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The phase of the cell cycle that occupies most of a cells life interphase.

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Presentation on theme: "The phase of the cell cycle that occupies most of a cells life interphase."— Presentation transcript:

1 The phase of the cell cycle that occupies most of a cells life interphase

2 What occurs after cytokinesis is completed? G1

3 What is correct sequence of cell cycle G1, s, g2, mitosis, cytokinesis

4 Cells that are not dividing remain in the g1

5 What occurs in s phase Dna replication

6 The first 3 phases of the cell cycle are known as interphase

7 Mitosis is the process by which Nucleus divides

8 Mitosis forms cells that are Diploid identical

9 Normal cells become cancer cells when Cells do not respond to checkpoints

10 How many chromosomes are in the body cells of an organism that has a haploid number of 10 20

11 Somatic cells are Body cells diploid

12 Gametes are Sex cells haploid

13 Crossing over occurs during Meiosis Prophase 1

14 What provides new genetic combinations? Random fertilization Random alignment Crossing over

15 DNA is in the form of _____ when the cell is not dividing chromatin

16 Harmful cancer malignant

17 Checkpoints are checking for: Is cell big enough Are spindle fibers attached to chromosomes correctly Is DNA copied correctly

18 Harmless cancers benign

19 During what phase does the cell prepare for division G2

20 The failure of the chromosomes to separate during division is called: Nondisjunction

21 Signs of Cancer? Caution ABCD

22 What phase of mitosis do chromosomes become visible prophase

23 What is the correct sequence of events in Mitosis PMAT

24 How many pairs of chromosomes are present in body cells? 23

25 Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis Crossing over Two divisions Haploid 4 cells Produces gametes (sperm/egg)

26 Growth of new blood vessels to support tumors is called _________. angiogenesis

27 What is trisomy 21? Down Syndrome

28 What is monosomy X? Turners Syndrome

29 What is XXY Klinefelter syndrome

30 What two cells are found in the testicles? Leydig Sertoli

31 Identify the 3 glands that associate with the male reproductive system? Bulbourethral (Cowpers) Seminal vesicle Prostate

32 What is the pathway that sperm travel through the male reproductive tract? Semineferous tubules Epididymis Vas deferens urethra

33 Identify the 3 type of spongy tissue in the penis. Corporus cavernosus Corporus spongiosum Spongy urethra

34 3 layers of uterus Mucousa Muscularis serosa

35 Function of? Vagina Ovary Fallopian tube uterus

36 Sperm leave the body at ___ feet per second. 200

37 Name of the head of the sperm? acrosome

38 Outer portion of ovary cortex

39 Leading cause of death from cancer in men prostate

40 Which hormone acts on spermatogenesi? FSH – follicle stimulating hormone

41 Identify 2 muscle associated with testis and scrotum Dartos cremaster

42 Which cells in the testicles supports sperm development and secretes FSH sertoli

43 Which analogous structure? Vaginapenis Labia minora Clitoris Ovaries

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