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College of Management Mahidol University How to promote B2C, Using Online Customer Experience Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Management Mahidol University How to promote B2C, Using Online Customer Experience Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Management Mahidol University How to promote B2C, Using Online Customer Experience Analysis

2 College of Management Mahidol University How to promote B2C, Using Online Customer Experience Analysis Research Team Members: Ms. Chatamon Poldul Mr. Bunlerd Wekairungroj Advisor: Dr. Prasopchoke Pramongkit College of Management, Mahidol University

3 College of Management Mahidol University Agenda 1.Introduction 2.Theoretical Model 3.Research Methodology 4.Research Findings 5.Recommendations and Implications

4 College of Management Mahidol University Introduction

5 College of Management Mahidol University Growth of Internet and online purchase in Thailand Source: NECTEC's Internet User Profile of Thailand 2001 Million Year

6 College of Management Mahidol University Source: NECTEC's Internet User Profile of Thailand 2001 Reasons against Internet Purchase

7 College of Management Mahidol University Objectives of this study To analyze Online Customer experience in Thailand To identify key determinant factors based on online consumer experience

8 College of Management Mahidol University Theoretical Model

9 College of Management Mahidol University Theory of Planned Behavior Behavioral Beliefs Attitude Toward the Behavior Normative Beliefs Subjective Norm Control Beliefs Perceived Behavioral Control IntentionBehavior Actual Behavior Control Source : Icel Ajzen, 1985

10 College of Management Mahidol University E-Commerce Consumer Behavior Model Source : Electronic Commerce a managerial perspective, Turban, Lee, King and Chung, 2000, p.74 Stimuli Marketing Others Stimuli Marketing Others Vendors’ Control Systems Logistic Support Technical Support Customer Service Vendors’ Control Systems Logistic Support Technical Support Customer Service Personal Characteristics Environment Characteristics Buyers’ Decisions Decision Making Process

11 College of Management Mahidol University Hypothesis Transaction Services Website Facilities Environmental Factors Merchandise Certificate Authority Buyer’s Decision H1 H2 H5 H4 H3

12 College of Management Mahidol University Research Methodology

13 College of Management Mahidol University Population and Sampling Procedure Population Target population Internet users who have online purchased experience Extent Bangkok, Thailand Sample size 312 Sampling Procedure Probability Technique Simple random sampling method Unit of sampling Governmental and private organization

14 College of Management Mahidol University Data Collection Primary Data : Questionnaires Secondary Data : Journals, Websites, Articles, Books, Related Research Data Collection Process May 6 –26, 2002 Research Instrument and Measurement Personal Characteristics Attitude toward online shopping

15 College of Management Mahidol University Data Processing and Analysis Descriptive Analysis Frequency Mean Distribution Hypothesis Testing Factors Analysis Regression Analysis

16 College of Management Mahidol University Research Findings

17 College of Management Mahidol University Descriptive Analysis Gender Education Age Unit : Year

18 College of Management Mahidol University Descriptive Analysis Monthly Income Career Unit : Baht

19 College of Management Mahidol University Descriptive Analysis Internet Usage per Week Internet Experience

20 College of Management Mahidol University Product Value Unit : Baht

21 College of Management Mahidol University Type of Purchase

22 College of Management Mahidol University Type of Payment

23 College of Management Mahidol University Hypothesis Testing Factor Analysis Certificate Authority (V.E = 46.670) CA Knowledge CA Logo CA Confidence Transaction services (V.E = 46.872) Delivery system After sale service Variety of payment method Online payment security Exact location Merchandise (V.E = 31.207) Variety of products Update products Non-tax products Product comparison Cheaper price Save-time No Pop-up Website facilities (V.E = 38.443) Accuracy information Modified web pages Problem solution Easy URL Environment factors (V.E = 21.645) Family Friends Boss Note : V.E = Variance Explained Unique products

24 College of Management Mahidol University Hypothesis Testing Regression Analysis Hypothesis TestingBSig.Results Transaction Services0.3290.000Reject H o Certificate Authority0.1600.000Reject H o Merchandise2.718E-030.698Accept H o Website Facilities6.770E-040.926Accept H o Environment Factors2.280E-020.008Reject H o ModelRR SquareAdjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 10.9700.9410.9400.1225

25 College of Management Mahidol University The results of the study Transaction Services Delivery System After sale service Exact offline location Variety of payment method Online payment security affect Online Buyer’s Decision Certificate Authority Certificate Authority (CA) seal approval affect

26 College of Management Mahidol University Recommendations and Implications

27 College of Management Mahidol University Recommendations and Implications Website Vendors Provide logistic system Provide standard payment security system such as SSL and/or SET Government Provide infrastructures for E-Commerce Draft laws and regulations to support and encourage E-Commerce environment Collaborate with banks and software designers to provide security electronic payment system

28 College of Management Mahidol University Q & A Thank you for your attention

29 College of Management Mahidol University

30 Supported

31 College of Management Mahidol University Security Schemes in Online System Privacy (Confidentiality) – unavailability of a message to non-authorized reader Authentication – confidence that the message received really came from the sender who claims to be Integrity – confidence that the contents of message have not modified during its transmission Non-Repudiation - eliminate the ability to refuse to accept an obligation

32 College of Management Mahidol University Certificate Authority (CA) Framework Certificate Authority Customer Internet merchant bearing a certificate ( 2 ) Contacts certificate authority to verify the legitimacy of the storefront ( 1 ) Visits merchant’s storefront and decides to make a purchase ( 3 ) Provide information For purchase ( 4 ) Contacts certificate authority to verify the legitimacy of the customer Source : Electronic commerce security, risk management, and control, Marilyn Greenstein and Miklos Vasarhelyi, p.330

33 College of Management Mahidol University Standard Security Protocol Secure Socket Layer (SSL) – a special communication protocol used by Web browsers and servers to encrypt all communications online Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) – a set of cryptographic protocols jointly developed by Visa, MasterCard, Netscape, and Microsoft and designed to provide secure

34 College of Management Mahidol University Infrastructure E-Commerce Application Management Technical Standard OrganizationPublic PolicyPeople Source : Electronic Commerce a managerial perspective, Turban, Lee, King and Chung, 2000, p.6

35 College of Management Mahidol University Thailand E-Commerce Master Plan One of Thailand IT Policy Framework which aim to develop ICT policy framework of the nation The purpose of E-Commerce flagship is to strengthening strengthen competitive advantage of Thai entrepreneurs especially SMEs

36 College of Management Mahidol University Master Plan Strategies Proactively participate in foreign trade policy Development and actively deployment of E- Commerce SME policy Providing adequate and affordable IT infrastructure Developing human resource Creating public awareness Creating trust and confidence by developing : –legal framework –Payment system and security –Information management

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