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JUSP Utilising usage data to assist in decision-making Angela Conyers Evidence Base, Research & Evaluation Birmingham City University.

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Presentation on theme: "JUSP Utilising usage data to assist in decision-making Angela Conyers Evidence Base, Research & Evaluation Birmingham City University."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUSP Utilising usage data to assist in decision-making Angela Conyers Evidence Base, Research & Evaluation Birmingham City University

2 2012 Some memorable events

3 2013 International Year of Statistics

4 “Statistics can be used to help make well-informed choices, take sound decisions and understand the society and the world we live in” Chris Skinner, Professor of Statistics, LSE

5 Why count? Usage statistics provide essential evidence: to show how e-resources are being used to look at trends over time to inform renewal/cancellation decisions to demonstrate value for money

6 What does it all mean? How to use the figures to analyse usage and show value for money

7 @juspsta

8 Supports UK academic libraries by providing a single point of access to e-journal usage data Assists management of e-journals collections, evaluation and decision- making Provides statistics to ensure the best deals for the academic community


10 151 UK libraries in JUSP All UK higher education institutions and research councils are welcome to participate uk/participants.html

11 American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC) American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) American Chemical Society (ACS) American Diabetes Association (ADA) American Institute of Physics (AIP) Annual Reviews American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Agronomy (ASA) Berg Publishers BioOne BRILL British Medical Journal Publishing Group (BMJ) Cambridge University Press (CUP) Crop Science Society of America (CSSA) Duke University Press Edinburgh University Press (EUP) Elsevier Emerald European Respiratory Society Future Medicine Ltd Geological Society of America IEEE IOP Publishing IOS Press Irish Newspaper Archive JSAD - Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs JSTOR Liverpool University Press (LUP) Nature Publishing Group (NPG) Oxford University Press (OUP) Project MUSE Royal College of Psychiatrists Royal Society Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Royal Society of Medicine SAGE Society for General Microbiology Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) Springer Taylor & Francis Wiley-Blackwell 3 intermediaries Ebsco EJS Publishing Technology (ingentaconnect) Swets

12 COUNTER usage reports JR1 Journal Report 1: Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests by Month and Journal JR1a Journal Report 1a: Number of Successful Full-Text Article Requests from an Archive by Month and Journal / 2920562020/

13 Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) M2M way of gathering statistics Replaces the user- mediated collection of usage reports SUSHI server to gather data from JUSP

14 Collecting the evidence Have you got all the information you need? Is it complete? Is it too much?

15 Have you got all the information you need? JR1 and JR1A reports

16 Is it complete? Adding intermediaries

17 Is it too much? Subtracting the backfiles

18 Usage data for decision- making Some JUSP reports: SCONUL returns Trends over time Titles with the highest use Titles and deals

19 SCONUL returns

20 Trends over time

21 Titles with the highest use- all publishers

22 What’s the deal? What titles are in the deal? Comparing deals Looking at deals over time Usage of titles and deals

23 Viewing usage of titles and deals

24 Usage ranges showing nil use

25 Core or subscribed titles Mark these up in JUSP: To view value of a deal: How much use is being made of the core titles? How much use is being made of the unsubscribed titles included in the deal? To review usage with schools/faculties To consider possible cancellations/substitutions where these are allowed.

26 Titles with the highest use which are core titles?

27 Adding cost or subject data to JUSP reports Most JUSP reports can be downloaded: Add costs to the ‘annual summary of publisher use’ to compare costs per download Core titles cost more: sort reports by ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ titles to compare costs of each Add your subject categories or fund codes to core or subscribed titles to report on usage to schools/faculties

28 Community resource responding to what people want Working closely with libraries to understand how JUSP is being used and how it can help decision-making Information sharing and training events Developing new reports and features from user feedback Quick response rates encourage active user participation

29 JUSP Utilising usage data to assist in decision-making Helpdesk: @juspstats

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