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Principals’ Conference CFN 609 January 27, 2012 Mathematics Sample Task Bundles How can we use this resource?

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Presentation on theme: "Principals’ Conference CFN 609 January 27, 2012 Mathematics Sample Task Bundles How can we use this resource?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principals’ Conference CFN 609 January 27, 2012 Mathematics Sample Task Bundles How can we use this resource?

2 Re-visit November Principals’ Conference We… Looked closely at the shifts that are necessary to address the changes in instruction demanded by the Common Core. Highlighting with consensus the relevance and timeliness of both Focus and Deep understanding. Clarified the DOE expectations noting end March as deadline identifying the Content Domains of Focus and Mathematical practices to be examined for each grade level. Discussed the components that all teacher teams should include in their work understanding that the process and final product may look very different. Looked closely at one tool to assess the rigor of one task.

3 Today we will investigate: How can we use the Sample Task Bundles to elicit and norm our ideas about the important elements of unit planning in mathematics and as guides to use when supporting teacher teams?

4 David Coleman: Leading author and architect of the CCSS and Founder and CEO of Student Achievement Partners, LLC speaks at December Ifl conference With all that we have on our plates… What must be done over the next 2 years?

5 Year 1: Lead with Focus David Coleman Suggests: The single most important idea is that some mathematics is more important than others. Take existing work and focus on what the major work in math at each grade is. Go through existing curricula, know the key standards, priorities and fluencies of every grade and make more time to spend in these areas. We have given teachers the out of moving on to the next topic that is not how math works. The majority of your professional development goes to the major work of the grade. Interim assessments- Focus overwhelmingly on the major work of the grade.

6 Grade Priorities in Support of Rich Instruction and Expectations of Fluency and Conceptual Understanding K–2 Addition and subtraction, measurement using whole number quantities 3–5 Multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions 6 Ratios and proportional reasoning; early expressions and equations 7 Ratios and proportional reasoning; arithmetic of rational numbers 8Linear algebra Priorities in Math: Engageny 6

7 Key Fluencies GradeRequired Fluency KAdd/subtract within 5 (OA) 1Add/subtract within 10 (OA) 2 Add/subtract within 20 (OA) Add/subtract within 100 (pencil and paper)(NB10) 3 Multiply/divide within 100 (OA) Add/subtract within 1000 (NB10) 4 Add/subtract within 1,000,000 (including standard algorithm) (NB10) 5Multi-digit multiplication (NB10) (including standard algorithm) 6 Multi-digit division (NS) Multi-digit decimal operations (NS) (both including standard algorithm) 7Solve px + q = r, p(x + q) = r 8Solve simple 2  2 systems by inspection 7

8 Year 2: Drive Depth Application and understanding. What does this look like? Does this require teachers to be experts in their subject matter? Coleman says if we take time this and next year to dive deep, focus, do the work, examine students they will become expert. Disproportionately expert: they will have achieved the expertise in a more focused area.

9 MATHEMATICAL STANDARDS FOR PRACTICE “ Proficient students expect mathematics to make sense. They take an active stance in solving mathematical problems. When faced with a non-routine problem, they have the courage to plunge in and try something, and they have the procedural and conceptual tools to carry through. They are experimenters and inventors, and can adapt known strategies to new problems. They think strategically”. College and Career Readiness Standards for Mathematics

10 Focus In terms of aligning (at least one) unit of study to a high leverage area with a rigorous culminating task… Where are your schools? Talk at your tables about where your school is in the process.

11 Important Note: All unit outlines say: Unit Outline Template INTRODUCTION: This unit outline provides an example of how teachers may integrate performance tasks into a unit. Teachers may (a) use this unit outline as it is described below; (b) integrate parts of it into a currently existing curriculum unit; or (c) use it as a model or checklist for a currently existing unit on a different topic. Regardless of whether the bundle can be used as is, teacher talk needs to happen around it.

12 DOE Resources Sample Task Bundles: Bundles were composed by a collection of individuals and institutions Grades Pre-K-3- Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative Grades 4 and 5- Acknowledgements: The Grade4 unit outline was developed by David Graeber (CFN 534) The Grade 5 unit outline was developed by Shenaz Hashim (CFN 109), Haydee Santino and Magaly De La Cruz with input from Curriculum Designers Alignment Review Team. with input from Curriculum Designers Alignment Review Team. The tasks were developed by the schools in the 2010-2011 NYC DOE Elementary School Performance Based Assessment Pilot, in collaboration with Exemplars, Inc. and Center for Assessment. Grades 6-8- Institute for Learning

13 Read Unit Outlines Grade 1: Pages 30-35 Grade 3: Pages 20-27 Grade 6: Pages 58-64

14 Discussion points What are your reactions to the outline for the bundle. What stands out to you? How does this unit outline and your existing unit outlines or plans for instruction compare? Which components of the unit outline bring attention to meeting the needs of all students? What are aspects of these unit outlines that you would consider non negotiable in your schools unit planning and which aspects would you consider with some flexibility? What does the work look like that goes into comprehensive unit planning? How does/can this happen at our schools?

15 2011-2012 Citywide Instructional Expectations “Look Fors” Implementation of CCLS Instructional Expectations FALL 2011 What are the “Look Fors”?  Establish regular meeting times for teacher teams  Familiarize teachers with task bundles available on the Common Core Library  Analyze the selected Common Core standards to identify gaps between what of students currently know, and what the CC ask them to, know and be able to do  Engage in a protocol to look at current student work  Teacher teams begin to plan for selection/ adaptation/ design of CC-aligned, curriculum-embedded tasks  Teacher schedules reflect consistent (weekly, bi-weekly) meetings  Teacher team meetings have targeted goal (s), articulated outcomes and clearly identified next steps for teachers and students in connection with the roll-out of the CC curriculum-embedded tasks  Meeting agendas reflect consistent meeting times, with content that demonstrates a trajectory of work toward implementation of CC curriculum- embedded tasks, resulting in concrete plans and products  Written PD plans reflect an arc of professional learning opportunities that may include deeper familiarity with CCLS, principles of UDL, curriculum mapping, task development, DOK work, etc.  There is evidence of a clearly articulated and implemented protocol for analyzing CC bundles and teachers can speak to how they plan to use/have used information garnered from analysis in their classrooms  There is a clearly articulated and implemented protocol for analysis of student work; constituents can speak to how this analysis informs selection and timing of unit and task  Tasks and units selected/created are aligned with selected standards and are rigorous  Analysis of target and special populations data to identify strengths and weaknesses relative to CCLS  Articulated PD plans with clear expectations of how and when the CC curriculum- embedded task- will be implemented over the course of the year, with a rationale for timing (how does it fit with what comes before and after?)  The school has made a selection of task with a clearly understood and articulated rationale for content and skills included in the task  Teachers and administrators share a common language and understanding of what their students know and are able to do connected to specific CC curriculum-embedded task expectations  Purposeful instructional choices have been made, documented in curriculum maps and lesson plans, to target and close the academic gap identified  Documents illustrate articulated school, teacher and student goals that support the identified academic learning gaps

16 Unpacking All of the components in the unit outline can be found in the bundle. Take some time to organize, post, mark these important pieces of the bundle. Some key places to mark: Initial and formative assessment, Performance task Rubric Annotated student work Benchmark student papers(Gr 6) Sample tasks, lessons, activities Additional resources for teachers Instructional supports for ELLS and SWD’s

17 Standards and Assessments How are the content/skills and practice influenced by the standards? Take a look at the initial assessment, Formative assessment and Final Performance Task. Are the priority standards evident in these tasks? In what way?

18 Supporting Teacher Teams What questions can we support teacher teams with that will draw their attention to the important aspects of planning and teaching a rigorous, focused unit that highlight developing students’ enduring understandings about the domain of focus?

19 What materials, resources, instructional tools are needed to support teachers with this work moving forward?

20 Upcoming Math Workshops/Support How can we prepare for the Common Core changes? A look at the Standards for Mathematical Practice, Assessment and Tasks in the math classroom. Middle School: February 2, 2012 Limit 3 teachers per school Elementary School: February 9, 2012 Limit 2 teachers per school Location: Conklin Avenue Time 8:30-3:00pm Afterschool Study group: Support teacher teams as they work on Common Core Aligned units with Embedded Tasks using the Bundles: Tuesday Afternoons 4:00-6:00pm Petrides complex January 31, February 7 and 14

21 Was that a bundle of fun or what? Thank You!

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