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Zhenhua Guo, Xiao Dong Michael Roche, Jenn Hughes Adam Heleine, Kody Cummins.

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Presentation on theme: "Zhenhua Guo, Xiao Dong Michael Roche, Jenn Hughes Adam Heleine, Kody Cummins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zhenhua Guo, Xiao Dong Michael Roche, Jenn Hughes Adam Heleine, Kody Cummins

2  Started to use Google Wave within  Investigated several widely used collaboration systems  Compared their features  Summarized result

3  “Google Wave is an online tool for real-time communication and collaboration. A wave can be both a conversation and a document where people can discuss and work together using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.”  Announced on May 27, 2009  Preview. Invitation only.  Can be used in Google App

4 Google Wave WikiIMEmailFacebookTwitter Real timeStrongNoStrongWeakStrongMedium Preservation/ Archiving MediumStrongWeakStrong Resource sharing Medium NoWeakStrongWeak SearchStrongMediumWeakMediumStrongMedium UsabilityWeakMediumStrong MediumStrong Group Conversation StrongWeakMediumStrong Weak Immediate Group Conversation (1) StrongNoMediumStrongNo

5  Google Wave Provides many useful features for group collaboration. E-mail, threaded conversation, instance messaging… High learning curve, needs better UI?  Wikipedia Information hub / Knowledge base  IM Personal chatting  Email Most widely used collaboration tool  Facebook Social networking platform  Twitter Web-based pub/sub system(following, follower)

6  Application  Service Use services within browsers.  Access control ◦ Public/Private ◦ Group Google Wave E-mailSend/Notification, Attachment Wiki1) Wiki-style editing 2) wave history ForumThreaded conversation IMWeb-based instant messaging

7  Investigate Google Wave APIs  Exploit what we can do  Decide concrete project  Implement  Evaluate/Test  Make poster

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