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HLab meeting 10/14/08 K. Shirotori. Contents SksMinus status –SKS magnet trouble –Magnetic field study.

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Presentation on theme: "HLab meeting 10/14/08 K. Shirotori. Contents SksMinus status –SKS magnet trouble –Magnetic field study."— Presentation transcript:

1 HLab meeting 10/14/08 K. Shirotori

2 Contents SksMinus status –SKS magnet trouble –Magnetic field study

3 Introduction Hypernuclear production via the (K -,  - ) and (  +,K + ) reaction ⇒ Scattered  - and K + are analyzed by the magnetic spectrometer, using SKS. Analysis method : Runge-Kutta calculation from the position of drift chambers and the precisely measured magnetic field map

4 SKS magnet problem One of the SKS magnet coil was broken by the high voltage test. (It cannot be repaired… ) Effects to experiments Strength of filed : 5/6 (2.7 T ⇒ 2.5 T @ 395A) ⇒ Decreasing acceptance and momentum resolution Change of filed shape ⇒ Tracking and absolute momentum value The innermost part of the coil

5 Study Calculated field maps are compared with the measured map. Simulation Scattered particles tracks generated with calculated maps (as a true magnetic filed) are analyzed by the measured map or calculated map. Real data analysis Real experimental data (KEK E566 data) are analyzed by calculated maps.

6 Simulation

7 Simulated conditions Particles generation in the simulation  - of 1.4 GeV/c with uniform scattering angular distribution up to 20 degree No multiple scattering Analysis of simulated data Tracking by using the hit positions of drift chamber Drift chamber resolution ~400  m

8 Magnetic field map sksmap395a.dat (measured,)  Measured 395A magnetic field map SksQM4S395AFullC.dat (QM4F)  Calculated field map  Full coil version SksQM5S395AFullC.dat (QM5F)  Calculated field map  Full coil version  Different B-H curve from QM4F QM4 Fis used as generated map in the simulation.

9 Field map and particle tracks Particles pass the incomplete magnetic filed map region, but they are rejected and there are no large effects. Measured Calculated(QM4)

10 Meaning of observables P : Momentum U0 : angel (dx/dz) of production point V0 : angle (dy/dz) of production point (x,y,z belong local coordinate) z x ● y Local coordinate (In) z x ● y Local coordinate (Out)

11 Calculated(QM4F) ⇒ measured : U0,V0 QM4F→QM4FQM4F→measured  Large difference P vs U0, 2 nd polynomial shape P vs V0, tracks near the SKS magnet coil gap  Momentum resolution : 1.7 MeV/c ⇒ 2.4 MeV/c (to select good region)  Tracking  2 ~1.6 (1.0 original)

12 Calculated(QM4F) ⇒ calculated(QM5F) : U0,V0 QM4F→QM4FQM4F→QM5F  Large difference P vs U0, little 2 nd polynomial shape P vs V0, almost flat  Momentum resolution : 1.7 MeV/c ⇒ 2.3 MeV/c (no correction)  Tracking  2 ~1.0 (1.0 original)

13 QM4F→Measured : P vs U0 Particles passing the circled region have large difference between measured and calculated map. Measured QM4F

14 Analysis

15 Analysis method To analyze E566 data : (  +,K + ) reaction data  Correlation by measured map (sksmap272a.dat)  Correlation by calculated map  Target thickness : 12 C (3.4 g/cm 2 ) (Resolution is determined by the target) To check Missing mass (binding energy) vs u0 Missing mass (binding energy) vs v0

16 Measured map (sksmap272a.dat) Before correction After correction  U0 vs MM : 1 st +2 nd polynomial correlation  V0 vs MM : 2 nd polynomial correlation ⇒ Momentum resolution : 2.8 MeV (After correction) Correction coefficients U : -0.012*U-0.01*U 2 V : +0.05*V 2

17 Calculated map (SksQM12S272AFull.dat) Correction coefficients U : -0.012*U-0.01*U 2 V : +0.05*V 2  U0 vs MM : 1 st +2 nd polynomial correlation  V0 vs MM : 2 nd polynomial correlation ⇒ Momentum resolution : 3.1 MeV (After correction) Binding energy offset : -4 MeV Before correction After correction

18 Correlation shape U0 vs MM : 1 st +2 nd polynomial correlation V0 vs MM : 2 nd polynomial correlation Correlation shapes are almost same between all maps.  BE vs u0(dx/dz) : strong 1 st +2 nd polynomial correlation (The correlation becomes larger to the inner tracks.)  BE vs v0(dy/dz) : small 2 nd polynomial correlation  Offset : less than 10 MeV (Absolute value of magnetic field : ±1%)

19 Summary Study  Simulation Generated by calculated map ⇒ Analyzed by measured or calculated map Check the correlation between momentum and scattering angle ⇒ To check the difference of absolute values and angles  Real data analysis @ 272A map E566 thin 12 C target data analyzed by measured or calculated map Check the correlation between binding energy and scattering angle ⇒ Correlation shapes are almost same between all maps. ⇒ The correlation can be corrected. For the experiments  High resolution experiments To correct the correlation by many binding energy data How to determine the absolute value ?  Coincidence experiment (Hypernuclear  -ray spectroscopy, weak decay) The correction is almost enough to select the binding state. (Momentum resolution is not need to be so high)

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