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Vocab 6 Voc 6. accolade Link: lemonade Jane and Jack received ACCOLADES for their LEMONADE. noun An award, and honor, approval, praise Voc 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab 6 Voc 6. accolade Link: lemonade Jane and Jack received ACCOLADES for their LEMONADE. noun An award, and honor, approval, praise Voc 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab 6 Voc 6

2 accolade Link: lemonade Jane and Jack received ACCOLADES for their LEMONADE. noun An award, and honor, approval, praise Voc 6

3 noxious Link: Knocks us Link: Knocks us Poison oak is so NOXIOUS it KNOCKS you out. adj Destructive or harmful to human beings Voc 6

4 myriad Link: Mirror add Link: Mirror add Many MIRRORS ADD a MYRIAD of reflections. noun An extremely large number Voc 6

5 caucus Link: cactus Noun A meeting of members of a political party A caucus of cacti Voc 6

6 demonic My English teacher was DEMONIC… Link: Demon adj evil, devilish Voc 6

7 grandiloquent Link: Grand Elephant Link: Grand Elephant The GRAND ELEPHANT made a GRANDILOQUENT speech. Also: grandiloquence adj Using big words or grand gestures Voc 6

8 harangue Link: Link: meringue His HARANGUE that “women should stay at home” was met with MERINGUE pies. Verb/noun haranguer To lecture, berate, a long bombastic speech Voc 6

9 dromedary Link: Roaming dairy Link: Roaming dairy On the Arabian deserts, a mother DROMEDARY is a ROAMING DAIRY noun A one- humped domesticated camel Voc 6

10 proficient The ultimate PROFICIENT PRO FISHERMAN. Link Link: Pro fisherman Link: Pro fisherman adj Also: proficiency Skillful; to be very good at anything Voc 6

11 atrophy Link: trophy Link: trophy Once a TROPHY champion, Jim’s muscles ATROPHIED due to a chronic illness. verb Also: atrophied atrophic to wither away Voc 6

12 WORD PARTS Know these, know 1000’s! Greek + Latin Voc 6

13 Word rootMeaningRelated wordsWord studies for more learning! 1 A- NOT Not having Without Amoral Having absent sense of morality (right/wrong) moral Immoral being opposed to good morals anarchy Without gov’t (chaos) archy Structure Patriarchy Hierarchy Oligarchy anomaly A deviation from normal norm standard Word Roots: Your chart Voc 6

14 Word rootMeaningRelated wordsWord studies for more learning! 1 mono- One Single monochromatic Single colored chroma color monogram One-lettered mark gram Written form telegram grammar diagram monotheistic Faith in one God Thei- God Atheism -ist A person who practices Word Roots: Your chart Voc 6

15 Word rootMeaningRelated wordsWord studies for more learning! 1 Poly- many multiple polytechnic Many crafted technic al Arts+cra fts Technical Infotech polygon Many sided shape gon shape diagonal polygamy Having multiple spouses gamy marriage, pollinatio n Monogamy monogamous Word Roots: Your chart Voc 6

16 Vocab 6 Practice Quiz Vocab Fill In Voc 6

17 1. skillfull List 6 Voc 6

18 2. To wither away List 6 Voc 6

19 3. Attempting to impress with big words List 6 Voc 6

20 4. evil List 6 Voc 6

21 5. Physically or mentally destructive List 6 Voc 6

22 6. An award, an honor List 6 Voc 6

23 7. An extremely large number!!! 8.8. Meeting of the members of a political party List 6 Voc 6

24 9.9. 9.9. A one-humped domestic camel A one-humped domestic camel List 6 Voc 6

25 10. To lecture, berate List 6 Voc 6

26 11. without WORD PARTS [root] List 6 Voc 6

27 12. many WORD PARTS [root] List 6 Voc 6

28 13. one WORD PARTS [root] List 6 Voc 6

29 14. A deviation from normal WORD PARTS List 6 Voc 6

30 15. Having one color WORD PARTS List 6 Voc 6

31 16. Variety of trades, sci, and crafts WORD PARTS List 6 Voc 6

32 17. Having no government; hence, chaos WORD PARTS List 6 Voc 6

33 18. Many spouses WORD PARTS List 6 Voc 6

34 Answers1 1. proficient 2. atrophy 3. grandiloquent 4. demonic 5. noxious 1. proficient 2. atrophy 3. grandiloquent 4. demonic 5. noxious Voc 6

35 Answers2 6. ac c olade 7. myr ia d 8. caucus 9. dromedary 10. harang ue 6. ac c olade 7. myr ia d 8. caucus 9. dromedary 10. harang ue Voc 6

36 Answers3 11. a- 12. poly- 13. mono- 14. anomaly 15. monochromatic 11. a- 12. poly- 13. mono- 14. anomaly 15. monochromatic Voc 6

37 Answers4 16. polytechnic 17. anarchy 18. polygamy 16. polytechnic 17. anarchy 18. polygamy Voc 6

38 Test today 1. profishent 2. attrowfee 3. grrandilokwint 4. demonic 5. knockshuss 1. profishent 2. attrowfee 3. grrandilokwint 4. demonic 5. knockshuss 6. acholayde 7. meereeadd 8. kockus 9. drahmuhdairy 10. huhranng 6. acholayde 7. meereeadd 8. kockus 9. drahmuhdairy 10. huhranng

39 Know your Sentence types: Vocab Fill In

40 They knifed the kine and flayed each carcass, cutting thighbones free to wrap in folds of fat. Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex Sentence types

41 They knifed the kine and flayed each carcass, cutting thighbones free to wrap in folds of fat. Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex Sentence types This part of the sentence is NOT a clause (merely -ing phrase)

42 My faithful company rested on their oars, peeling off the wax that I had laid thick on their ears and they set me free. Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex Sentence types

43 My faithful company rested on their oars, peeling off the wax that I had laid thick on their ears and they set me free. Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex Sentence types This part of the sentence starts a DEPENDENT CLAUSE (That) And this is the second independ. clause

44 We must obey the orders as I give them! Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex Sentence types

45 We must obey the orders as I give them! Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex Sentence types This part of the sentence starts a dependent clause (AS)

46 She ate them as they shrieked there and deathly pity ran me through at the sight. Sentence types Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex

47 She ate them as they shrieked there and deathly pity ran me through at the sight. Sentence types Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex 2 x Independent Clauses 1 x Dependent clause

48 Vocab Fill in! Vocab Fill In

49 1. No presents for anyone who acts ________. Vocab Fill in!

50 2. There are a __________ of points I need to make up in English. Vocab Fill in!

51 3. She started to get arrogant from all the ________ she kept receiving. Vocab Fill in!

52 4. Use smart, ___________ words in English and probably your teacher will like you. Vocab Fill in!

53 5. I crashed my dad’s car and then faced _________ for my irresponsibility for months. Vocab Fill in!

54 6. I am so ________ at golf that I get free balls. Vocab Fill in!

55 7. Charlie Brown buys a pretty ___________ tree in his Christmas cartoon special. Vocab Fill in!

56 8. Egg nog! Yuck. Purely ______ stuff. Vocab Fill in!

57 9. Don’t smoke just because some company showed you an ad with a __________ in it. Vocab Fill in!

58 10. Come to think, I just _________ you about smoking. Vocab Fill in!

59 11. In conclusion, I want your vocab 6 ________ to be excellent for our test. Vocab Fill in!

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