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FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Brenda Kerr Instructional Technology Specialist Middle Tennessee State University.

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Presentation on theme: "FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Brenda Kerr Instructional Technology Specialist Middle Tennessee State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Brenda Kerr Instructional Technology Specialist Middle Tennessee State University

2  Twitter  Hash Tags + Saved Searches + Archive  Share text, links, photos, video  Delicious Bookmarks  Shared via Networks  Facebook Pages and Groups  Create group projects  Share text, links, photos, video

3 A networked service focused on building online or virtual communities Accessible through... The Web Mobile Devices Used to… Build Relationships Share Resources Collaborate

4 Mostly Asynchronous Communication  Place to post  Text updates, notes, discussions  Resources: links, video, images, etc.  Organizational component  Groups or Pages  Meta tags/tagged people (links and images) Combo synchronous/asynchronous  Chat capabilities  Twitter can be used both ways

5 SOCIAL INTERACTION OTHER SITES  MySpace  Facebook  Twitter  Linked In  Ning  Blogs  Edublogs  Blogger  Xanga  Swaggle (SMS) RESOURCE GATHERING  Delicious  Flickr  YouTube/TeacherTube  SlideShare

6  Share Text, Images, Video by Computer/Cell  Hashtags - #mtsocial + saved search  Share resources among group members  Comment on live event  Twitterview – Interview a subject matter specialist  Can be archived  Geotags  Shows location of tweeter  Need to turn on

7  Group collaboration – Student Teachers  Students divided into groups by subject taught  Set up MERLOT accounts  Set up Twitter accounts  Assigned group hashtag  Searched for that hashtag and saved the search  Located MERLOT resources  Share resources with group  Group members clicked on the shared link and saved it to their MERLOT bookmarks.

8  Twittory: Creating a story 150 characters at a time - es/twittory-1-the-darkness-inside/ es/twittory-1-the-darkness-inside/  Follow Politicians on Twitter – states/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13109717 states/displaystory.cfm?story_id=13109717  Practice a foreign language  Twitterview (Interview on Twitter)

9  Delicious –  Organize Bookmarks  Tags, Descriptions  Share, Subscribe  YouTube –  Post videos  Comment, share, subscribe.  Flickr –  Post Photos  Upload, describe, share

10 Delicious uses a non-hierarchical classification system for bookmarking websites  Users tag each bookmark with freely chosen index terms  View bookmarks made by others  Fresh bookmarks / Hotlist / Explore Tags  Create your own Network of Users  Bundle Networks into groups  Subscribe to specific tags  Bundle Tags

11  Should you use Facebook?  Rule #1:  No Friending!  Use Pages or Groups to connect with students  Tips  Keep all communication professional  Consider creating 2 profiles  Set privacy settings on profile, pages, and groups  Monitor the Page or Group wall regularly  Don’t allow students to post to the wall??

12 ToolGroupsPages WallXX InfoXX Notes-X DiscussionsXX Links-X PhotosXX EventsXX VideoXX

13 Restrict ToolGroupsPages Wall postingsXX PhotosXX VideosXX LinksXX Open/Close/SecretX- Customize who can view postings -X FeatureGroupsPages Email all MembersXOnly by request Make Officer (Titles only)X- Make AdminXX Mobile Upload-X Add More Apps-X

14  Create a Group or Fan Page for…..  A specific class project  Each group working on a project  Communicate and share resources  Video Presentations  Use desktop camera to video camera  Record or Upload directly into Facebook  Images  Upload and tag photo albums of images.  Share with world when finished!!!

15  Reevaluate Web 2.0 Tools You Use and Like  Can they be used collaboratively?  Remember that 3 rd party software…  May go away at a moment's notice  May not support backup retrieval – Do it Yourself  Export features  Archive features – possibly by another website  Choose technologies that have proved themselves.  Be ready to accept change

16  Guidelines for Educators Using Social Networking Sites:  blog/2009/8/7/guidelines-for-educators-using- social-networking-sites.html blog/2009/8/7/guidelines-for-educators-using- social-networking-sites.html  50 Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom  ways-to-use-twitter-in-the-college-classroom/ ways-to-use-twitter-in-the-college-classroom/

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