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Item 2005 L A Rønningen. Reservation Model Pessimistic or Optimistic Approach 1-N Senders and 1-M Receivers Sender-oriented or Receiver-oriented Immediate.

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Presentation on theme: "Item 2005 L A Rønningen. Reservation Model Pessimistic or Optimistic Approach 1-N Senders and 1-M Receivers Sender-oriented or Receiver-oriented Immediate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Item 2005 L A Rønningen

2 Reservation Model Pessimistic or Optimistic Approach 1-N Senders and 1-M Receivers Sender-oriented or Receiver-oriented Immediate or Advanced reservation (for future use) Centralized or Distributed

3 Reservation, generic Sender-oriented, Single Sender and Single Receiver QoS & Resource Manager Resource Manager Sender Resource Manager Resource Manager QoS & Resource Manager Receiver Data flow 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Network node Network node Network node Reservation of e.g.,link capacity 1 – 4 Reservation Request 5 – 8 Reservation Response Admission when all resources are reserved Rejection and cancellation immediately when resource is not available

4 QoS & Resource Manager QoS & Resource Manager Resource Manager Resource Manager Resource Manager Reservation Protocol, generic (URL, StreamID QoS req list) (URL, StreamID QoS req list) User (URL, StreamID QoS req list, de- allocate) (URL, StreamID QoS req list, allocated) 1 4 5 8 User

5 RSVP – Resource Reservation Protocol The Essence of RSVP –Provides reservations for link capacities in multicast trees –Is receiver-oriented

6 RSVP Path - Path message –Sent by senders to tell the routers where to send Resv messages Resv - Reservation message –Sent by the receivers towards senders to specify the wanted receiving data rate. Senders and routers reserve the corresponding link capacity. Follows the same route as Path

7 RSVP example ITEM, 1nov00 Leif Arne Rønningen

8 RSVP Reservation styles –Wildcard-filter: Receiver wants to receive all flows from all senders, the reserved link capacity shall be shared –Fixed-filter: Receiver wants to receive from a group of senders, each with a reserved link capacity for each sender of the group –Dynamic-filter: Receiver wants to receive from a group of senders, with a reserved link capacity for the group. Receiver can change the senders, new reservation of paths is not needed (just like switching TV channels)

9 RSVP – Filters fixed Wild-card dynamic

10 Error Control Human Perception –Too low quality, Temp. loss of data Decompression Technology –Packet loss critical for synch Data Integrity –Errors in stored material, less acceptable than a non-reproduceable data error

11 Error Detection System and transport layer may detect errors, but let the application layer take action

12 Error Correction Retransmission, acknowledgement Window flow- and error control Go-back-N Retransmission Selective Retransmission Can be applied for control-type of data, but Non of the above are suitable for real- time multimedia content!

13 Error Correction Partially Reliable Streams –Only the last n packets of the stream in a certain time intervall will be retransmitted (n given by the timing contraints of the application and the network reliability) Forward Error Correction – FEC –N check bits added to the original S bits of data –Code efficiency, R = S/(S +N) –Can correct up to a certain number of errors –Low delay, hardware

14 Error Correction Priority Channel Coding –Packet streams are given different priorities, and during congestion, low-priority packets are dropped first –Example, in MPEG-2, I and P frames may be given higher priority than B frames Slack Automatic Repeat ReQuest (read)

15 QoS and Resource Monitoring Part of Resource Management Ensure that QoS requirements are satisfied Measurements in Network and at end- points Measured data stored in Data Base Calculation and presentation of measurements Connected to maintenance system

16 QoS Renegotiation User Request for Renegotiation Host System Request for Renegotiation Network Request for Renegotiation

17 QoS Adaptation Network Adaptation –Load balancing Load balancing control QoS routing Dynamic rerouting Performance monitoring

18 QoS Adaptation Source and Application Adaptation –Adapt source packet rate Feedback from measurements in the network Keep bottleneck link queue at a constant length Control theory (PID, prediction,,) –Adapt source packet rate locally (queueing) Graceful degradation of media content during congestion

19 QoS Management Architectures Many proposals (read) Example, Quality Shaping of DMP

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