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An Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System An Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System Ashley Boyd October 22 nd, 2012 Melville Dewey Image.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System An Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System Ashley Boyd October 22 nd, 2012 Melville Dewey Image."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System An Introduction to the Dewey Decimal System Ashley Boyd October 22 nd, 2012 Melville Dewey Image

2 This presentation is meant for high school students who volunteer in the media center and for media center student assistants. The purpose of the presentation serves to provide information to the students in order for them to help other students find materials in the media center. Also, the presentation provides students with information that will help them complete their day-to-day tasks in the media center. Clip Art

3 How is the media center organized?

4 How well do you know your media center? 0 How are the nonfiction books classified? 0 Where would I look if I wanted a book about the state of Georgia? 0 A teacher comes in wanting a book about famous court cases, where would you tell him/her to look? 0 You are starting a project about music. Where would you look for books about this topic? 0 A class is doing research using famous works by Shakespeare, where should you pull books for their research? 0 The Spanish class needs to use books about the Spanish Language, where do you tell them to look? Clip Art

5 Why is Dewey important? 0 Easy to find nonfiction materials 0 Can refer to call numbers to find materials 0 Organizes non-fiction works into the ten broad categories Dewey Book Image

6 How are books in the media center organized? 0 Dewey Decimal System 0 000-900s (Nonfiction works) 0 000s: Generalities 0 100: Philosophy & Psychology 0 200: Religion 0 300: Social Sciences 0 400: Language 0 500: Science 0 600: Technology (Applied Sciences) 0 700: Arts and Recreation 0 800: Literature 0 900: History, Geography, & Biography Bookworm Reading Image

7 How to identify the Dewey number This is what the call number looks like on the lower end of the spine of the book. When books are in proper Dewey order according to call numbers, it is easier to find the materials you need. Remember to be sure to check the last three letters of the author’s name when shelving materials. Feldman, D. ( 1992). When Did Poodles Roam the Earth? New York: Random House Publishing.

8 000’s Generalities 0 General info, computer science, information science, manuscripts and rare books Image from Brookshear, J.G. (2011). Computer Science: An Overview (11 th Ed.). Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.

9 100’s Philosophy and Psychology 0 Philosophy, psychology, logic, and ethics Call number 155.9 Wal Walker, C.E. (2001). Learn to Relax: Proven Techniques for Reducing Stress, Tension, and Anxiety—and Promoting Peak Performance (3 rd Ed). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing.

10 200’s Religion 0 Religion, theory of religion, Christianity, and other religions Call Number 291 Wor Terhart, F. (2007). World Religion: Origins Practices Beliefs Worldview. New York: Paragon Inc.

11 300’s Social Sciences 0 Social sciences, anthropology, law, sociology, education, political science, economics Call number 305.40902 Williams, M.N., & Echols, A. (1994). Between Pit and Pedestal: Women in the Middle Ages. Princeton, NJ: Markus Weiner Publishing.

12 400’s Languages 0 Languages and linguistics Call number 433.21 Con Clark, M. & Thyen, O. (Eds). (1997). The Concise Oxford-Duden German Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

13 500’s Sciences 0 Science, math, chemistry, astronomy, plants, fossils, animals, and life sciences Call number 500 Tay Taylor, P.L. (2002). Science at the Extreme. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing.

14 600’s Technology and Applied Sciences 0 Technology, medicine, health, engineering, agriculture, management, manufacturing, and buildings Notice the call numbers for these books are the same (620 Car) because they are the same book, but they are different editions. Ferguson. (1998 & 2007). Careers in Focus: Engineering. New York: Ferguson Publishing.

15 700’s Arts and Recreation 0 Decorative arts, architecture, drawing, painting, graphic art, photography, and music Call number 759.13 Lyn Lynes, B. (2001) Okeefe’s Okeefes: The Artist’s Collection. London: Thames & Hudson.

16 800’s Literature 0 All types of literature—English, Old English, American, Spanish, Italian, Latin, etc. Shakespeare, W & Sparknotes. (2003). No Fear Shakespeare: Macbeth. New York: Sparknotes.

17 900’s History, Geography, and Biographies 0 History, geography, travel, biography, and histories specific to each continent Marwick, A. (1998). The Sixties. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

18 Matching Titles 0 Paraguay & Uruguay 0 The Beginning of Hinduism 0 How to Play the Piano 0 Criminal Law 0 Organic Chemistry 0 Philosophy of France 0 100’s 0 300’s 0 500’s 0 200’s 0 900’s 0 700’s

19 Matching Titles: Answers 0 Paraguay & Uruguay 0 The Beginning of Hinduism 0 How to Play the Piano 0 Criminal Law 0 Organic Chemistry 0 Philosophy of France 0 900’s 0 200’s 0 700’s 0 300’s 0 500’s 0 100’s

20 Now you are a professional “Deweyer” Dewey Tattoo Image

21 References 0 Bookworm Reading Image. Retrieved 27 Oct 2012 from System-136.html System-136.html 0 Brookshear, J.G. (2011). Computer Science: An Overview (11 th Ed.). Boston, MA: Addison- Wesley. 0 Clark, M. & Thyen, O. (Eds). (1997). The Concise Oxford-Duden German Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 0 Dewey Book Image. Retrieved 27 Oct 2012 from &tbnid=VOGduMf3L1Ag_M:&imgrefurl= ml&docid=q4CjiIp3ze9OkM&imgurl= s.gif&w=600&h=191&ei=NFqMUK77Kouc9QTJgYGgBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=286&vpy=3 68&dur=752&hovh=126&hovw=398&tx=249&ty=54&sig=102397856278753635828&page =1&tbnh=92&tbnw=244&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:130 0 Dewey Tattoo Image. Retrieved 27 Oct 2012 from nms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=hHKVUPXvH4ye8gTqo4GQAg&sqi=2&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=12 80&bih=597 0 Feldman, D. ( 1992). When Did Poodles Roam the Earth? New York: Random House Publishing. 0 Ferguson. (1998 & 2007). Careers in Focus: Engineering. New York: Ferguson Publishing. 0 Lynes, B. (2001) Okeefe’s Okeefes: The Artist’s Collection. London: Thames & Hudson. 0 Marwick, A. (1998). The Sixties. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

22 References (continued) 0 Melvil Dewey Image. Retrieved 27 Oct 2012 from http://www.fbi.fh- http://www.fbi.fh- 0 Shakespeare, W & Sparknotes. (2003). No Fear Shakespeare: Macbeth. New York: Sparknotes. 0 Taylor, P.L. (2002). Science at the Extreme. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing. 0 Terhart, F. (2007). World Religion: Origins Practices Beliefs Worldview. New York: Paragon Inc. 0 Walker, C.E. (2001). Learn to Relax: Proven Techniques for Reducing Stress, Tension, and Anxiety—and Promoting Peak Performance (3 rd Ed). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing. 0 Williams, M.N., & Echols, A. (1994). Between Pit and Pedestal: Women in the Middle Ages. Princeton, NJ: Markus Weiner Publishing.

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