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Developing Workforces For The 21 st Century THE CHALLENGE FOR EDUCATION Sir Howard Newby Vice-Chancellor University of the West of England.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing Workforces For The 21 st Century THE CHALLENGE FOR EDUCATION Sir Howard Newby Vice-Chancellor University of the West of England."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing Workforces For The 21 st Century THE CHALLENGE FOR EDUCATION Sir Howard Newby Vice-Chancellor University of the West of England

2 CHALLENGES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Globalisation Knowledge Society Higher Education as a key driver of the knowledge economy International benchmarks for quality and standards Market forces and competition

3 THE MULTIPLE FUNCTIONS OF THE 21 ST CENTURY UNIVERSITY From teaching to lifelong learning Research – global competition Knowledge transfer – the third mission Social inclusion Local and regional regeneration Civil society and civic responsibility

4 COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE AND DIVERSITY A more diverse HE Massification and competition Comparative advantage The need to focus

5 LEARNER-CENTRED HIGHER EDUCATION Access and widening participation Lifelong learning and mass higher education Fundamental shift from once in a lifetime higher education Education progression Continuing professional development

6 SUPPLY-DRIVEN vs DEMAND-LED HE Fees and finance Students as customers Institutional diversity and flexibility More flexible delivery Varied progression routes

7 HE AND LABOUR MARKETS Globalisation and flexibility Internal vs external labour markets Qualification, mobility, lifelong learning Academic vs vocational HE? Towards tertiary? Work-based learning

8 SKILLS AND EMPLOYABILITY Personal fulfilment and intellectual growth Learning outcomes Generic skills Curriculum design and development Progression and flexibility

9 THE ROLE OF THE STATE How to reconcile: -massification -quality enhancement -reduction in fiscal burden It was once the role of governments to provide for the purposes of universities; it is now the role of universities to provide for the purposes of governments

10 ACCOUNTABILITY IN HE Audit and monitoring Develop performance measures Performance funding Regulation Planning

11 WHITHER HE? Diversity or hierarchy Public vs private State control vs institutional autonomy Regulation vs planning

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