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2007 Multimedia System Final Paper Presentation Music Recognition 492410021 蘇冠年 492410070 蔡尚穎.

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Presentation on theme: "2007 Multimedia System Final Paper Presentation Music Recognition 492410021 蘇冠年 492410070 蔡尚穎."— Presentation transcript:

1 2007 Multimedia System Final Paper Presentation Music Recognition 492410021 蘇冠年 492410070 蔡尚穎

2 Introduction In future, the problem is not anymore how to get access to multimedia content, the task is how to find what I’m looking for…

3 Music Recognition System Training Data Base Recognition Result Input Data

4 Before the Algorithm Practical Problems - Disturbance of noise - Disturbance of Harmonic - Singer and instrument - …

5 Algorithm I Pitch detection - notes, chords … Based on frequency domain - according to music characteristics, it analyzed spectrum at the music pitches - using Wavelet Transform and DTFT (Discrete-Time Fourier Transform)

6 Frequency Analysis Music signal is of typical time-frequency distribution and has short-time steady property

7 Frequency Analysis Wavelet Transform - Daub4 Wavelet base by Mallet Algorithm DTFT to calculate amplitude - pitch frequency as parameter ω

8 Frequency Analysis Analyzed result

9 Notes Recognition Step 1: Note Voting - 1. analyzed each data by wavelet transform in frequency domain. - 2. picked out a numbers of notes that have biggest amplitudes in a data as candidate notes. - 3. count of the appearance times of the candidate notes in several neighbor dada Step 2 : denote the different segments of the music Step 3 : selected the note that appears most and has the biggest average amplitude

10 - A piece of music - Wave form of the data

11 - the spectrogram of segment 1

12 - determine the note

13 Chords Recognition What is the chord ? The chord components always have the similar amplitude in frequency domain

14 Chords Recognition Step 1 : define as a set of candidate notes and as the amplitude of the notes p Step 2 : calculate likelihood coefficient of each note Step 3 : coefficient L is the average likelihood coefficient among the notes in a candidate chord

15 - A piece of music - Wave form of the data

16 - the spectrogram of segment 1

17 - determine the chords

18 Algorithm II Items of recognizing Single-pitched melody Multiple-instrument melody


20 Pre-Processing

21 Adaptive Template-matching Phase Tracking Template Filtering

22 Phase Tracking z : input signal r, i : possible sound p : narrow-band filter

23 Phase Tracking fs : sampling frequency fc : center frequency of the band-pass filter

24 Template Filtering minimization of J z(k) : input sum of template waveforms hn(m) : convolution of the filter coefficients rn(k) : phase-adjusted waveform

25 Template Filtering

26 Music Stream Networks Problem of local information Bayesian probabilistic network


28 Conclusion

29 Reference 1.Zheng Cao, Shengxiao Guan, Zengfu Wang. “A Real-time Algorithm for Music Recogni tion Based on Wavelet Transform” IEEE June 21 - 23, 2006, Dalian, China 2. Kunio Kashino,Hiroshi Murase. “Music Recognition using Note Transition Context” IEEE 1998, NTT Basic Research Laboratories 3. Karlheinz Brandenburg. “Digital Entertainment: Media technologies for the future” IEEE 2006, Fraunhofer IDMT & Technische Universität Ilmenau 4. Chen Genfand, Xia Shunren. “The study and prototype system of printed music recognit ion”. IEEE 2003 5.D Bainbridge, T C Bell. “Dealing with superimposed objects in optical music recogniti on” IEEE 15-17 July 1997 Universities of Waikato and Canterbury, New Zealand 6. MALLAT'S FAST WAVELET ALGORITHM: RECURSIVE COMPUTATION OF CONTINUOUS-TIME WAVELET COEFFICIENTS

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