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Bernadette Fairbanks, Alaska Freedom Atlanta, Georgia Neyeska Queens, New York Learning to Love Science: Lessons in Effective Mentoring from Girls on Ice.

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Presentation on theme: "Bernadette Fairbanks, Alaska Freedom Atlanta, Georgia Neyeska Queens, New York Learning to Love Science: Lessons in Effective Mentoring from Girls on Ice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bernadette Fairbanks, Alaska Freedom Atlanta, Georgia Neyeska Queens, New York Learning to Love Science: Lessons in Effective Mentoring from Girls on Ice Erin Pettit Learning to Love Science: Lessons in Effective Mentoring from Girls on Ice Erin Pettit

2 The Message Excitement, interest in science is not enough to lead to a career The Message Excitement, interest in science is not enough to lead to a career You can’t be what you can’t see You can’t be what you can’t see Marian Wright Edelman

3 Neyeska Freedom Bernadette 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take. 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take.

4 Outreach for youth Broad reach = low impact goal: excitement about science audience: youth, general public Broad reach = low impact goal: excitement about science audience: youth, general public Narrow reach = high impact goal: careers? audience: undergraduate and up Narrow reach = high impact goal: careers? audience: undergraduate and up But especially those from underrepresented need high impact earlier! But especially those from underrepresented need high impact earlier!

5 Bernadette Step 1: Interest in and Excitement about science Step 1: Interest in and Excitement about science

6 Teach the Whole Process of Science … and connect it to Art (for example)


8 Bernadette

9 Neyeska Step 2. Visualize herself as a scientist You can’t be what you can’t see Neyeska sees: Earth Science Teacher You can’t be what you can’t see Neyeska sees: Earth Science Teacher What is a role model? "person who serves as an example, whose behavior is emulated by others"

10 Neyeska But a true role model has something in common with you

11 NeyeskaFreedom Step 3. Have the confidence to do it She needs to see herself succeed.

12 Teach the Whole Process of Science

13 Teach to the Whole Student Intellectual Challenge Social Challenge Physical Challenge

14 Neyeska Freedom A support network of peers helps…

15 Neyeska Freedom She needs a mentor “Someone who takes a special interest in helping another achieve their goals”

16 A mentor - challenges her thinking - is supportive through difficulties and failure - celebrates success - doesn’t expect anything in return - will show her the steps to take - introduces her to important people - is an advocate A mentor - challenges her thinking - is supportive through difficulties and failure - celebrates success - doesn’t expect anything in return - will show her the steps to take - introduces her to important people - is an advocate

17 Freedom

18 Neyeska Bernadette Step 4. Know the steps to take

19 Bernadette What to study in college (how to apply for college)? How to get an internship? What to study in college (how to apply for college)? How to get an internship?

20 Neyeska Bernadette 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take. 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take.

21 Neyeska Bernadette Mentoring does not solve all challenges to increasing the diversity in the sciences

22 What can you do as scientists? Start with being a role model: If you give a presentation at a high school – follow it with lunch with the three top students Start with being a role model: If you give a presentation at a high school – follow it with lunch with the three top students Think about these 4 steps in all interactions you have with teenagers. Give them the attention they need and deserve.

23 Bernadette 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take. 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take.

24 Neyeska Bernadette 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take. 1. Interest in and Excitement about science 2. Visualize herself as a scientist 3. Have the confidence to do it 4. Know the steps to take.

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