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Product Example from NPP 2007- 14 “GUIDE system” (online mapping of rescue equipment based on Google map) What is it?  Keywords: GUIDE, resources, map,

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Presentation on theme: "Product Example from NPP 2007- 14 “GUIDE system” (online mapping of rescue equipment based on Google map) What is it?  Keywords: GUIDE, resources, map,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Example from NPP 2007- 14 “GUIDE system” (online mapping of rescue equipment based on Google map) What is it?  Keywords: GUIDE, resources, map, contingency planning, major accident  Background  GUIDE was developed after an inventory of emergency and disaster equipment in Västerbotten County (Sweden), during the fall of  2009. The purpose with GUIDE was to develop a web-based tool to facilitate contingency planning and for decision support during  major accidents and disasters

2 Product Description “ GUIDE system” (online mapping of recue equipment based on Google map)  GUIDE is based on Google Map and can be implemented in any country. The program  has two main functions, a planning and emergency function:  Planning and View an inventory  – each inventory is presented as an icon on the map.  View the distribution, concentration or coverage of any resource  – can be used to  optimize the location of resources and to identify gaps in the preparedness

3 Product Description Continued  Emergency  Easy and rapid access of resources  during a major accident or disaster  (according to 1, 2, 3).  1. Enter the accident location  – with an address, GPS coordinate or mark the map.  2. Choose a search radius for the resources  3. Choose the resources that are needed –  can be done by entering a type incident  (e.g. bus crash) or by choosing resources manually. A search result will appear with  the requested resources

4 “ Guide” System Image


6 Where is the product now?  Still used at the emergency and disaster management centre in Umeå Sweden.  Has been implemented in Chinese municipality (first responders unit)  Product is implemented, still innovating, and of benefit to the NPP area characteristics and beyond.

7 Other good examples of NPP developed products and services. Cinergy Project- Advisory Service Cinergy will develop regional business and innovation services for facilitating crossover collaboration between Creative Industries (CI) and Traditional Industries (TI) in the partner regions of the Northern Periphery area, through development of: Cinergy Creative Agency - at least one in each partner region

8 Other good examples of NPP developed products and services. ROADEX IV The project brings about real operational change in the construction and maintenance of rural roads across the Northern Periphery through a combination of consultancy services

9 Highlighting NPP concrete outcomes  Programme expects to do this via an online outcomes database  Ready for launch Autumn 2014  Programme will also publish a collection of best practice project case studies.

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