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ECE 477 Design Review Group 14  Spring 2005 Paste a photo of team members here, annotated with names of team members.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 477 Design Review Group 14  Spring 2005 Paste a photo of team members here, annotated with names of team members."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 477 Design Review Group 14  Spring 2005 Paste a photo of team members here, annotated with names of team members.

2 Outline Project overviewProject overview Project-specific success criteriaProject-specific success criteria Block diagramBlock diagram Component selection rationaleComponent selection rationale Packaging designPackaging design Schematic and theory of operationSchematic and theory of operation Preliminary PCB layoutPreliminary PCB layout Software design/development statusSoftware design/development status Project completion timelineProject completion timeline Questions / discussionQuestions / discussion

3 Project Overview State-of-the-art system allowing doctors to monitor patients blood pressure, body temperature and heart beat (ECG).State-of-the-art system allowing doctors to monitor patients blood pressure, body temperature and heart beat (ECG). –Device strapped to the patient. Heart beat and temperature are measured by the sensors present in the device. –Measured data sent to the Computer via RF. –Doctors and nurses are warned by alarm system present in the device through a speaker. –Heart beat and body temperature are constantly displayed on the LCD.

4 Project-Specific Success Criteria Ability to obtain body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure from sensors to the microcontrollerAbility to obtain body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure from sensors to the microcontroller Ability to send / receive / decode RF SignalsAbility to send / receive / decode RF Signals Ability to display health information to the patient via LCDAbility to display health information to the patient via LCD Ability to alert Patient about an emergency through a speakerAbility to alert Patient about an emergency through a speaker Ability to identify emergency and send signals to the doctors/nurses.Ability to identify emergency and send signals to the doctors/nurses.

5 Block Diagram Microcontroller RF transmitter Temperature Sensor DS 18S20 Blood pressure Sensor Honeywell 26PC SMT UART Computer CrystalfontzCFAG12232D-YYH-N Speaker 12 1 10 1 RF signal RF receiver UART 1

6 Component Selection Rationale Microcontroller : Selection - Freescale 68HCS12(MC9S12C32) 1) CodeWarrior reliable 2) 16 bit device 3) 80 general purpose I/O pins Other choices – Rabbit RCM3000 1) Dynamic C buggy 2) 8 bit device 3) 52 general purpose I/O pins

7 Component Selection Rationale LCD DISPLAY : Selection - Crystalfontz CFAG12232D-YYH-N Graphic LCD Module (Backlight) Other Choices Crystalfontz CFAG12232D-NYG-N Graphic LCD ModuleCrystalfontz CFAG12232D-NYG-N Graphic LCD Module Crystalfontz 632 Serial LCD ModuleCrystalfontz 632 Serial LCD ModuleDisadvantages 1) Price too high for serial LCD module 2) Size comparatively larger of serial LCD(108mm*44mm as compared to 59mm*29mm

8 Component Selection Rationale RF: Selection – LINX TX-LC(LINX Technologies) 1)5000 Baud rate. Other Choices Bluetooth Technology-LMX9820 National SemiconductorReasons: 1)Bluetooth Development Kit was very expensive and not available

9 Component Selection Rationale Heart Rate Monitor : Selection - Salutron Model 3100 Handgrip Heart Rate Monitor Other choices - Polar F-1 Heart Rate Monitor Disadvantages : 1) Hard to interface with the micro 2) Need to disassemble to get the receiver 3) Cost was much higher( USD100 as compared to USD32)

10 Component Selection Rationale Temperature Sensor : Selection - DS18S20 High-Precision 1-Wire Digital Thermometer Other Choices - DS1620 Digital Thermometer and ThermostatDisadvantages 1)Greater number of pins(3) for DS1620.

11 Component Selection Rationale Blood Pressure Sensor : Selection – Honeywell 26PC SMT Other Choices – N/A Advantages: 1)Small in Size 2)Can be interfaced directly to the PCB 3)No stand-alone pressure sensors available in the market

12 Packaging Design-Front View

13 Packaging Design - Back View

14 Packaging Design – Side view

15 Packaging Design-Similar Products CPOD NASA LifeSync Wireless ECG CPOD NASA LifeSync Wireless ECG

16 Schematic/Theory of Operation







23 Preliminary PCB Layout

24 Software Design/Development Status Temperature Sensor moduleTemperature Sensor module LCD moduleLCD module Blood Pressure moduleBlood Pressure module Bluetooth communication moduleBluetooth communication module Heart beat (ECG) moduleHeart beat (ECG) module

25 Project Completion Timeline 2 nd week of March - PCB layout 100% routed2 nd week of March - PCB layout 100% routed 3 rd week of March – Work on software modules3 rd week of March – Work on software modules 4 th week of March – Test Software modules4 th week of March – Test Software modules 2 nd week of April – Finish board assembly and start testing and debugging2 nd week of April – Finish board assembly and start testing and debugging 3 rd week of April - Thorough testing done3 rd week of April - Thorough testing done 4 th week of April - Video Demo.4 th week of April - Video Demo.

26 Questions / Discussion

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