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Video and Podcasting By: Pharis Cockrill What is Podcasting? Podcasts are digital media files which are produced in a series Most podcasts are often.

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2 Video and Podcasting By: Pharis Cockrill

3 What is Podcasting? Podcasts are digital media files which are produced in a series Most podcasts are often audio, but they can be video as well Video podcasts are often referred to as “Vcasts”

4 What is Podcasting? Podcasting is online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed. Is like radio on demand, but listeners can also determine the time and the place. This means they decide what programming they want to receive and when they want to listen to it.

5 What is Podcasting? You can subscribe to a series of files, or podcast, by using a piece of software called a podcatcher. Once you subscribe, your podcatcher periodically checks to see if any new files have been published and automatically downloads them onto your computer You can listen to or watch these whenever you wish

6 What can it be used for? Podcasting can be used for: 1. Self-Guided Walking Tours - Informational content. 2. Music - Band promo clips and interviews. 3. Talk Shows - Sports, news coverage and commentaries. 4. Training - Instructional materials and informational materials 5. Story telling- Story telling for children or the visually-impaired.

7 Why watch Podcasts? It’s convenient to have fresh material loaded on an iPod and hear podcasts throughout the day Podcasting allows you to choose your own content Even with TV and radio broadcast, you have to select from one of the programs already playing.

8 Why do People Make Podcasts? Podcasting is an easy and powerful way to communicate your ideas and messages You can reach any audience Usually want to deliver a message in a series

9 Why do People Make Podcasts? Podcasters usually start with the intent to build a community Businesses can use this as a cheap method for advertising Even large companies use this method

10 What do you Need? For an Audio Podcast: Any fairly new PC or Mac A USB microphone Audio editing software with AudacityAudacity Feed publishing and hosting

11 What do you Need? For Video Podcast: any fairly new PC or Mac a digital camera (that takes videos as well as photos) or a regular video camera video editing software on a PC with Windows Movie Maker and on a Mac with iMovie feed publishing and hosting

12 Steps in Creating an Audio Podcast 1. Determine the nature of your podcast 2. Record the audio for your podcast 3. Tag it, give it ID information

13 Steps in Creating an Audio Podcast 4. Save the audio file (in MP3 format) to your computer desktop 5. Create your RSS podcast feed 6. Put your RSS podcast feed on the Internet

14 Steps in Creating an Audio Podcast Video on how to create step by step:

15 Steps in Creating an Video Podcast Video on how to create step by step 7 Go to and sign-up

16 Podcasting Resources Podcasting Tools - Podcast Alley - PodcastBunker - Podcasting News -

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