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1 Improving the Efficiency of Moving Goods from Ports to Market Good Jobs – Green Jobs Conference February 10, 2014 American Association of Port Authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Improving the Efficiency of Moving Goods from Ports to Market Good Jobs – Green Jobs Conference February 10, 2014 American Association of Port Authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Improving the Efficiency of Moving Goods from Ports to Market Good Jobs – Green Jobs Conference February 10, 2014 American Association of Port Authorities 703.684.5700 Susan Monteverde Vice President of Government Relations American Association of Port Authorities

2 2 American Association of Port Authorities Representing Seaports of the Western Hemisphere for more than 100 years 150+ member ports Fostering collaboration among members and allied groups through: Education and training Networking and one-on-one interaction Legislative and policy support Outreach to policymakers, influencers, media

3 3 SEAPORTS DELIVER PROSPERITY -- In the U.S. Alone… More than 13.3 million Americans are employed in moving goods and people in/out of U.S. ports. Ports handle 99.7% of U.S. overseas cargo. Less than 0.3% is handled by airports. U.S. ports move $3.2 trillion worth of goods annually…imports and exports…and 10 million cruise passengers, and move military equipment. International trade represents more than ¼ of U.S. GDP American ports generate over $200 billion in tax revenue annually.


5 5 Transportation and The Environment Rail Trucks Cargo-handling Equipment Ocean-going Vessels and Harbor Craft Close Population Centers Dredging/Storm Water Runoff /Remediation and Restoration Buildings Efficiency

6 6 PORT EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS SPUR GREEN JOBS Goals for Green Power and Energy Efficiency Green Building Programs Green Purchase Requirements Solar Power

7 7 PORT IMPROVEMENTS SPUR GREEN JOBS Re-roofing Re-lamping Replacement of A/C systems with Energy-Star Rated Systems Installation of Motion Sensor-Controlled Lights Wind Energy Shipping materials Staging On-site farms

8 8 PORT CONSERVATION EFFORTS Restoring Wetlands Water Conservation Storm Water Run-off Tree Planting Recycling – collection use of materials shipment overseas Low-flow Water-usage Plumbing footer goes here

9 9 Transportation and The Environment Rail Trucks Cargo-handling Equipment Ocean-going Vessels and Harbor Craft Close Population Centers Dredging/Storm Water Runoff /Remediation and Restoration Buildings

10 10 Funding Port Funding DERA State Funds Type of Programs Clean Truck Programs Clean Fuel Incentives Vessel Speed Reduction Alternative Maritime Power Yard Equipment Repower Rail/Dredging Repower LNG AIR EMISSIONS: Different Approaches at Different Ports

11 11 Massachusetts Port Authority – Trucks Port of San Francisco – Cruise Ship Electrification PortMiami – Cargo-handling Equipment Port of Corpus Christi – Locomotive Georgia Ports Authority – Marine Engines Port of Baltimore – Variety of Engines Long Beach – replace and retrofit yard equipment Diesel Emissions Reduction Act (DERA) Grants

12 12 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Emission Control Area (ECA) - AAPA supported speeding up cleaner vessel fuel requirements Cruise Ships Fuel Availability (LNG) EPA Clean Air Regulations -New Engine Requirements -Criteria Pollutants/expansion could result in more ports being located in non-attainment areas California Regulations footer goes here

13 13 STRATEGIC APPROACHES Pacific Northwest Ports Clean Air Strategy


15 15 GOODS MOVEMENT EFFICIENCIES On –Dock Rail Automated Gates Reduces Truck Idling footer goes here

16 16

17 17 Thank you!

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