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AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FOR FY 2011 AR Title: Telling the “BEEF Story” Name of Contractor: American National CattleWomen. Inc. CBB Budget Component: Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FOR FY 2011 AR Title: Telling the “BEEF Story” Name of Contractor: American National CattleWomen. Inc. CBB Budget Component: Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 AUTHORIZATION REQUEST FOR FY 2011 AR Title: Telling the “BEEF Story” Name of Contractor: American National CattleWomen. Inc. CBB Budget Component: Industry Information Start date: October 1, 2010 Completion date: December 31, 2011

2 OVERVIEW Enable CattleWomen to be pro-active in communicating a positive and factual message about the animal welfare and stewardship practices used in modern beef production. Utilize materials already in existence that are in accordance with the Industry Long Range Plan and Priorities. The “BEEF Story” will be told to large numbers of consumers, face to face by ANCW members who are also consumers, sisters, mothers and grandmothers. This will have tremendous credibility with the audience.

3 Program Information for this AR Strategy: Industry Resource –Strategy 1 Proposed Cost: $ 60,000.00

4 Planning Information for this AR FY 2011 Priorities Addressed by This AR: Reconnect Consumers with Beef Production Make Beef an Easy Choice.

5 Tactic 1A: “Tell the BEEF Story” to large numbers of consumers regarding animal welfare and environmental issues as they pertain to beef production. Give consumers “permission to eat beef”. Help consumers get past their internal conflict created by animal activists that all animals have rights same as people. Be transparent about beef production from pasture to plate. Source existing industry collateral (DVDs, power points, written handouts, websites, etc)

6 Tactic 1A continued: Train and equip ANCW members. Make them available to present the “BEEF Story” to consumer groups effectively and professionally. (Ex. civic groups as Lions, Rotary, etc.) Presenters will attend a 2 day training session. Presenters must have completed the MBA program and be BQA certified. Provide presenters with the collateral, laptops, projectors and travel expenses to enable them to make presentations.

7 Tactic 1A Continued Evaluation by audience via surveys. Quantify the effectiveness of presentations. Goal of professional, targeted, persuasive. Train-the-trainer model utilized to maximize investment. The 20 members in the initial training will train and mentor 10 others. Each participant in the initial training will make 25 presentations throughout the year at various locations around the country. –(Note: $7,000.00 of ANCW funds will be used to purchase LCD projectors, ANCW will own these assets. Speakers will utilize their own laptops initially. This allows $8,000.00 for the Speaker Training Session and $25,000.00 for travel expenses for the 500 presentations. Approximately $50/per presentation. If the audiences average 50 each that is $1.00 per consumer) Partner with key women’s organizations like the Jr. League, Soroptimists, Business & Professional Women’s clubs, etc.

8 Measurable Objectives: 1. Compile key industry information (BQA, MBA,, Animal Ag Alliance, Humane, etc.) onto ANCW website. Have a library of information on key topic areas. (Factory Farms, Antibiotics residues, Humane handling) –Have this area of the website up by Jan 1, 2011 –Have downloadable 1 page “Fact Sheets” –Provide wallet cards with talking points 2. Train and equip 20 ANCW members to present this message effectively and professionally. Each will train 10 others. 3. Partner with one key national women’s consumer organization that utilizes the “BEEF Story” in one of their programs. An evaluation survey will be developed for this tactic to quantify the effectiveness of the overall program. Proposed cost: $ 50,000.00

9 Tactic 1B: “ Tell Youth the BEEF Story” Interact with large youth organizations. Establish partnerships with youth organizations like 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. Provide a program, project or curriculum specific to their organization that accurately conveys the “BEEF Story”. Continue the pilot project “College Aggies Online”. Launched by ANCW and the Animal Ag Alliance in the 2009-2010 academic year. –Ag clubs and individual students were challenged to be proactive on college campuses and in social media to tell a factual story about animal agriculture. –Contest was designed to reward scholarships to the most active clubs or individuals. Top winners were awarded a trip to, and were recognized at, the annual meeting of the Animal Ag Alliance held in Washington DC. Over 350 students in over 50 universities were writing, blogging, speaking, and producing videos about animal agriculture.

10 Measurable Objectives: 1.Implement a project or curriculum on the “BEEF Story” with 25 youth group chapters. Have an evaluation for this tactic with entrance and exit surveys. A baseline attitude will be set this first year. 2.Offer a special contest category for students to “Tell the BEEF Story”. Develop objectives and activities participants must do to win. Award a cash prize and attendance at the National BEEF Industry Conventions to be recognized by both NCBA and ANCW. Success will be 50 students in over 20 schools competing in this contest. Proposed cost: $ 10,000.00

11 Detailed Budget Summary Strategy 1: Industry Resource –Tactic 1A: Tell the BEEF Story 43,000.00 – from CBB 7,000.00 – from ANCW Total: $ 50,000.00 –Tactic 1B: Tell Youth the BEEF Story 7,000.00 – from CBB 3,000.00 – from ANCW Total: $ 10,000.00

12 Detailed Budget Summary AR Total $ 60,000.00 $50,000.00 – from CBB $10,000.00 – from ANCW

13 Summary ANCW will provide a group of highly trained, highly passionate and highly believable speakers to thousands of consumers at a very low cost. The accurate “Beef Story” will be communicated to thousands of students via youth organizations and College Aggies On-Line.

14 In Their Own Words “Our goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture.” - John Goodwin, HSUS Director “Our long-term goal is rid the world of animal agriculture and convert everyone to a plant based diet.” – Bruce Friedrich, PETA Outreach Coordinator "We are essentially in a pre-regulation phase in dealing with animals reared for food." Wayne Pacelle, HSUS - Des Moines Register, April 2, 2006 HSUS’ objective for the egg laying and broiler chicken industry is: ''to get rid of the industry.” – Miyun Park, Vice President of Farm Animal Welfare, HSUS, October 6-8, 2006....“We're willing to risk our lives and freedom to defeat you and stop your cruelty, most of you retreat at the thought of losing your new yacht or luxury car. Now really, who do you think is going to win?” - January 9, 2007 ALF Press Release

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