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Organic and Biological Chemistry Chapter 25 Organic.

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1 Organic and Biological Chemistry Chapter 25 Organic

2 Organic and Biological Chemistry Organic Chemistry The chemistry of _________________ compounds. Carbon has the ability to form long _________________. Without this property, large biomolecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids could not form.

3 Organic and Biological Chemistry Structure of Carbon Compounds There are _________________ hybridization states and geometries found in organic compounds:  sp 3 Tetrahedral  sp 2 Trigonal planar  sp Linear

4 Organic and Biological Chemistry Hydrocarbons Four basic types:  Alkanes  Alkenes  Alkynes  Aromatic hydrocarbons

5 Organic and Biological Chemistry Alkanes Only _________________ bonds. Saturated hydrocarbons.  “Saturated” with _________________.

6 Organic and Biological Chemistry Formulas Lewis structures of alkanes look like this. Also called _________________. Often not convenient, though…

7 Organic and Biological Chemistry Formulas …so more often condensed formulas are used.

8 Organic and Biological Chemistry Properties of Alkanes Only van der Waals force: _________________. Boiling point _________________ with length of chain.

9 Organic and Biological Chemistry Structure of Alkanes Carbons in alkanes sp 3 hybrids. Tetrahedral geometry. 109.5° bond angles.

10 Organic and Biological Chemistry Structure of Alkanes Only ________________i n alkanes Free rotation about C—C bonds.

11 Organic and Biological Chemistry Isomers Have same _____________ _____________, but atoms are bonded in different order.

12 Organic and Biological Chemistry Organic Nomenclature Three parts to a compound name:  Base: Tells how many carbons are in the longest continuous chain.  Suffix: Tells what type of compound it is.  Prefix: Tells what groups are attached to chain.

13 Organic and Biological Chemistry To Name a Compound… 1.Find the longest chain in the molecule. 2.Number the chain from the end nearest the first substituent encountered. 3.List the substituents as a prefix along with the number(s) of the carbon(s) to which they are attached.

14 Organic and Biological Chemistry To Name a Compound… If there is more than one type of substituent in the molecule, list them ________________.

15 Organic and Biological Chemistry Cycloalkanes Carbon can also form _________________ structures. Five- and six-membered rings are most stable.  Can take on conformation in which angles are very close to tetrahedral angle.  Smaller rings are quite strained.

16 Organic and Biological Chemistry Alkenes Contain at least one carbon–carbon _________________ bond. Unsaturated.  Have fewer than maximum number of hydrogens.

17 Organic and Biological Chemistry Structure of Alkenes Unlike alkanes, alkenes cannot rotate freely about the _________________.  Side-to-side overlap makes this impossible without breaking  -bond.

18 Organic and Biological Chemistry Alkynes Contain at least one carbon–carbon _________________ bond. Carbons in triple bond sp-hybridized and have _________________. Also unsaturated.

19 Organic and Biological Chemistry Nomenclature of Alkynes Analogous to naming of alkenes. Suffix is -yne rather than –ene. 4-methyl-2-pentyne

20 Organic and Biological Chemistry Aromatic Hydrocarbons Cyclic hydrocarbons. p-Orbital on each atom.  Molecule is planar. Odd number of _________________in  -system.

21 Organic and Biological Chemistry Aromatic Nomenclature Many aromatic hydrocarbons are known by their common names.

22 Organic and Biological Chemistry Alcohols Contain one or more _________________, —OH Named from parent hydrocarbon; suffix changed to -ol and number designates carbon to which hydroxyl is attached.

23 Organic and Biological Chemistry Ethers Tend to be quite _________________. Therefore, they are good _________________ solvents.

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