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Chapter 14 Security, Privacy, & Ethical Issues in IS & the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14 Security, Privacy, & Ethical Issues in IS & the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14 Security, Privacy, & Ethical Issues in IS & the Internet

2 Chapter 14IS for Management2 Social Issues in Information Systems 4 Access/collection/distribution of information 4 Privacy 4 Computer waste & mistakes 4 Health concerns 4 Computer crime 4 Ethical issues

3 Chapter 14IS for Management3 Computer Waste Mismanagement of IS & resources  Computer games on company time  Unimportant &/or personal e-mail (spam)  Internet overuse/surfing  Other non-work related activities

4 Chapter 14IS for Management4 Computer-Related Mistakes 4 Data-entry or capture errors 4 Errors in computer programs 4 Errors in handling files 4 Mishandling of computer output 4 Inadequate planning for & control of equipment malfunctions 4 Inadequate planning for & control of environmental difficulties

5 Chapter 14IS for Management5 Preventing Computer-Related Waste & Mistakes 4 All changes tightly controlled 4 User manuals available to cover operations 4 Reports indicate general content & time period/date 4 Controls to prevent invalid/unreasonable data entry 4 Controls to ensure data input is valid, applicable, & posted in the right time period 4 Proper procedures to ensure correct input data

6 Chapter 14IS for Management6 Computer Crime 4 The computer the tool to commit crime: gaining access to information 4 The computer as the object of crime –Illegal access & use –Data alteration & destruction –Information & equipment theft –Software & Internet piracy –Computer scams –International computer crime

7 Chapter 14IS for Management7 Computer Criminals Hacker: A person who enjoys computer technology & spends time learning & using computer systems Criminal Hacker (Cracker): A computer-savvy person who attempts to gain unauthorized or illegal access to computer systems

8 Chapter 14IS for Management8 Computer Crimes 4 Data Alteration 4 Virus –System Virus –Application Virus –Macro 4 Worm 4 Logic bomb 4 Password sniffer 4 Antivirus innoculation

9 Chapter 14IS for Management9 Piracy 4 Software: The act of illegally duplicating software 4 Internet: The act of illegally gaining access to & using the Internet

10 Chapter 14IS for Management10 4 Provincial & federal agencies 4 Corporations Biometrics: The measurement of a living trait, physical or behavioral, for the purpose of protecting important data & information systems (fingerprints, eyeprints, etc.) Computer Crime Prevention

11 Chapter 14IS for Management11 Preventing Viruses 4 Antivirus Programs –Program(s) that prevents viruses or helps to recover from them if they infect a computer –Only useful if kept up to date

12 Chapter 14IS for Management12 Preventing Internet Crime 4 Support legislation to provide severe penalties for those who commit Internet crime 4 Develop effective Internet security policies 4 Use a stand-alone firewall (hardware & software) with network monitoring capabilities 4 Monitor managers & employees to ensure they only use the Internet for business 4 Hire Internet security specialists to perform audits of all Internet and network activities

13 Chapter 14IS for Management13 Privacy 4 Privacy & the Feds 4 Privacy at work 4 E-mail privacy 4 Privacy & the Internet

14 Chapter 14IS for Management14 Health Concerns @ Work 4 Ergonomics: The study of designing & positioning equipment/furniture to reduce health problems 4 Repetitive Motion Disorder: Condition caused by working with keyboards & other equipment 4 Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI): Conditions such as tendinitis or tennis elbow, characterized by inability to hold objects & sharp pain in the fingers 4 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS): Condition resulting from aggravation of pathway (tunnel) for nerves that go through the wrist

15 Chapter 14IS for Management15 Ethical Issues in IS: The PAPA Model Mason (1986) proposed that all ethical issues involving information fall into four categories: Property Accuracy Privacy Access

16 Chapter 14IS for Management16 Property Whose property is the data anyway? Who owns the data? Who owns the programs/applications? Who controls what is done with the data/programs? Who holds the copyright? Has this been pirated?

17 Chapter 14IS for Management17 Accuracy How accurate does it have to be? Does the level of accuracy affect everyone equally? Who is responsible/liable for accuracy?

18 Chapter 14IS for Management18 Privacy Do others know things about us that we wish they didn’t? Who says how information about us is distributed/ sold for purposes other than those for which we gave out this information? Can information/data about us be combined in ways that might not reflect reality?

19 Chapter 14IS for Management19 Access 4 Security & Control –Who has access? –Are people treated equally who need access? –How is access authorization authorized/communicated? –What penalties are there for illegal/unethical access? 4 Equality –Do some groups of people have more access than others? –Why? –Should something be done to equalize access?

20 Chapter 14IS for Management20 Brabston’s Extension to the PAPA Model Equity How is automation handled in terms of replacing people with machines? How are people “laid off”, reskilled, relocated when automation puts them out of a job? What can companies do to ethically lay people off? Are these situations & solutions handled equitably?

21 Chapter 14IS for Management21 Ethical Issues in Information Systems Organizations That Promote Ethical Issues –The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) (formerly DPMA) –The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) –The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) –Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) –Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS)

22 Chapter 14IS for Management22 Case AOL security, page 662

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