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ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting May 20, 2014 10:00 –11:00 - ExCEL Admin & Program Updates 11:00–12:00 : habits of mind.

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Presentation on theme: "ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting May 20, 2014 10:00 –11:00 - ExCEL Admin & Program Updates 11:00–12:00 : habits of mind."— Presentation transcript:

1 ExCEL After School Program Lead Agency/Site Coordinator Meeting May 20, 2014 10:00 –11:00 - ExCEL Admin & Program Updates 11:00–12:00 : habits of mind 12noon-1pm: Workshops Deadlines – Don’t miss them! Stop, Drop & Dance - Recognitions! Expanded Learning Collaborative – the Year in Review MYEEP- Summer intern needs? Brain Break Activity…..

2 Conference Room Studio BNia Room Family Literacy The Devil is in the detail: Invoice, Injury and Incident reports School Loop 12noon- 1pm: Professional Development Workshops

3 Reminders Last IA exam of year: June 5 th – at 20 Cook, 1 st Floor Link: June 5th, 2014 IA Exam. Times: 9am-10:30am, 11am-12:30pm, 1pm-2:30pmJune 5th, 2014 IA Exam. Times: 9am-10:30am, 11am-12:30pm, 1pm-2:30pm First Source Hire Orientation: May 27 th from 4-6pm @ City College. Students can enroll at orientation! ExCEL August Institute – August 7 th – 9-4pm @ St. Mary’s

4 Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines….. ALL SFUSD purchasing deadlines have ended. May 19 th was the FINAL day to submit budget revisions for invoices. June 6 th is the FINAL day to submit May invoices. July 9 th is the FINAL day for FY 13-14 invoices. Please do not submit multiple months of invoices in July.

5 Stop, Drop & DANCE flashmob style WHAT: Stop, Drop & Dance Flashmob WHY: To Celebrate International Dance Day To Promote Inclusion & Diversity To Participate a City-Wide After School Event To Have Fun! WHEN: Tuesday, April 29- time TBD?

6 During the 2013-2014 School Year The Technical Assistance Project Offered: Online networking Workshops Peer networking events Coaching

7 The Technical Assistance Project will considered successful if it: 1. Improves OST program quality; 2. Creates more coherence in the language and tools OST providers use to describe program quality; and 3. Increases awareness of the many program quality tools that have been developed by the Expanded Learning Collaborative and other such efforts nationwide.

8 www.sfelc.o rg Website news: Kathleen Martinez’s Enrichment Units are now available for download! FREE! enrichment-curricula/

9 Website Statistics to Date December: 1,000 Unique Visitors March: 1,723 Unique Visitors Now: Almost 2,300 Users!

10 Social Media Like us! 49 people like us Follow us @SF_ELC 52 following us

11 Workshops and Brown Bags 19 Events = 270 in Attendance (57%) 3 Afterschool QSA = 26 (35%) 7 Brown Bags = 61 (35%) 3 Core Competencies = 55 (73%) 4 Resource Guide = 69 (69%) 2 Summer QSA = 30 (60%)

12 Workshops and Brown Bags 225 Individuals Attended From Approximately 90 Agencies

13 Coaching Statistics Over 80 sites have been matched Plus many sites are receiving second rounds Currently over 70% of goal Coaching will continue over the summer! Sign up at

14 2014 August Institute and beyond… Now for something a little different! Site-Based Leadership Team Application Survey Ignite/Ted Talks, team building, new ideas Longer workshop(s) Distribution of the Resource Guide Afternoons for think tanks, field trips, panels, planning, coaching…

15 2014 August Institute and beyond… Next Year RFQ Single planning document ELC Workgroup

16 For more information:


18 …….a set of national standards for English/Language Arts & Mathematics, that represent what students in grades K-12 should master in order to be college and career ready. Common Core State Standards – what are they?

19 The CCSS does not have science has a “core” …. however California has also adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) which are aligned with the Common Core/ELA and Math standards, but are SEPARATE Science Standards. What about Science?

20 The Common Core standards emphasize students demonstrating understanding of content and analyzing written materials rather than memorizing specific information.. Sound familiar????? different How are CCSS different than the current state standards????

21 The Common Core Standards have an accompanying list of the “Habits of Mind”. The Habits of Mind describe a range of skills that are critical to not only success in academics, but success in work and life. Each Common Core Standard has its own Habits of Mind; however the skill sets are not exclusive to math or ELA. In fact, they are overarching skills that students need to be successful in any endeavor. The NGSS follows the same rubric… What are the Habits of Mind?

22 Overlapping Practices

23 Which Habits of MIND????????????

24 Habits of Mind Activity: Objective: Participants will become familiar with the 16 essential habits of mind and how they relate to the Common Core State Standards Habits of mind. Modeling objectives: Designing activities with adult education theory in mind Modeling how the design of an activity can support developing skills and capacities that support learning during the school day. Habits of Mind objectives: Thinking flexibly; Questioning and problem posing; Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision; Thinking interdependently TAKING RESPONSIBLE RISKS…….

25 Each person will be given a card(s) that goes in one of the three categories: “Shifts in Leaders practice”, Shifts in Teacher’s practice”, and “Shifts in Students Practice”. Each person reads their card and decides which category they think it belongs. Which Habit of Mind? Thinking flexibly Thinking interdependently

26 Each person explains to the rest of the group why they placed it in a particular category. Which Habit of Mind? Thinking and communicating with clarity & precision

27 Group members then have the opportunity to ask clarifying questions, agree with selection, or choose a different category. Which Habit of Mind? Questioning & Problem Posing

28 At the end of game, table facilitator leads general discussion about why certain cards were put into certain categories; if there were some cards that may have fit into more than one particular category. Which Habit of Mind? Thinking & communicating with clarity & precision Thinking flexibly Thinking interdependently

29 Conference Room Studio BNia Room Family Literacy The Devil is in the detail: Invoice, Injury and Incident reports School Loop 12noon- 1pm: Professional Development Workshops

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