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1186 A Government Project Success Story with Borland ALM Andrew Alsup Senior Systems Engineer Log.Sec Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "1186 A Government Project Success Story with Borland ALM Andrew Alsup Senior Systems Engineer Log.Sec Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1186 A Government Project Success Story with Borland ALM Andrew Alsup Senior Systems Engineer Log.Sec Corporation

2 Introduction The US Army Environmental Center undertook a medium-sized J2EE software development project Borland Enterprise Studio was chosen because it embodied the principles of ALM The project as developed using the Borland tools illustrates the value of ALM

3 Topics Technical Architecture of the Software Application Defining the Process Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite Applying Borland Enterprise Suite for ALM Customer Perspective Conclusions Web References Demo

4 Technical Architecture of the Software Application

5 Web-based transaction-oriented J2EE application Server Platforms –Oracle OC4J 9.0.3 J2EE App Server –Oracle 9i DBMS APIs/Frameworks –J2EE 1.3 (Servlet 2.3, JSP 1.2) –Struts 1.1, Tiles, JSTL –In-house object/relational persistence framework Misc –Ant, JUnit –RoboHelp

6 Defining the Process

7 Loosely defined (evolving) requirements Aggressive schedule Limited funding Defining the Process Agile Process Important Factors

8 Defining the Process Choosing an agile process –XP (eXtreme Programming) Test oriented implementation Simplicity –Scrum Development iterations (30 day sprints) –FDD (Feature Driven Development) Feature-by-feature implementation

9 Defining the Process JAD sessions –Users + Government + PM + Developers –Held at regular monthly intervals –Narrow scope and focus –Demonstration, discussion, prioritization

10 Defining the Process Requirements –Software: requirements should be changeable –Capturing requirements above the project- level scope –Reusing requirements from a previous project –Adaptive (agile) approach: validating reuse through demos –Requirement granularity: objective testability

11 Defining the Process Agile Modeling (Design) –Simplicity: More isn’t always better –Flexibility: Dealing with changing requirements –Use what works: UML CRC (Class Responsibility Collaborator) cards Whiteboard and sticky notes

12 Defining the Process Agile Development –Communication! –Standardize frameworks and code implementation –If it doesn’t compile (or breaks existing code) – don’t check it into StarTeam

13 Defining the Process Testing –“If it’s not tested, it’s broken” (Bruce Eckel, Thinking in Java) –Unit tests and database-centric objects –Lazy optimization –Functional testing plan

14 Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite

15 Extensive ALM capabilities Flexibility Productivity Collaboration Integration

16 Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite Extensive ALM capabilities –Define: CaliberRM –Design: Together –Develop: JBuilder –Test: OptimizeIt –Manage: StarTeam

17 Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite Flexibility –Not tied to a particular process (i.e. RUP, XP, etc.) –Accommodate varying design approaches on different projects –User-defined requirement fields, categories, and hierarchies –Extensive, customizable pattern support

18 Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite Productivity –Real-time team collaboration –LiveSource (real-time model and code synchronization) –Two-way visual designer and wizards for Struts –Templates, synch edit –Code folding, filters in structure pane –Refactoring –CodeInsight, ErrorInsight, JavadocInsight, ScopeInsight, TagInsight

19 Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite Collaboration –Centralized repository Requirements, defects, change-requests, tasks, discussions Source code, diagrams Documentation –Interactive discussion threads –Requirement/defect/change-request tracking and developer assignment and notification

20 Motivation to use Borland Enterprise Suite Integration –JBuilder IDE is the ALM cockpit –LiveSource: Forward/reverse engineering between model/code –Link requirements and change-requests to design/code artifacts –3 rd party integration: local/remote deployment, debugging, and optimization

21 Applying Borland Enterprise Suite for ALM

22 ALM: Define (CaliberRM) Management –Improved assignment, prioritization,and tracking of defects and change-requests –Real-time progress mitigates schedule surprises Team –Significant reduction in email traffic, inbox clutter, and supporting hard-copy documents –Requirements are stored in StarTeam: versioned with the other artifacts

23 Applying Borland Enterprise Suite for ALM ALM: Design (Together) Management –Enhanced developer productivity due to model/source integration –PM insight into status and progress via linked requirements Team –Easier to assess impact scope of a change/enhancement via linked requirements –Better understanding == Better quality LiveSource: Seeing the forest and the trees Sequence Diagrams: Peeling away the layers of complex operations is easy

24 Applying Borland Enterprise Suite for ALM ALM: Develop (JBuilder) Management –Developer productivity: IDE is integration focal point –Be conscious of licensing model impacts on developers Team –IDE: much more than a syntax highlighter –Integration: Together, OptimizeIt, StarTeam, CaliberRM, OC4J –Linking code artifacts to requirements and change-requests –Stable, responsive interface

25 Applying Borland Enterprise Suite for ALM ALM: Test (OptimizeIt) Management: –More robust, scalable product Team: –Memory and CPU profilers can help track down tough problems Long-running methods, bottlenecks Memory leaks, frequent garbage collection

26 Applying Borland Enterprise Suite for ALM ALM: Manage (StarTeam) Management –Enhanced project tracking –Real-time status on requirements, code, and testing results. Team –Centralized everything related to the project –The StarTeam pane in JBuilder = developer’s daily planner

27 Customer Perspective

28 “We were able to develop a quality complex financial reporting system for the U.S. Army Environmental Center that was 20% under budget, delivered 3-weeks ahead of schedule, and with less resource intensity.” (USAEC, 2004) The product has undergone extensive testing by an Independent Validation and Verification (IV&V) company

29 Conclusions As a 1 st project with Borland Enterprise Suite –We are committed to expanding on and replicating our success with the tools. –We anticipate even greater success on future projects.

30 Web References Borland ALM – Agile Modeling – Agile Development – – – (Scrum) – (XP) – (FDD)

31 Demo

32 Thank You 1186 A Government Project Success Story with Borland ALM Please fill out the speaker evaluation You can contact me further at …

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