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Narrative Structure way special telling your story in the own...

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Presentation on theme: "Narrative Structure way special telling your story in the own..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Narrative Structure way special telling your story in the own...

2 n One of the most controversial areas of new media theory n Some people think this is the main difference between new and old media n The re-thinking of how we tell the story - narrative

3 Narrative n What is narrative? –Telling a story –How a story is structured for a particular media –The story telling process n Each media develops its own narrative structure, how stories are told in that media

4 Linear Narrative n Old media uses linear narrative n What do we mean by this? n In its purest form linear narrative is the chronological telling of a story n Start at the beginning and work to the end, telling the story in the order it occurred n An accurate time line of events

5 n Many forms of linear narrative don’t stick to a true time line, events aren’t always shown in the correct order n For example, the use of flash backs to show what has occurred before

6 Non-Linear Narrative n Modern films tend to skip back and forth along the time line n Need to remember causality, it must look like events have causes, there is a reason why they occurred

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