–158. doi: /jama

6 Advantages of US for CTS
Patient comfort Non-invasive Timely evaluation Real time, office-based exam Less time-consuming Dynamic exam Relatively inexpensive High resolution anatomical evaluation (mass lesions, bifid median nerve, tenosynovitis, lipoma, ganglion cyst, lumbrical incursion… etc)

7 Disadvantages of US for CTS
Learning curve Operator dependent Not yet universally recognized …..To be overcome with training, training, training

8 CTS Sonographic Characteristics
Increased cross sectional area (CSA) within the carpal tunnel due to swelling Flexor retinaculum bowing Increased flattening ratio of the median nerve Median nerve notching Hypervascularity of the median nerve Increased Delta CSA (compared to forearm segments)




12 Palmar Displacement

13 Bowing Ratio

14 Flattening Ratio

15 Median Nerve Notching Median nerve notching

16 Doppler Signal

17 Conclusion CSA is mostly studied and validated measurement for CTS

18 Objective Background Literature appraisal US vs EMG
Ultrasound protocol Summary

19 Disclosure Yin-Ting Chen has no relevant financial disclosures.

20 Buchberger, 1992 Duncan, 1999 Keberle, 2000 Sarria, 2000 Swen, 2001
Author, Year Reference Methods US measurement Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%) CSA (mm2) Comment Buchberger, 1992 Clinical symptoms + NCS abnormalities (undefined), MRI DRUJ, pisiform, hamate; flattening ratio, swelling ratio, retinaculum bowing 14.5 (pisiform), 10.5 (hamate) Duncan, 1999 Median/ulnar SNC, MNC (not specified) Inlet 82 97 NA 9 Keberle, 2000 Median SNC, MNC (< 5 mV CMAP, DML < 4.6 msec, SNAP digit II > 0.01 mV, SNAP CV < 42 m/s) Wrist, inlet, outlet, flattening ratio 100 Swelling ratio 1.3 Sarria, 2000 Clinical + median SNC, MNC (SNAP CV < 50 m/s or a DML > 4.2 ms.) Wrist, inlet, outlet, flattening ratio, bowing 81.3 (bowing) 73.4 (wrist) 73.4 (inlet) 75 (outlet) 53.1 (all signs) 95.3 (one of signs) 64.3 (bowing) 57.1 (wrist) 57.1 (inlet) 57.1 (outlet) 78.5 (all signs) 40.4 (one of signs) 11 (all levels) 2.5 (bowing) Swen, 2001 (1) The median nerve DSL > 3.6 msec. (2) Ring-diff > 0.4 msec, (3) DML-1 over the thenar > 4.3 msec. (4) The median MNC CV < 49 m/s. (5) The median sensory CV < 49 m/s. (6) The ulnar motor and sensory nerve CV Measurements 4, 5, and 6 were performed for the forearm. 70 63 68 10 US PPV 85, NPV 42 NCS sensitivity 98, specificity 19, PPV 78, NPV 75, accuracy Less sensitive than NCS but more specific. Nakamichi, 2002 Median ulnar SNC, MNC Forearm NAP (not specified) Wrist, inlet, outlet, distal 1/3 forearm 67.0 96.4 93.9 12 (mean area without forearm) NCS coefficient of variation < 5%, US < 10% Mean CSA at wrist, inlet, and outlet provides improved sensitivity without reducing specificity

21 Leonard, 2003 Altinok, 2004 Kotevoglu, 2004 El Miedany, 2004
Author, Year Reference Methods US measurement Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%) CSA (mm2) Comment Leonard, 2003 Clinical (characteristic history of paresthesia in the median nerve distribution with a positive Phalen’s test and no other co-existent neurological disease) Inlet, outlet, flattening ratio 72 90 NA Altinok, 2004 Median SNC, MNC Median-ulnar midpalm-wrist DL dif > 0.4ms Wrist, inlet, outlet 65.0 92.5 78.9 9 (inlet) Swelling ratio > 1.3 Kotevoglu, 2004 Median SNC, MNC (not specified) Wrist, inlet, out, flattening ratio, flex ret bowing 89 100 Abnormal US finding is correlated with clinical exam (Phalen, Tinnel) El Miedany, 2004 (1) Median nerve distal sensory latency, upper limit of normal 3.6ms. (2) Difference between the median and ulnar nerve distal sensory latencies, upper limit of normal 0.4 ms. (3) Distal motor latency over the thenar, upper limit of normal 4.3 ms. (4) Median motor nerve conduction velocity, lower limit of normal 49m/s. Inlet, outlet 97.9 10 Algorithm for CTS evaluation suggested CTS severity by US: Mild: CSA Mod: CSA Severe: > 15 Wong, 2004 Median/ulnar SNC, MNC (8-cm transcarpal orthodromic median and ulnar SNAP peak latencies, median forearm CV, 8-cm median CMAP, and distal motor latencies) Wrist, inlet, tunnel, outlet 94 Combine: 86 74 Wrist 8.8, inlet 9.8, outlet 85 Inter-rater reliability coefficient 0.87. Keles, 2005 1. Median SNAP CV of digits I, II, and III of palm-to-wrist segments 2. Median nerve DML prolonged. 3. Ulnar SNC, MNC Tunnel CSA, flex ret bowing, flattening of median nerve 80 (CSA) 71.4 (Flex ret bowing) 77.5 (CSA) 55 (Flex ret bowing) 9.3 (Tunnel CSA), 8.5 (inlet), 9.5 (oulet) Lee, 2005 CSA inlet best correlates with EDX finding and questionnaires

22 Ziswiler, 2005 Wiesler, 2006 Hammer, 2006 Mallouhi, 2006 Bayrak, 2007
Author, Year Reference Methods US measurement Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%) CSA (mm2) Comment Ziswiler, 2005 Median/ulnar SNC, MNC (SNAP CV > 41–53 m/s, DML > 3.9–4.1 msec, and CMAP > 5 mV) Wrist, inlet 86 (9 mm2), 82 (10mm2), 54 (11 mm2) 70 (9 mm2), 87 (10 mm2), 96 (11 mm2) 83.4 10 tunnel CSA < 8mm to rule out CTS, > 12mm to rule in CTS Wiesler, 2006 Median SNC, MNC (DSL > 3.5 ms, or DML latency > 4.5 ms) Inlet, tunnel, outlet 91 84 11 at inlet Hammer, 2006 Clincial + median NCS (palm-to-wrist median SNAP onset latency >2.0 msec at 7 cm, or absence of SNAP, and median DML >4.9 msec) Inlet The CSA was significantly higher in arthritic patients with CTS than in healthy controls and in RA patients without symptoms of CTS. Healthy controls and RA patients without symptoms of CTS had no significant differences in their CSA CSA by continuous tracing better than ellipsoid calculation Mallouhi, 2006 Clinical + NCS (median DSL> 6.2 msec and DML > 3.9 msec) Wrist, inlet, outlet, Flex ret bowing, color Doppler 91 (CSA) 95 (color Doppler) 47 (CSA) 71 (color Doppler) 91(CSA) 91 (color Doppler) 11 Hypervascularization detected by color Doppler useful for CTS evaluation Bayrak, 2007 Median/ulnar SNC, MNC (median–ulnar sensory latency difference >0.5 ms and a median–ulnar DML difference >1.2 ms); MUNE APB Wrist, inlet, outlet CSA tunnel correlate with MUNE and severity of CTS Visser, 2008 Median DSL digit IV > 3.2 msec, Median ulnar ring-diff > 0.4 msec, median DML > 3.8 msec, Distal 2/3 forearm, inlet 78 10 (inlet) US CSA of 10 at inlet has equivalent sensitivity and specificity of ring-diff Kaymak, 2008 Median SNC, MNC (cut off unspecified) 88 (Wrist) 68 (inlet) 66 (wrist) 62 (inlet) 11.2 (wrist), 11.9 (inlet) Median DSL most predictative of severity; DML most predictative of functional status Klauser, 2008 Clinical + NCS (not specified) Wrist, inlet, tunnel, outlet, proximal third of PQ 99 100 Delta 2 mm Delta CSA useful in both mild and severe CTS Hoboson-Webb, 2008 NCS (Motor DML ≥ 4.4 at 6.5cm, mixed latency ≥ 2.2, or > 0.3 ms compared to ulnar) Wrist-forearm ratio ≥ 1.4 10 inlet Mhoon, 2012 99 (CSA 9) 97 (WFR 1.4)

23 Areas of Measurement Data
Author Areas of Measurement Data Distal PQ DRUJ Radiocarpal Joint Prox Flex Retin. Wrist Crease Pisiform Scaphoid-Pisiform (Navicular) Scaph. tubercle Inlet (Non-specific) Tunnel (Non-specific) Hook of Hamate Trapezium-hook of Hamate Distal Edge Flex Retin. Outlet (Non-specific) CSA (mm^2) Sens, spec. Duncan, 1999 X 9 82, 97 Lee, 1999 15 88, 96 Keberle, 2000 Swelling Ratio 1.3 100, 100 Sarria, 2000 11 73, 57 Swen, 2001 10 70, 63 Nakamichi, 2002 14 43, 96 Leonard, 2003 None, mean 11.6 72, 90 Altinok, 2004 65, 93 Kotevoglu, 2004 None, mean 15.3 89, 100 El Miedany, 2004 98, 100 Wong, 2004 prox 9 & outlet 12 94, 65 Yesildag, 2004 10.5 90, 95 Bachmann, 2005 Largest CSA, None None Kovuncuoglu, 2005 Keles, 2005 9.3 80, 78 Lee, 2005 Ziswiler, 2005 82, 87 Wiesler, 2006 91, 84 Hammer, 2006 None, Mean 15.7 Mallouhi, 2006 Largest CSA 11 91, 47 Bayrak, 2007 None, Mean 13.5 Visser, 2008 78, 91 Kaymak, 2008 11.9 88, 66 Klauser, 2008 12 94, 95 Mondelli, 2008 12.3 57, None Pinilla, 2008 6.5 90, 93 Kwon, 2008 10.7 66, 63 Sernik, 2008 85, 92 Moran, 2009 62, 95 Mohammadi, 2010 8.5 97, 98 Deniz, 2011 84, 79 Klauser, 2011 93, 39 Roll, 2011 10.3 80, 91 Hunderfund, 2011 84, 84 Mohammadi, 2012 None, Mean 11.1 Ulasli, 2012 9.5 95, 71

24 Literature Appraisal Diagnostic value uncertain EMG US
CSA 6.5 mm2 to 13 mm2 Sensitivity 62% - 98% Specificity 63% - 100% Accuracy 68% % EMG Various EDX protocols used, differ across studies Standard EDX protocol 80-90% accuracy, up to 20% false-positive rate Combined sensory index (CSI) not used in any studies US Various protocols (measurement method, location, study design, tracing algorithm... etc) Technique and technician dependent

25 Literature Review ”…it is not evident how it compares to electrodiagnostic studies” (Beekman 2003) “Determining the diagnostic utility of sonography has been confounded by a lack of standardization among research methodologies/designs and variability in evaluation and measurement protocols.” (Roll, 2011) Beekman, Roy, and Leo H Visser. “Sonography in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Critical Review of the Literature.” Muscle & Nerve 27, no. 1 (January 2003): 26–33. doi: /mus Roll, Shawn C, Kevin D Evans, Xiaobai Li, Miriam Freimer, and Carolyn M Sommerich. “Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using Sonography.” Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine: Official Journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 30, no. 12 (December 2011): 1657–1667.

26 Systematic Review Fowler et al 2011
Reviewed 323 papers; 19 entered analysis Heterogenous set of reference standards Pooled US sensitivity/specificity using different reference standards Clinical 77.3 (62.1–84.6) 92.8 (81.3–100) EDX 80.2 (71.3–89.0) 78.7 (66.4–91.1) Composite 77.6 (71.6–83.6) 86.8 (78.9–94.8) Compares favorably against EDX (69, 97%) Limitation: Variable reference methodologies No clear cut-off value for CSA Consider as first-line screening tool when there is high pre-test probability Fowler, John R, John P Gaughan, and Asif M Ilyas. “The Sensitivity and Specificity of Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Meta-analysis.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 469, no. 4 (April 2011): 1089–1094. doi: /s

27 AANEM Evidence-Based Guideline, 2012 (Carwright et al 2012)
121 manuscripts reviewed Class I: 4 (prospective cohort, blinded, appropriate reference, include measures of diagnostic accuracy) Class II: 6 (retrospective, blinded, free of spectrum bias, include measures of diagnostic accuracy) Class II with added value: (draw from a statistical and non-referral clinic-based sample of patients, evaluate all CTS patients prior to surgery, and conduct neuromuscular ultrasound on all study participants) Cartwright, Michael S, Lisa D Hobson-Webb, Andrea J Boon, Katharine E Alter, Christopher H Hunt, Victor H Flores, Robert A Werner, et al. “Evidence-based Guideline: Neuromuscular Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Muscle & Nerve 46, no. 2 (August 2012): 287–293. doi: /mus

28 AANEM Guideline, cont Class I finding: 8.5 to 10 mm2
Sensitivity 65% - 97%, specificity 72.7% - 98%, accuracy 79% - 97% Class II finding: Sensitivity %, specificity %, accuracy % at CSA 12 mm2 Delta CSA 4 mm2 shows sensitivity 92%, specificity 96%, accuracy 94%

29 Delta CSA, WFR, Swelling Ratio
Comparison of forearm (PQ or proximal) to tunnel, inlet Indicative of swelling Delta CSA 2 mm2 (99% sensitivity, 100% specificity) (Klauser 2008) Delta CSA 4 mm2 for bifid median nerve (92.5% sensitivity, 94.6% specificity) (Klauser 2011) WFR 1.4 (sensitivity 97-99%) (Hobson-Webb 2008, Mhoon 2012) Klauser, Andrea S, Ethan J Halpern, Ralph Faschingbauer, Florian Guerra, Carlo Martinoli, Markus F Gabl, Rohit Arora, et al. “Bifid Median Nerve in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Assessment with US Cross-sectional Area Measurement.” Radiology 259, no. 3 (June 2011): 808–815. doi: /radiol Mhoon, Justin T, Vern C Juel, and Lisa D Hobson-Webb. “Median Nerve Ultrasound as a Screening Tool in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Correlation of Cross-sectional Area Measures with Electrodiagnostic Abnormality.” Muscle & Nerve 46, no. 6 (December 2012): 871–878. doi: /mus

30 AANEM Guideline, cont. Class II with added value:
Significant anatomical abnormalities noted 25% occult ganglion cyst (Nakamichi 1993) 2 - 25% bifid median nerve (Iannicelli 2000) 6 - 9% persistent median nerve (Bayrak 2008, Padua 2011) 9% tenosynovitis (Padua 2011) 3% accessory muscles (Padua 2011)

31 Literature Review Conclusion
Pisiform is the most commonly measured location No studies definitively demonstrates correlation to severity CSA greater than 14 mm2 rules-in CTS CSA less than 8 mm2 rules-out CTS Delta CSA Non-bifid median nerve: 2 mm2 Bifid median nerve: 4 mm2 WFR ratio > 1.4

32 Literature Review Conclusion, Cont.
US should be considered as first line screening tool in patients with high pre-test probability; EDX may not be needed US should be considered in atypical CTS (unilateral, sudden onset, in setting of trauma) due to high prevalence of structural abnormalities

33 Objective Background Literature appraisal US vs EMG
Ultrasound protocol Summary

34 Disclosure John Vasudevan, MD has no relevant financial disclosures.
Andrew Gallo, DO has no relevant financial disclosures

35 Comparing US and EMG EMG and clinical examination both considered as competing “gold standards” for CTS diagnosis EMG, however, offers objective data Severity Prognosis Rule out co-existing conditions EMG mostly used as validating standard in US CTS studies El Miedany YM, Aty SA, Ashour S (2004) Ultrasonography versus nerve conduction study in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: substantive or complementary tests? Rheumatology (Oxford) 43(7):887–895 .

36 Literature Overview Literature correlating severity El Mietany 2004
Pauda 2008 Karadag 2009 Literature not correlating severity Kaymak 2008 Mondelli 2009 Mhoon 2012 Visser 2008 El Miedany YM, Aty SA, Ashour S (2004) Ultrasonography versus nerve conduction study in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: substantive or complementary tests? Rheumatology (Oxford) 43(7):887–895 .

37 El Miedany et al, 2004 Cross-sectional, age-group-matched case–control study n=78, control n=78 Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ) EMG severity scale US: flattening ratio, CSA (inlet, mid-tunnel) Result Diagnostic CSA mm2, flattening ratio 0.3 Mild: mm2 Moderate: mm2 Severe: > 15 mm2 Highly positive correlation between EMG and CSA, as well as both symptom and functional severity scales “…In addition to being of high diagnostic accuracy it is able to define the cause of nerve compression and aids treatment planning; US also provides a reliable method for following the response to therapy.” El Miedany YM, Aty SA, Ashour S (2004) Ultrasonography versus nerve conduction study in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome: substantive or complementary tests? Rheumatology (Oxford) 43(7):887–895 .

38 Pauda et al, 2008 Prospective study examining correlation between CSA, clinical, neurophysiological, patient-oriented measures (BCTQ), EMG findings, and clinical findings (n=54) CSA at inlet (10 mm2) EMG Clinical exam Conclusion Statistically significant linear correlation between CSA and clinical scales “…when neurophysiological tests are negative – US may be useful because it may show abnormal findings that are not revealed even using sophisticated neurophysiological tests.” Padua L, Pazzaglia C, Caliandro P, Granata G, Foschini M, Briani C, Martinoli C. Carpal tunnel syndrome: ultrasound, neurophysiology, clinical and patient-oriented assessment. Clin Neurophysiol Sep;119(9): doi: /j.clinph Epub 2008 Jul 11.

39 r: 0.51, p: < r: 0.51, p: < r: 0.35, p: = 0.01

40 r: 0.80, p: < p: 0.017

41 Karadag et al, 2009 Prospective study examining correlation between CSA, patient symptoms and functions (BCTQ), EMG, and clinical findings BQTQ assigned severity scale Mild: 1.1 – 2 Moderate: 2.1 – 3 Severe: 3.1 – 4 Extreme: 4.1 – 5 US CTS severity score based on El Miedany Mild: mm2 Moderate: mm2 Severe: > 15 mm2 EMG CTS severity based on Pauda Karadağ YS, Karadağ O, Ciçekli E, Oztürk S, Kiraz S, Ozbakir S, Filippucci E, Grassi W. Severity of Carpal tunnel syndrome assessed with high frequency ultrasonography. Rheumatol Int Apr;30(6): doi: /s x. Epub 2009 Jul 11.

42 Karadag, cont. Result: Substantial agreement for CTS severity (Cohen’s k coefficient = 0.619) between CSA and NCS Based on US CTS severity classification, groups were significantly different in VAS (P = 0.017) and BQ-sympt (P = ) Conclusion: “CSA reflects in itself the degree of nerve damage as expressed by the clinical picture” Karadağ YS, Karadağ O, Ciçekli E, Oztürk S, Kiraz S, Ozbakir S, Filippucci E, Grassi W. Severity of Carpal tunnel syndrome assessed with high frequency ultrasonography. Rheumatol Int Apr;30(6): doi: /s x. Epub 2009 Jul 11.

43 Kaymak et al 2008 EMG vs US as predictor of symptom severity (n=34, control=38) Symptoms: measured by BCTQ US: median nerve at level of DRUJ vs pisiform CSA and flattening ratio EMG: standard studies Result: Symptom BCTQ significantly correlated w/sens peak latency Function BCTQ significantly correlated w/motor distal latency No US correlation with BCTQ Kaymak B1, Ozçakar L, Cetin A, Candan Cetin M, Akinci A, Hasçelik Z. A comparison of the benefits of sonography and electrophysiologic measurements as predictors of symptom severity and functional status in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Apr;89(4): doi: /j.apmr

44 Mondelli et al, 2008 Prospective study of US vs NCS (n=85) Symptom: BCTQ NCS (AAEM standard) Median SNAP, Ulnar SNAP, Median CMAP, median-ulnar transpalmar US: CSA at inlet, outlet, mid-tunnel using manual tracing method Result: NCS (57/85): 67% US (55/85): 64.7% NCS + US: 76.5% Mondelli, Mauro, Georgios Filippou, Adriana Gallo, and Bruno Frediani. “Diagnostic Utility of Ultrasonography Versus Nerve Conduction Studies in Mild Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Arthritis and Rheumatism 59, no. 3 (March 15, 2008): 357–366. doi: /art

45 Mhoon et al 2012 Prospective, blinded study comparing CSA and WFR to EDX and clinical symptoms (n=100, n=25 control) EDX: standard studies US: Inlet, 12 cm proximal to inlet WRF > 1.4 considered positive Result: CSA 9 mm2 sens 99%, WRF 1.4 sens 97% US parameters not related to CTS severity Consider EMG only if CSA ≤8 mm2 Mhoon, Justin T, Vern C Juel, and Lisa D Hobson-Webb. “Median Nerve Ultrasound as a Screening Tool in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Correlation of Cross-sectional Area Measures with Electrodiagnostic Abnormality.” Muscle & Nerve 46, no. 6 (December 2012): 871–878. doi: /mus

46 Visser et al, 2008 n= 168 CTS, 137 control
NCS: Median DSL digit IV > 3.2 msec, Median ulnar ring-diff > 0.4 msec, median DML > 3.8 msec US: distal forearm vs. inlet Patient survey on preference (EMG vs. US) Result: US: sens 78 (70–84), spec 91 (86–95) EMG: 82 (75–88) 88 (78–95) CSA inlet differed significantly between control and subject (P < ) Patient survey indicates preference for US Visser, L H, M H Smidt, and M L Lee. “High-resolution Sonography Versus EMG in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 79, no. 1 (January 2008): 63–67. doi: /jnnp

47 US vs EDX Conclusion US has similar diagnostic value as NCS
Conflicting data on correlating CTS severity Can consider US as the first diagnostic procedure in patients with typical CTS EMG remains essential to detect other confounding diagnoses

48 Objective Background Literature appraisal US vs EMG
Ultrasound protocol Summary

49 Disclosure Michael Khadavi and Eugene Roh have no relevant financial disclosures.

50 Key Views Distal forearm transverse axis, for baseline CSA
Wrist inlet, transverse axis, CSA Delta CSA = inlet – baseline WRF = inlet / baseline Tunnel to outlet, transverse axis, for mass lesions Across carpal tunnel, long axis view Baseline diameter Notching Tethering Dynamic tests FDS intrusion test Lumbrical intrusion test Thenar digital flexion stress test, LAX and SAX Accessory structures PCB MN

51 Ultrasound Protocol Patient comfortably seated across from examiner
Wrist on table at comfortable height, in slight extension (10-20 degrees) Generous gel, throughout distal arm to wrist Staying perpendicular to structure Maintaining proper echotexture Areas examined Distal forearm (pronator quadratus) Carpal tunnel (inlet, tunnel, outlet)

52 Distal Forearm

53 Inlet Sc: scaphoid i: flexor retinaculum Ps: pisiform q: median nerve
S: FDS s: ulnar nerve P: FDP U a/v: ulnar a/v PL: palmaris longus

54 Palmar Cutaneous Branch

55 Outlet

56 Longitudinal View

57 Dynamic Testing FDS intrusion
Sucher BM, Schreiber AL. Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am May;25(2): doi: /j.pmr

58 Dynamic Testing Lumbrical intrusion test
Sucher BM, Schreiber AL. Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am May;25(2): doi: /j.pmr

59 Dynamic Testing Thenar digital flexion stress test, LAX
Detect intracanal, where most compression occurs Improves visualization of notching, at 3rd CMC Sucher BM, Schreiber AL. Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am May;25(2): doi: /j.pmr Sucher BM. Carpal tunnel syndrome: ultrasonographic imaging and pathologic mechanisms of median nerve compression. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2009;109: 641–7.

60 Dynamic Testing Thenar digital flexion stress test, SAX
“open mouth view” Sucher BM, Schreiber AL. Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am May;25(2): doi: /j.pmr Sucher BM. Carpal tunnel syndrome: ultrasonographic imaging and pathologic mechanisms of median nerve compression. J Am Osteopath Assoc 2009;109: 641–7.

61 Key Views Distal forearm transverse axis, for baseline CSA
Wrist inlet, transverse axis, CSA Delta CSA = inlet – baseline WRF = inlet / baseline Tunnel to outlet, transverse axis, for mass lesions Across carpal tunnel, long axis view Baseline diameter Notching Tethering Dynamic tests FDS intrusion test Lumbrical intrusion test Thenar digital flexion stress test, LAX and SAX Accessory structures PCB MN

62 Objective Background Literature appraisal US vs EMG
Ultrasound protocol Summary

63 Disclosure Andrew Gallo has no relevant financial disclosures.

64 Future Research Direction
Large, population-based perspective study Assess prevalence of structural abnormalities to define the expected benefit for delineating anatomical detail Standardized research protocol, with defined measuring method, location Evaluate efficacy outcome compared between EDX, US or clinically defined CTS Utilize improved reference standard (CSI)

65 Summary Limitation of literature; interpret result with caution
No conclusive diagnostic CSA Rule in > 14 mm2, rule out < 8 mm2 Delta CSA 2 mm2, 4 mm2 (bifid), WFR ratio > 1.4 Conflicting literature on correlating to severity; data support correlation to subjective symptom and function Complementary to EDX Consider for atypical cases for dynamic lesions, first- line for classic CTS, combine with EDX for improved sensitivity and specificity CTS examination can be performed quickly, and well- preferred by patients Prospective research with standardized protocol

66 Questions?

67 Thank You!

68 Reference, Cont. Ibrahim, I, W S Khan, N Goddard, and P Smitham. “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Review of the Recent Literature.” The Open Orthopaedics Journal 6 (2012): 69–76. doi: / Atroshi I, Gummesson C. “PRevalence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a General Population.” JAMA 282, no. 2 (July 14, 1999): 153–158. doi: /jama Beekman, Roy, and Leo H Visser. “Sonography in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Critical Review of the Literature.” Muscle & Nerve 27, no. 1 (January 2003): 26–33. doi: /mus Roll, Shawn C, Kevin D Evans, Xiaobai Li, Miriam Freimer, and Carolyn M Sommerich. “Screening for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using Sonography.” Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine: Official Journal of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 30, no. 12 (December 2011): 1657–1667. Fowler, John R, John P Gaughan, and Asif M Ilyas. “The Sensitivity and Specificity of Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: a Meta-analysis.” Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 469, no. 4 (April 2011): 1089–1094. doi: /s Cartwright, Michael S, Lisa D Hobson-Webb, Andrea J Boon, Katharine E Alter, Christopher H Hunt, Victor H Flores, Robert A Werner, et al. “Evidence-based Guideline: Neuromuscular Ultrasound for the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Muscle & Nerve 46, no. 2 (August 2012): 287–293. doi: /mus Klauser, Andrea S, Ethan J Halpern, Ralph Faschingbauer, Florian Guerra, Carlo Martinoli, Markus F Gabl, Rohit Arora, et al. “Bifid Median Nerve in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Assessment with US Cross-sectional Area Measurement.” Radiology 259, no. 3 (June 2011): 808–815. doi: /radiol Mhoon, Justin T, Vern C Juel, and Lisa D Hobson-Webb. “Median Nerve Ultrasound as a Screening Tool in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Correlation of Cross-sectional Area Measures with Electrodiagnostic Abnormality.” Muscle & Nerve 46, no. 6 (December 2012): 871–878. doi: /mus

69 References, Cont Nakamichi K, Tachibana S. Ultrasonographic measurement of median nerve cross-sectional area in idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome: Diagnostic accuracy. Muscle Nerve Dec;26(6): Bayrak IK, Bayrak AO, Tilki HE, Nural MS, Sunter T. Ultrasonography in carpal tunnel syndrome: comparison with electrophysiological stage and motor unit number estimate. Muscle Nerve 2007;35:344–8. Robinson LR, Micklesen PJ, Wang L. Strategies for analyzing nerve conduction data: superiority of a summary index over single tests. Muscle Nerve Sep;21(9): Malladi N, Micklesen PJ, Hou J, Robinson LR. Correlation between the combined sensory index and clinical outcome after carpal tunnel decompression: a retrospective review. Muscle Nerve Apr;41(4):453-7. Mondelli, Mauro, Georgios Filippou, Adriana Gallo, and Bruno Frediani. “Diagnostic Utility of Ultrasonography Versus Nerve Conduction Studies in Mild Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Arthritis and Rheumatism 59, no. 3 (March 15, 2008): 357–366. doi: /art Visser, L H, M H Smidt, and M L Lee. “High-resolution Sonography Versus EMG in the Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 79, no. 1 (January 2008): 63–67. doi: /jnnp Robinson, L R, P J Micklesen, and L Wang. “Strategies for Analyzing Nerve Conduction Data: Superiority of a Summary Index over Single Tests.” Muscle & Nerve 21, no. 9 (September 1998): 1166–1171. Sucher, Benjamin M. “Grading Severity of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in EDX Reports: Why Grading Is Recommended.” Muscle & Nerve (February 22, 2013). doi: /mus


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