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Domain Name Association Internet User Study 10/12/2014 - Preliminary Results - 5 Countries (US, UK, Australia, China, India)

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Presentation on theme: "Domain Name Association Internet User Study 10/12/2014 - Preliminary Results - 5 Countries (US, UK, Australia, China, India)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain Name Association Internet User Study 10/12/2014 - Preliminary Results - 5 Countries (US, UK, Australia, China, India)

2 2 Page Introduction3 Domain Name Extension Preferences7 Intrinsic Values25 Domain Name Extension Use40 Extrinsic Value46 Internet Usage Preferences48 Demographics66 Usage Metrics67 Table of Contents

3 3 Introduction

4 4 Survey type: Online Sample: Ages 18+ Use Internet 1+ hours/day TLDs customized and in language by country Analysis: By country, purpose use Internet and # of registered domain names Figures may not sum to 100% due to rounding Methodology and Fielding Methodology Participation Fielding Total N: xxxx Dates: Sept x – Oct x, 2014 Median length: 13 min # of Completes (10/12 AM) Australia512 Brazil China502 Germany India502 Mexico Russian Federation 508* (not tabulated) Turkey 493* (incomplete) UK512 US509 Total Global 2537 (tabulated) Introduction *Results not included in most of this report/not included in global results.

5 5 TYPETLDs,.com,.info,.net,,.uk,,.cn,.in [any 2-digit country code],.sony,.worldco,.tata,.yellowpages,.youtube,.[any company name],.eco,.green,.ngo,.author,.band,.buy,.channel,.club,.coupon,.discount,.family,.food,.guru,.industries,.international,.ltd,.menu,.music,.news,.ninja,.rest,.restaurant,.rsvp,.safety,.secure,.shoes,.shop,.today,.website,.ca,.delhi,.london,.miami,.melbourne,.mumbai,.nyc,.scot,.sydney,.wales,.[any city name],.attorney,.bank,.broker,.build,.cash,.cpa,.education,.finance,.healthcare,.law,.lawyer,.med,.press,.realestate,.realtor,.school,.[any industry] Domain Name Extension Groupings Assigned Groupings for TLDs Used in the Survey - TLDs Customized by Country NEW TLDs Introduction

6 6 Detailed Findings

7 7 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Generic Where would you go to buy shoes? % Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Preferences

8 8 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Generic Where would you go to buy shoes? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

9 9 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Generic Where would you go to buy shoes? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

10 10 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Industry Vertical If you are setting up a website for your restaurant, which domain name would be most attractive to you? % Q11. If you are Joe and you are setting up a website for your restaurant in (X), which of the following domain names would be most attractive to you? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS

11 11 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Industry Vertical If you are setting up a website for your restaurant, which domain name would be most attractive to you? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q11. If you are Joe and you are setting up a website for your restaurant in (X), which of the following domain names would be most attractive to you?

12 12 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Industry Vertical If you are setting up a website for your restaurant, which domain name would be most attractive to you? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

13 13 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Commercial Where would you go to make a payment online? % Q13. Where would you go to make a payment online? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS

14 14 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Commercial Where would you go to make a payment online? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q13. Where would you go to make a payment online?

15 15 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Commercial Where would you go to make a payment online? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

16 16 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Commercial Which most likely indicates a very successful brand name or business? % Q15. Which of the following domain names is most likely to indicate a very successful brand name or business? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS

17 17 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Commercial Which most likely indicates a very successful brand name or business? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q15. Which of the following domain names is most likely to indicate a very successful brand name or business?

18 18 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Commercial Which most likely indicates a very successful brand name or business? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

19 19 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Societal Where would you go to find local volunteer opportunities? % Q17. Where would you go to find local volunteer opportunities? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS

20 20 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Societal Where would you go to find local volunteer opportunities? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q17. Where would you go to find local volunteer opportunities?

21 21 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Societal Where would you go to find local volunteer opportunities? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

22 22 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Referential Where would you go for news and information about current events? % Q19. Where would you go for news and information about current events? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS

23 23 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Referential Where would you go for news and information about current events? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q19. Where would you go for news and information about current events?

24 24 Domain Name Extension Preferences - Referential Where would you go for news and information about current events? % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q9. Where would you go to buy shoes?

25 25 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

26 26 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

27 27 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

28 28 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

29 29 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

30 30 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

31 31 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

32 32 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

33 33 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

34 34 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

35 35 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

36 36 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

37 37 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

38 38 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Preferences All Current TLDs Combined Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

39 39 Intrinsic Values of Domain Name Extension Preferences All New TLDs Combined Q21. Which of the following words best describe domain names registered with the extensions listed below?

40 40 % Private or personal use (e.g., family or social purpose) Education or Non- Profit A Business (e.g., Selling Goods) Local Community\.uk\\.in\.cn\.scot\.sydney\.delhi\.tata\.uk\.au\in\.cn\.discount\.wales\.melbourne\.mumbai 11.79.667.98.1 Domain Name Extension Use Global View - All Countries Combined Q22. Please indicate what type of website you would expect to find for each domain name extension listed below, or type in a description in the last column. Low (<15%) High (>30%) (“Other” not shown)

41 41 % Private or personal use (e.g., family or social purpose) Education or Non-Profit A Business (e.g., Selling Goods) Local Community All other 81.886.692.086.1 All existing 38.861.576.844.7 NEW TLDs: 73.774.888.980.3 Geographic 14.211.718.653.1 Generic 66.165.480.853.7 Industry 20.823.935.115.8 Brand 13.011.462.510.0 Domain Name Extension Use Global View - All Countries Combined - By TLD Category Q22. Please indicate what type of website you would expect to find for each domain name extension listed below, or type in a description in the last column. Low (<15%) High (>30%) (“Other” not shown)

42 42 % Private or personal use (e.g., family or social purpose) Education or Non-Profit A Business (e.g., Selling Goods) Local Community ActivitiesOther Australia 12.58.417.058.43.7 Brazil China 11.812.732.342.40.8 Germany 20.514.316.146.22.8 India Mexico Russia Turkey UK US 10.45.313.968.22.2 Total Global14.211.718.653.12.3 Domain Name Extension Use Geographic TLDs Q22. Please indicate what type of website you would expect to find for each domain name extension listed below, or type in a description in the last column.

43 43 % Private or personal use (e.g., family or social purpose) Education or Non-Profit A Business (e.g., Selling Goods) Local Community ActivitiesOther Australia 60.756.682.048.211.3 Brazil China 65.174.784.364.71.8 Germany India 73.566.776.553.06.8 Mexico Russia Turkey UK 63.967.280.952.77.6 US 67.661.980.450.114.3 Total Global 66.165.480.853.78.4 Domain Name Extension Use Generic TLDs Q22. Please indicate what type of website you would expect to find for each domain name extension listed below, or type in a description in the last column.

44 44 % Private or personal use (e.g., family or social purpose) Education or Non-Profit A Business (e.g., Selling Goods) Local Community ActivitiesOther Australia 16.819.345.311.17.4 Brazil China 26.518.128.526.10.8 Germany India 27.727.121.919.93.4 Mexico Russia Turkey UK 17.024.638.115.05.3 US 16.330.541.36.95.1 Total Global 20.823.935.115.84.4 Domain Name Extension Use Industry TLDs Q22. Please indicate what type of website you would expect to find for each domain name extension listed below, or type in a description in the last column.

45 45 % Private or personal use (e.g., family or social purpose) Education or Non-Profit A Business (e.g., Selling Goods) Local Community ActivitiesOther Australia 9.88.669.75.16.8 Brazil China 10.616.755.616.50.6 Germany India 23.111.848.014.13.0 Mexico Russia Turkey UK 11.112.764.39.62.3 US Total Global 13.011.462.510.03.2 Domain Name Extension Use Brand TLDs Q22. Please indicate what type of website you would expect to find for each domain name extension listed below, or type in a description in the last column.

46 46 Rating 1-5; 5=Very Attractive MeanStd. Dev. 3.291.16.yellowpages 3.271.15\.healthcare 3.281.16\.uk\\.in\.cn 3.461.10\.theater\.online 2.741.22 GEO [.your city]\.wales\\.in\.cn\.london\.melbourne\.mumbai 3.301.10\.press 3.011.24 Extrinsic Value of Domain Name Extensions Global View - All Countries Combined Q23. If you were building a website, how attractive would each of the following extensions be to you for your website?

47 47 2.803.493.943.173.08.yellowpages 3.223.633.423.102.99\.healthcare 3.143.453.663.08\.uk\\.in\.cn 3.533.243.693.763.09\.theater\.online 2.383.323.232.562.21 GEO [.your city]\.wales\\.in\.cn\.london\.melbourne\.mumbai 3.183.413.343.263.30\.press 2.693.153.102.993.12 Extrinsic Value of Domain Name Extensions By Country (Mean Rating on 1-5 Scale; 5=Very Attractive) AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q23. If you were building a website, how attractive would each of the following extensions be to you for your website?

48 48 “I do this most often” (%) Type the domain name address directly into the browser address bar (ex. 33 Type a company or relevant term into a search engine 41 Use a bookmark that I have set up 15 Click on a link from an email or other source 4 Use social media or a social service (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 5 Use an “app” provided by that company (ex. download an app from their bookstore or web page) 2 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q24. How do you navigate to or get to web sites on the Internet? Indicate which one method you use most often and which others you use sometimes or never.

49 49 Type the domain name address directly into the browser address bar (ex. 2731472931 Type a company or relevant term into a search engine 5039254643 Use a bookmark that I have set up 1324101613 Click on a link from an email or other source 43636 Use social media or a social service (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 43964 Use an “app” provided by that company (ex. download an app from their bookstore or web page) 21313 Internet Usage Preferences By Country - “I do this most often” (%) AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q24. How do you navigate to or get to web sites on the Internet? Indicate which one method you use most often and which others you use sometimes or never.

50 50 “I do this most often” + “I do this sometimes” (%) Type the domain name address directly into the browser address bar (ex. 86 Type a company or relevant term into a search engine 93 Use a bookmark that I have set up 76 Click on a link from an email or other source 75 Use social media or a social service (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 61 Use an “app” provided by that company (ex. download an app from their bookstore or web page) 52 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q24. How do you navigate to or get to web sites on the Internet? Indicate which one method you use most often and which others you use sometimes or never.

51 51 Type the domain name address directly into the browser address bar (ex. 8189908388 Type a company or relevant term into a search engine 9593919592 Use a bookmark that I have set up 6987737577 Click on a link from an email or other source 7975747175 Use social media or a social service (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 4478715754 Use an “app” provided by that company (ex. download an app from their bookstore or web page) 4065604256 Internet Usage Preferences By Country - “I do this most often” + “I do this sometimes” (%) AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q24. How do you navigate to or get to web sites on the Internet? Indicate which one method you use most often and which others you use sometimes or never.

52 52 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q25. When doing a search, how regularly do you pay attention to the domain name or website name in the search results before making your selection?

53 53 Internet Usage Preferences By Country Q25. When doing a search, how regularly do you pay attention to the domain name or website name in the search results before making your selection?

54 54 Agreement Rating 1-5; 5=Strongly Agree (Base=Provided a Rating) MeanStd. Dev. More extensions will make it easier to remember Internet addresses because the words on both sides of the dot will have a meaningful connection. 3.381.21 More extensions will provide more opportunity to obtain or use a short or memorable name. 3.601.07 More extensions will make Internet navigation more confusing. 3.521.19 More extensions will be somewhat confusing at first, but then make domain names more useful after a period of adjustment. 3.600.99 I see no reason to limit the number of domain name extensions 3.361.21 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

55 55 More extensions will make it easier to remember Internet addresses because the words on both sides of the dot will have a meaningful connection. 3.143.803.793.272.89 More extensions will provide more opportunity to obtain or use a short or memorable name. 3.393.863.873.593.30 More extensions will make Internet navigation more confusing. 3.443.503.573.403.66 More extensions will be somewhat confusing at first, but then make domain names more useful after a period of adjustment. 3.373.803.783.593.44 I see no reason to limit the number of domain name extensions. 3.243.333.733.463.02 Internet Usage Preferences By Country (Mean Rating on 1-5 Scale; 5=Strongly Agree) AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

56 56 Internet Usage Preferences Total and By Country More extensions will make it easier to remember Internet addresses because the words on both sides of the dot will have a meaningful connection. (% Agree/Disagree) Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

57 57 Internet Usage Preferences Total and By Country More extensions will provide more opportunity to obtain or use a short or memorable name. (% Agree/Disagree) Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

58 58 Internet Usage Preferences Total and By Country More extensions will make Internet navigation more confusing. (% Agree/Disagree) Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

59 59 Internet Usage Preferences Total and By Country More extensions will be somewhat confusing at first, but then make domain names more useful after a period of adjustment. (% Agree/Disagree) Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

60 60 Internet Usage Preferences Total and By Country I see no reason to limit the number of domain name extensions. (% Agree/Disagree) Q26. Having read in this survey about the possibility for more Internet domain name extensions such,.book,.app,, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

61 61 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q27. Are you aware of any efforts taking place that would expand the number of domain name extensions?

62 62 Internet Usage Preferences By Country Q27. Are you aware of any efforts taking place that would expand the number of domain name extensions?

63 63 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q28. Which one of the following statements best describes your position about a possible increase in the number of domain names?

64 64 Internet Usage Preferences By Country Q28. Which one of the following statements best describes your position about a possible increase in the number of domain names?

65 65 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q29. Which of the following do you believe are the best reason(s) for increasing the number of domain name extensions?

66 66 Internet Usage Preferences By Country % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS A. I can obtain a shorter, more relevant or more memorable domain (e.g., vs B. I can link the meaning of my name with the meaning of the new extension. (e.g., vs. C. My preferred domain name was already taken. The new domain extensions expand my options. D. The new extensions better indicate the purpose of an organization or website (e.g.,.music) E. It’s new and novel and that will help me to get attention (e.g.,.ninja) F. To provide a wide variety and availability of categories (brand names, industry types, communities, etc. G. Other reason H. There are no good reasons for establishing new domain name extensions A. I can obtain a shorter, more relevant or more memorable domain (e.g., vs B. I can link the meaning of my name with the meaning of the new extension. (e.g., vs. C. My preferred domain name was already taken. The new domain extensions expand my options. D. The new extensions better indicate the purpose of an organization or website (e.g.,.music) E. It’s new and novel and that will help me to get attention (e.g.,.ninja) F. To provide a wide variety and availability of categories (brand names, industry types, communities, etc. G. Other reason H. There are no good reasons for establishing new domain name extensions Best Reasons for Increasing the Number of Domain Name Extensions (%; Multiple Responses) Q29. Which of the following do you believe are the best reason(s) for increasing the number of domain name extensions?

67 67 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q30. Have you seen any of the new domain name extensions in use?

68 68 Internet Usage Preferences By Country Q30. Have you seen any of the new domain name extensions in use?

69 69 Internet Usage Preferences Global View - All Countries Combined Q31. Where have you seen a new domain name extension in use?

70 70 Internet Usage Preferences By Country % AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUS A. Visited a website with a new domain name extension B. Saw an advertisement with a new domain name extension C. Noticed a new domain name extension in a search result D. Received an email from someone using a new domain name extension E. Noticed new domain names when visiting the website or app of a domain name registrar (e.g., GoDaddy, 1and1, etc.) F. Other G. Don’t know/don’t remember A. Visited a website with a new domain name extension B. Saw an advertisement with a new domain name extension C. Noticed a new domain name extension in a search result D. Received an email from someone using a new domain name extension E. Noticed new domain names when visiting the website or app of a domain name registrar (e.g., GoDaddy, 1and1, etc.) F. Other G. Don’t know/don’t remember Where Have Seen a New Domain Name Extension in Use (%) (Base=Have Seen Names in Use; Multiple Responses) Q31. Where have you seen a new domain name extension in use?

71 71 % Age 18-24 1071410146 25-34 22173023 19 35-44 191121 22 45-54 191320242118 55-64 161912131817 65-69 91927311 70+ 5130217 Gender Male 556449655441 Female 453651354659 Demographics By Country Q3. What is your age? Q4. Are you…? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUSGlobal

72 72 % # Hours/Day Use Internet (not including email) 1 to less than 2 17279141523 2 to less than 3 273416232734 3 to less than 5 24222824 23 5 or more hours/day 321747403420 Purpose Internet is Used the Most Business/Work 331652551327 School 434843 Personal 638144378270 Usage Metrics By Country Q5. On average, how many hours per day do you use the Internet (not including checking/sending email)? Q6. For what purposes do you use the Internet the most? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUSGlobal

73 73 % Domain Name Ownership Never registered 717665 6980 Registered one 211824272312 Registered multiple 8611879 Usage Metrics By Country Q8. Which of the following activities do you regularly conduct online? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUSGlobal

74 74 % Online Activities (Multiple Responses; % “I Do This”) Search web for info 99 1009899 Make reservations for restaurants or other entertainment 665481706662 Purchase goods from well-known websites 917899909593 Purchase goods from a variety of websites, including some that are new to me 797286728479 Online banking and bill paying 898698888392 Research competitive offers/pricing for large ticket items like a car 757670667882 Social activities such as communicating with others, gaming and entertainment 877797918880 Usage Metrics By Country Q8. Which of the following activities do you regularly conduct online? AustraliaBrazilChinaIndiaGermanyMexicoRussiaTurkeyUKUSGlobal

75 75 Usage Metrics By Country Q8. Which of the following activities do you regularly conduct online? %

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