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1 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 Pathfinder Meeting Paul Pisano, FHWA Duane Carpenter, NWS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 Pathfinder Meeting Paul Pisano, FHWA Duane Carpenter, NWS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 Pathfinder Meeting Paul Pisano, FHWA Duane Carpenter, NWS

2 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 2 Meeting Agenda Tuesday, June 30 11:00 Welcoming Remarks & Agenda Overview 11:15 Re-introductions 11:30 Concept Review Noon Lunch (in house) 1:00 Wyoming Presentation(s) & Open Discussion 2:10 Break 2:20 Utah Presentation(s) & Open Discussion 3:30 Break 3:40 Nevada Presentation(s) & Open Discussion 4:50 Wrap-up Wednesday, July 1 8:00 Survey Results 8:45 The Guidance Document: In- depth discussion 10:00 Break 10:15 The Guidance Document: Continued Discussion 11:00 Project Next Steps & Open Discussion Noon Adjourn

3 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 33 Introductions

4 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 44 The “Pathfinder” Project Better public decision-support Weather forecast translated to transportation impact message Data sharing and collaboration over the message Consistent message from all public sources State DOTs Private Sector Weather Providers National Weather Service Goal: Develop Guidance for Improving Collaboration Between State DOTs and the Weather Enterprise This project is about building collaborative relationships between State DOTs and the Weather Enterprise to improve the weather message to the public:

5 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 55 Documentation Goals To identify successful collaboration habits; To identify challenges, opportunities for improvement and goals for future weather events; To prepare after-action review discussions with partners; To help decide what data are pertinent for archiving; To build a reference library for easy post-season review; and To assist in the effort to develop guidelines for other state DOTs, WFOs and private firms to optimize the safety and mobility of the transportation system.

6 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 66 Documentation Details Web-based questionnaires were made available to DOTs and WFOs after each event, asking about: Weather, impact & timing details from the event Collaboration details (when, who, how) Public products that resulted from collaboration Results of collaborative messaging Challenges, successes, lessons learned Data archiving guide (much of this is automated) Traveler InformationRoad Weather InfoCollaborationPublic Response  VMS & 511  RWIS data  Phone calls & emails  Traffic data  Social media  Camera images  NWSChat logs  News stories  Local media  Maintenance logs  In-person meetings  Public feedback

7 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 77 Project Details (1 of 2) Timeline to present: Fall 2013: Identified 4 cases that capture the relationships between DOTs and the Weather Enterprise Chose 4 states, with different working relationships, to test & document the collaboration model Spring 2014: Kick-off meeting with 4 state DOTs, WFOs and private sector forecast providers Summer 2014: Development of documentation tools for participants Winter season 2014/15: Test period and documentation of collaborative efforts between participants

8 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 88 Project Details (2 of 2) Timeline – next steps Summer 2015: Development of draft guidance document Fall 2015 Develop outreach/training material Winter season 2015/16 Evaluate the draft guidance across the core states and a few new ones Spring 2016 Revise guidance based on evaluation Get upper management support/approval Summer/Fall 2016 Broadly distribute guidance

9 Pathfinder Meeting – Salt Lake City, UT – June 30-July 1, 2015 99 Contacts Paul Pisano, FHWA Phone: 202-366-1301 Brenda Boyce, Booz Allen Hamilton Duane Carpenter, NOAA/NWS Kevin Barjenbruch, NWS/Salt Lake City WFO

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