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CHAPTER 8 Nervous System
Nervous System Overview
Brain Spinal cord Nerves Functions of nervous system Regulates and coordinates all body activities Center of all mental activity, including thought, learning, and memory
Nervous System Divisions
Central Nervous System (CNS) Brain Spinal Cord Processes and stores sensory and motor information Controls consciousness
Nervous System Divisions
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) 12 Pairs of Cranial Nerves 31 Pairs of Spinal Nerves Transmits sensory and motor impulses back and forth between CNS and rest of body
Nervous System Divisions
Peripheral Nervous System
Afferent (sensory) nerves Carry impulses from the body to the central nervous system Efferent (motor) nerves Carry impulses from the central nervous system to muscles and glands Cause the target organs to do something in response to commands
Peripheral Nervous System
Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Provides voluntary control over skeletal muscle contractions Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Provides involuntary control over smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glandular activity and secretions in response to the commands of the central nervous system
Autonomic Nervous System
Sympathetic nerves Increase heart rate Constrict blood vessels Raise blood pressure Fight-or-flight response Parasympathetic nerves Slow heart rate Increase peristalsis of intestines Increase glandular secretions Relax sphincters
Cells of the Nervous System
Neuron Cell body Contains the nucleus and cytoplasm Axon Conducts impulses away from the cell body Some axons are covered with a myelin sheath Dendrite Conducts impulses toward the cell body Synapse Space between two nerves which the impulse must cross
Cells of the Nervous System
Cells of the Nervous System
Neuroglia Connective tissue Support system for neurons Do not conduct impulses Protect nervous system through phagocytosis Types of Neuroglia Cells Astrocytes Microglia Oligodendrocytes
Central Nervous System
Brain Surrounded by bone for protection Enclosed in cranium Spinal cord Surrounded by vertebrae for protection Surrounded by meninges and cerebrospinal fluid
Meninges Dura mater Outermost layer of meninges
Tough, white connective tissue Epidural space Located outside of the dura mater Contains supporting cushion of fat and connective tissue Subdural space Located beneath the dura mater Cavity is filled with serous fluid
Meninges Arachnoid membrane Pia mater Middle layer of the meninges
Resembles a spider web Subarachnoid space immediately beneath Contains cerebrospinal fluid Pia mater Innermost layer of the meninges Tightly bound to the surface of the brain and spinal cord
Structures of the Brain
Cerebrum Largest and uppermost portion of the brain Controls consciousness, memory, sensations, emotions, voluntary movements Cortex = outer surface Gyri = elevations Sulci = grooves Longitudinal fissure divides cerebrum into two hemispheres
Structures of the Brain
Cerebellum Attached to the brain stem Maintains muscle tone Coordinates normal movement and balance Diencephalon Located between cerebrum and midbrain Consists of thalamus, hypothalamus, and pineal gland
Structures of the Brain
Brain Stem Region between diencephalon and spinal cord Consists of midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata Serves as pathway for impulses between brain and spinal cord Controls respiration, blood pressure, and heart rate
Spinal Cord Pathway for impulses traveling to and from brain
Carries 31 pairs of spinal nerves Affects limbs and lower part of body
Nervous System
Alzheimer’s Disease Pronounced Defined (ALTS-high-merz dih-ZEEZ)
Progressive and extremely debilitating deterioration of a person’s intellectual functioning
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Pronounced (ah-my-oh-TROFF-ik LAT-er-al skleh-ROH-sis) Defined Severe weakening and wasting of the involved muscle groups Usually begins with hands Progresses to shoulders, upper arms, then legs
Anencephaly Pronounced Defined (an-en-SEFF-ah-lee)
Absence of the brain and spinal cord at birth Condition is incompatible with life
Bell’s Palsy Pronounced Defined (BELLZ PAWL-zee)
Temporary or permanent unilateral weakness or paralysis of muscles in the face
Brain Abscess Pronounced Defined (BRAIN AB-sess)
Accumulation of pus located anywhere in the brain tissue
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Pronounced (CAR-pal TUN-el SIN-drom) Defined Pinching or compression of median nerve within the carpal tunnel Inflammation and swelling of tendons cause intermittent or continuous pain
Cerebral Concussion Pronounced Defined (seh-REE-bral con-KUSH-un)
Brief interruption of brain function usually with loss of consciousness lasting for a few seconds
Cerebral Contusion Pronounced Defined (seh-REE-bral con-TOO-zhun)
Small, scattered venous hemorrhages in the brain Bruise of the brain tissue Occurs when brain strikes the inner skull
Cerebral Palsy Pronounced Defined (seh-REE-bral PAWL-zee)
Collective term used to describe congenital brain damage that is permanent but not progressive Characterized by the child’s lack of control of voluntary muscles
Cerebral Palsy Spastic Ataxic Damage to cortex of the brain
Tense muscles Very irritable muscle tone Ataxic Damage to cerebellum Affects equilibrium
Cerebral Palsy Athetoid Rigidity Mixed cerebral palsy
Damage to basal ganglia Causes sudden jerking Rigidity Causes child to be in continual state of tension Mixed cerebral palsy
Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
Pronounced (seh-REE-broh-VASS-kyoo-lar AK-sih-dent) Defined Death of a specific portion of brain tissue Results from decreased blood flow to that area of the brain Also called a stroke
Cerebrovascular Accident
Causes Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) Also known as mini strokes Cerebral thrombosis Occurs largely in individuals older than 50 Cerebral embolism Embolus causes an occlusion Cerebral hemorrhage Cerebral vessel ruptures
Degenerative Disk Pronounced Defined (deh-JEN-er-ah-tiv disk)
Deterioration of the intervertebral disk Usually due to constant motion and wear on the disk
Encephalitis Pronounced Defined (En-seff-ah-LYE-tis)
Inflammation of the brain or spinal cord tissue Virus enters CNS when person experiences viral disease such as mumps, measles, or through tick or mosquito bite
Epilepsy Pronounced Defined (EP-ih-lep-see)
Syndrome of recurring episodes of excessive irregular electrical activity of the central nervous system, called seizures
Grand Mal Seizure Pronounced Defined (grand MALL SEE-zyoor)
Epileptic seizure characterized by sudden loss of consciousness and generalized involuntary muscular contraction Vacillates between rigid body extension and an alternating contracting and relaxing of muscles
Petit Mal Seizure Pronounced Defined (pet-EE MALL SEE-zyoor)
Small seizures in which there is a sudden, temporary loss of consciousness Lasts only a few seconds Also known as absence seizures
Guillain-Bàrré Syndrome
Pronounced (GEE-yon bah-RAY SIN-drom) Defined Acute polyneuritis of the peripheral nervous system Myelin sheaths on the axons are destroyed Decreased nerve impulses Loss of reflex response Sudden muscle weakness Usually follows viral gastrointestinal or respiratory infection
Headache (Cephalalgia)
Pronounced (seff-ah-LAL-jee-ah) Defined Pain anywhere within the cranial cavity varying in intensity from mild to severe May be chronic or acute May occur as result of a disease process May be totally benign
Migraine Headache Pronounced Defined (MY-grain headache)
Recurring, pulsating, vascular headache developing on one side of the head Characterized by slow onset May be preceded by an aura during which sensory disturbance occurs
Cluster Headache Pronounced Defined (KLUSS-ter headache)
Headache occurring typically two to three hours after falling asleep Described as extreme pain around one eye that wakens the person from sleep
Tension Headache Pronounced Defined (TEN-shun headache)
Headache that occurs from long, endured contraction of the skeletal muscles around the face, scalp, upper back, and neck
Epidural Hematoma Pronounced Defined (eh-pih-DOO-ral hee-mah-TOH-mah)
Collection of blood located above the dura mater and just below the skull
Subdural Hematoma Pronounced Defined (sub-DOO-ral hee-mah-TOH-mah)
Collection of blood below the dura mater and above the arachnoid layer of the meninges
Herniated Disk Pronounced Defined (HER-nee-ay-ted disk)
Rupture or herniation of the disk center through the disk wall and into the spinal canal Causes pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots
Huntington’s Chorea Pronounced Defined (HUNT-ing-tonz koh-REE-ah)
Inherited neurological disease characterized by rapid, jerky, involuntary movements and increased dementia Progressive, degenerative disease
Hydrocephalus Pronounced Defined (high-droh-SEFF-ah-lus)
Abnormal increase of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain that causes the ventricles of the brain to dilate Results in increased head circumference in infant with open fontanel Congenital disorder
Intracranial Tumors Pronounced Defined (in-trah-KRAY-nee-al TOO-morz)
Tumors occurring in any structural region of the brain May be malignant or benign Classified as primary or secondary Named according to the tissue from which they originate
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