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Building Leadership Teams 2011-12 Driving Continuous Improvement Throughout the School! Session #3 January 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Leadership Teams 2011-12 Driving Continuous Improvement Throughout the School! Session #3 January 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Leadership Teams 2011-12 Driving Continuous Improvement Throughout the School! Session #3 January 2012

2 Find someone from another BLT and share (double take) Your personal New Year’s resolution Your New Year’s Resolution for your PLC Team

3 Agenda Review BLT Key Outcomes Share work with Harris Poll Results PLC Check PDSA Cycle Review and Next Steps PDSA Reflection: Tool and Activity Tools/Protocols for Collaborative Data Analysis

4 Housekeeping… Future Meetings- 8:00am – 11:30pm March 27 & 29, 2012 Lunch & Breaks 11:45 Afternoon Planning Time 12:30 – 3:24

5 2011-12 BLT Key Outcomes Set and communicate direction! Effectively implement PLCs with integrity and fidelity at the school Align the work of PLC teams with the School Improvement Plan Use the Plan Do Study Act cycle and quality tools to drive improvements for PLC/SIP SMART goals

6 Review your Building Leadership Team Norms

7 Harris Poll Results Share your Building Team’s Work How have you used the Harris Poll Results? Plus/ Deltas of your process How will the Harris data be incorporated into your Building’s SI Plan Next Steps (action plan)


9 Suggested BLT Discussion Items Making Connections Building Plan on a Page Monitoring your building goals/ Building Scorecard What is the data telling you? Using the Harris Poll Data to guide your SI Plan Thinking ahead about next year’s goals PLC Work

10 Where is your PLC team in the PDSA Cycle? Can we meet our goal of all PLC teams completing the PDSA Cycle by March 2012?

11 After Break: Sit in the Following Groups TABLEGrade Levels BannerKindergartenHolly/CarissaTechnology Dunlap Grade1 st gradeJulie2nd gradeMandy RES3 rd grade4 th gradeJamie WW5 th gradeDave

12 Test your PDSA Knowledge: Match the tool with the PDSA Step STEPS OF PDSA: Step 1: Define the System Step 2: Access the Situation Step 3: Analyze Causes Step 4: Try out Improvement Theory Step 5: Study the Results Step 6: Standardize Improvement Step 7: Plan for Continuous Improvement TOOLS: Pareto Diagram Relations Diagram Run Chart Assessment Tool Flow Chart Action Plan Template Fishbone Diagram Other


14 After reviewing assessment data and BLT goals, create a SMART goal to focus on target skill(s) Define how your team is currently teaching the skill

15 5 th Grade PLC SMART GOAL By May 2012 all students will improve their writing skills, specifically in the area of Language, by 4 points based on the Ridgeview Writing Rubric.


17 Define the Current Situation Determine what in-process measures could be used to gather baseline data.


19 Run Charts capture data over a specified time period. Used by teams when gathering baseline data at the beginning of a PDSA and again after the improvement theory has been implemented.


21 Review the baseline data collected and discuss root causes for the results. Once root cause(s) are identified: Research best practices related to the root cause and share with the PLC team Analyze Causes



24 Write an action plan to implement the improvement theory in your classrooms. Practice newly- learned strategies (improvement theory), and measure the effectiveness of the strategies Try Out Improvement Theory

25 Action Plan Worksheet


27 Considerations & Connections How much time will you give for your data monitoring/collection? How many data points will you collect ? How are your students connected to this data collection & SMART Goal? PLC CLC

28 Monitor student data to determine effectiveness of strategies. Compare to baseline.


30 Reflect, observe, practice, receive feedback, gain expertise and standardize the new practice. Make a new flowchart. Continue to use the PDSA cycle to make improvements in the realm of your professional learning community


32 PDSA Step 6: Drawing Conclusions Instructional PracticeEvidence of ImpactNext Steps What did you do differently? What are assessment results telling you? Practice has proven to be successful and should be replicated. OR (Improvement Theory) (Common formative assessments) Practice needs continued study because the data collected point to inconsistent conclusions. OR Practice has no impact on student growth and should be eliminated.

33 Next Steps for Continuous Improvement A) Continue with the same SMART GOAL, addressing the second root cause or B) Move to a different focus area and SMART Goal


35 PDSA Reflection Tool

36 PDSA Reflection Activity 1.Individually Complete Reflection 2.Work with a grade level/ department partner to share your PDSA story and key reflections 3.Provide Feedback on the Reflection Form Plus/ Deltas

37 BREAK Return to Building Groups

38 COLLABORATIVE DATA ANALYSIS: STRATEGIES AND PROTOCOLS Identify challenges that can arise when collaboratively analyzing data as a PLC and/or Building Leadership Team?

39 Data Analysis Strategies Jigsaw information from pages 158-162 8 Bolded Sections to Read & Share Create a visual in which to share with your Building PLC Teams

40 Data Analysis Strategies 1.Start with learning related questions 2.Come with an open mind 3.Turn numbers into pictures 4.Leave with questions 5.Define the language of discussion 6.Use agreed upon discussion protocols 7.Create discussion roles 8.Separate personality from practice Pages 158-162

41 When Collaboratively Analyzing Data… Don’tDo

42 Protocol Examples Protocols are designed to ensure:  all voices are heard on the critical issue at hand  to help members look closely at evidence of student learning  to examine success as well as failure  help all participants become skillful in facilitating dialogue on the right work (McDonald, Mohr, Ditchter, & McDonald, 2007)

43 Structuring Data Conversations Prepare your… 1. Thoughts o Learning centered questions o Identify pre-conceptions 2. Data Set: o Spreadsheet o Bar Graphs

44 Data Conversations 3. Findings: o Stoplight Highlighting o 5 Observations/ 5 Questions/categories 4. Next Steps: o Discuss Patterns o 3 to 5 Results statements o Questions 5. Summary Statements o Response to Prompt

45 Here’s What, So What, Now what Step 1: Here’s What (5 mins) Identify specific trends, observations, or outcomes Step 2: So What? (10 mins) What may have led to the results and why? Step 3: Now What? (15 mins) Identify any changes in instructional practices

46 Average Scores per Classroom

47 Focus

48 Organization & support

49 Sentence Fluency & Word Choice

50 Convention

51 Next Steps Utilize the Harris Poll Survey Data for Building School Improvement Complete the steps of the PDSA Cycle Complete PDSA Reflection Share Tools & Protocols for Collaborative Data Analysis with PLC Teams

52 Please complete feedback form

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